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  1. I'm with we now, she was fine with me for 10minutes through the cage and has just started attacking again. My bf is with mr. I'm not doing anything different since I've been here. Why is she ok then attacks? I just don't get it at all! I'm so upset
  2. Hi, my cag cleo has always bonded with me very well, really loving. Unforunately, I have had issues lately with having a place to live n so she has ended up staying at my bfs. This was find, whenever I had the money I would visit her, she was fine. Now about a wrk ago she started to attack me, even when I was doing something else she was take the time n effort to come over to me and draw blood everytime. I was not expecting it and it upset me so badly I had to leave, she is 18months old and has never attacked me! I have had a few lil bites before when she didn't want to go back in her cage but not like this. The next time I saw her she wouldn't let me near her in the cage, sometimes she would put her head down n I could stroke her but then suddenly she lifts her head n starts attacking. I cannot go near her n if given the chance she comes over n attacks me. Bare in mind she is fine with my bf, he can for anything with her, she has always mainly preferred men but I've had her since she was just weaned. Shewill accept food from me n doesn't sqawk when I go near her but ruffles her feathers n lunges for attack. The last time I saw her she was fine with me, completely fine, my bf had left the room, we thought this may have has something to do with it. She whistled n talked to me and let me stroke her n played, about 10 minutes after my bf came back she just walked upto my arm n attacked multiple times n drew blood. I made my bf leave but she was still the same n it took him 1hour to get her back in her cage, I couldn't be of any help :-( I don't know what to do! Why Is she like this? I've heard of parrots biting for attention n maybe she feels cuz I haven't been able to be there as much that I haven't given her enough attention but when I try to do so I get bitten. People keep asking me if it's time to sell her cuz I haven't had anywhere stable to keep her, I never intended it to be like this, it happened of a bad break up n I was left with nowhere to really go. Now in two weeks I have somewhere to live n cleo can come with but I'm feeling so distant from her I duno what to do. I'm terrified of her tho I try to not show it. She's never been like this with me, is she punishing me for not being there enough?? But why would she let me pet her for abit before biting? Please help! :-(
  3. oh and hey judy =) thanx for remembering me! =D
  4. hi guys, thankyou so much for ur response. cleo gets her new cage today which is big enough for 2 parrots so i hope that cheers her up. been spoiling her rotten. i will keep u posted over the next few months when cleo gets a new steady home like before. i really hope she gets back to normal and that this hasnt affected her too badly, she seems quite sterdy and not overly sensitive to these things, ive seen no signs of depression whatsoever.
  5. Nekkyousha


    Hey all, been a long time since i posted here! Cleo is now 16months old for anyone who remembers me =) i understand greys approx start talking from when they are 18months old plus, but i see little improvement in cleo's vocals despite being constantly spoken too and hearing new sounds, she doesnt seem to be picking up anything new. She has been through a lot due to mine and daves split around 10months ago, but all in all she is happy and healthy and still lively and causing trouble lol. she seemed to be learning and progressing a lot more when me and dave were together and living together with her, she was learning new things all the time, now that seems to have slowed down a lot, we raised her from a chick and all she seems to have kept on is the telephone ring me and dave had in the flat. i have a new partner and we will soon be settled in together and cleo will once again have a steady home and she likes him an awful lot, du you think that will steady her learning pattern again? or is this just normal? she seems the same in personality, maybe im just worrying? i didnt want to permenantly mentally affect her in anyway but it was something that i didnt see coming, me and dave were together a long time, she had a close bond with him. i think im being paranoid lol, just wanted to check this out, i have no other experience with parrots except cleo, so the older she gets the newer it all is.
  6. haha i dont not believe it is going to be your last bird hehe i would like a scarlet macaw but our next bird is a cockatoo, getting one in september.
  7. Well my grey has taken to flying over to my partner dave, do her business and fly back to her cage haha, we had to get her out of this habit. I watch her carefully she lowers her rear end when she's about to go and i interupt her and take her to the toilet and say 'wanna poop' of course i dont expect her to fly herself anywhere, but perhaps she will vocalise when she wants to go one day to make it a lot easier.
  8. Oh Tracey, i think they may have been greenwinged macaws not scarlet he talks about, i have a rainforest book on scarlet macaws so that why they were in my mind. Big flock of them on a cliff, gorgeous! I am definately looking into a new parrot, though i couldnt house something as big as a macaw!
  9. ooo yes dont want him hopping off into the toilet lol, thanks for that, i have a candle we can use, since no dimmer switches. Well most likely try this out today, i wish buzz luck lol.
  10. Yeah joe, he really does have a brilliant voice, its perfect for what he does. He does a large part of Africa in 'The Life Of Mammals' There maybe some very small mention or sightings of greys there, i shall have to dig out my dvds and watch. I am so intrigued to watch them act and behave naturally.
  11. well it has parts to it like feeding, looking after the eggs, parenthood for birds etc etc each one is like a series and there are episodes in between
  12. you two never heard of sir david attenborough?? he does documentaries on animals, really amazing guy, simply the best. I have The Life Of Birds, I sat and watched pretty much all of it, I may have missed some things. Just saw him comment on some amazons though, well Im pretty sure they were. Still looking for greys, eesh i'll have to watch everything! He did a bit on scarlet macaws, was so cool to see them in the wild but judy and bmustee you must check out his work, being bird fans definately check out 'The Life of Birds'
  13. nope doesn't cover greys just sat and watched it all thats kinda odd will have to watch the others to see whether i can find anything
  14. I'm a biiiiig fan of this guy and i have 'The Life' collection, wondering if anyone would know if Sir David has done any work of African Greys in his series?? I would be interested to see that, havent come across anything yet I've seen macaws in his series though
  15. uh oh, Buzz is a fast little bugger lol, gonna be so hard to catch him! but shall let you know how it goes lol.
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