Hi Everyone just thought I would let you know how Alfie is getting on. He is saying hello albeit in a voice we have not heard before. We think it may be a mix of mine and my wife's voice as we spend equal amounts of time with him. He is one year old tomorrow according to his hatch certificate. We love him loads and would not be parted from him. He is a bundle of fun:woohoo: and is always out and about exploring his surroundings. He can also be a bit of a :evil: but we love him more for it;)
Hi everyone,
Alfie's claws are really sharp,:pinch: the various perches he has are not filing them down enough. Can I file the sharp tip or is this something that requires the vet. When I had Alfie chipped I recall the vet saying we could do it but not to file to much.
Hi everyone Happy New Year to you all;)
Alfie has said hello once and this has not been repeated. He does whistle though Oh how he whistles:pinch: Can't wait for him to start talking in context though.
Hi Caroline and everyone. The Caribbean was fantastic and very hot. The ship was great and we met some new friends from the States. Santa was on our ship and I have posted a video on You Tube to prove it. He was on vacation prior to the big day and he entered the Belly Flop contest follow this link (he is the final contestant) http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=35XLKs12_p0
I didn't see the parrot show in St Thomas had to spend the day at Magens BayB) We are booked for next year (God willing) and are looking forward to another great time.
Steve<br><br>Post edited by: stclerk, at: 2008/12/20 00:18
Will take photos of the parrots in St Thomas and post on my return. Caroline I'll send you an e-card from the shipB) Have a great time Judygram I will of course be thinking of you all:woohoo:
Hi Everyone,
I am off to the Caribbean on Friday I will be going to St Thomas US Virgin Islands on Sunday and will be seeing the Parrots at Paradise Point can't waitB)
George was £250 at around 2 years old and never hand tame although a brilliant vocalist and Alfie was £680 silly tame and weaned. Still miss George:( despite having Alfie:woohoo: you cannot put a price on this kind of relationship