hello..thx guys for ur replies.. i really appreciate ur help.
judygram, ill go and intruce my self and tell about my birds.. thx for asking..
BMustee ,in fact ur totally right about and their feeding habits they would starve till they force me to fed them what they ever like.
a bout my amazon,, in fact he is not eating enough nuts to make him get fat, he would only eat a nut or 2 exactly, and would wait till i give him his apples or aranges if he is fed up with apples, which only happens once in a while. and i think thats why he losses weight..
would it work if i stoped feeding him fruits and forced him to get nuts so i can see if there is any change in weight..( he hates nuts)
about my greys.. they love the sunflower seeds and nothing but that.. which is killing me...
i have hand feed small birds befor and they have grown up perfectly.. if u look at my profile pic,, i had feed the blue love bird since she was 6 days old.. she was like a dog runing after me in the house.
what i'm worried about is the parents them selfs cause they r not being on healthy food..
in fact i love to hand fed babes.
so if u have any recomendation let me know please.
take care