Hi everyone. I've been in here numerous times since bringing Harley Jean (named for the girl in "Pure Country" movie w/George Strait)into our home. Although I've known and loved Harley for 10 years, she came to live with my sister and me in Dec. 2007 because her previous caregivers got divorced and it was best for her to come with us due to space, time etc. She's adapted well, loves (and I mean *loves*) my sister. I'm the "mean" one who cleans her cage and takes her in the shower with me. Rosemary is the nice one who, although I pet her and hold her, is the one who "cuddles" her and gets the benefit of the little whimpering noises and attempts to feed my sister. I've had cockatiels so I was very aware of how messy birds can be. Harley is a Congo Grey and quite sweet and a real comedianne. We've given up candles, haven't used the fireplace since we got her. Our house is very open and we're pretty fastidious about her cage. We've also got 4 cats (who couldn't care less about her, really) and 2 dogs whose main interest in her is what food she'll toss out of her cage. Rosemary tries very very hard to introduce fresh food to her in the morning and she gets a seed mix in the evening. We changed her routine from morning seed to morning veg & fruits, some manner of protein like HB eggs, cottage cheese, etc. because we figure she's hungrier in the morning and will eat that. And she gets lots more fresh with some frozen mixed veg. She previously was getting more frozen mix (carrots, grn bns, corn). She's not keen on the fresh and frozen mix but we keep at it because it's healthier for her.
I've got a question, so I'm going over on the other message board to ask.