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  1. Hi I have a Jardine's named Rossi, he is an adorable little busy body and never sits still. He bobs up and down when music is playing and is full of cuddles. He was always very interested in Shani the Grey but she is very agressive towards him. I cant put them too close together else she starts performing and trying to bite him. P.S Rossi has a high pitched squeak that Shani picked up and amplified really quickly. Ciao!
  2. Hi everyone. Does anyone know any really good shops for bird stuff in London, Edinburgh or Dublin. I'm from South Africa and my boyfriend is going to the UK for 2 weeks. I have been wanting to get one of these [li]http://www.24parrot.com/Bird-Haven-Original--4-sizes-P8380a/[/li] or something similar for my Jardines parrot Rossi. He loves small spaces like this and it would be great if he could hide out in one above my desk. Trying to order it online wont work cause he wont have a fixed address to collect it from. Thanks in advance Andrea
  3. Hi Jessica Sorry to hear about your baby getting hurt. When did she have the toes amputated? She might still be in pain or drowsy from anesthetic. You could probably help for the first few days by moving her perches and food and water closer to the bottom of the cage. Also putting a towel at the bottom of the cage so if she tries to perch and falls she does hurt herself. When birds are sick or in pain they loose heat really fast so it might be an idea to get her somewhere warm I'm not an expert but this is all advise that Ive read previously. The best person to ask would probably be an avian vet. I hope your baby gets better soon
  4. I have two cockatiels in the same room as my grey. They do not get along at all and if one of the cockatiels accidentally flutters onto Shani's cage, she will go on the attack. One thing i have to warn you about is Shani picked up the male cockatiel vocalisations very quickly and amplified them by x5. So be prepared for some noise :-)
  5. This bird needs an avian vet... You need to suggest it! If they don't listen take the bird yourself, it's not being rude its being a responsible animal lover.
  6. another true parrot owner... i also couldn't be bothered to cook anything for myself but will bake for the birds :-) I use the silicon also, its perfectly safe
  7. My birds have an appointed guardian in my will, she is someone i trust that knows the birds, each bird gets an allowance should something happen to me. This is enough for there guardian to find them new homes and pays for there care, vet bills and food for a year. My boyfriend thinks im a little nuts, but at least i know they will be taken care of when im gone
  8. I dont know about Senegals but we just got a baby Jardine Parrot which is also part of the Poicephalus family, just larger than the Senegal. We have a big conure cage, with lots of horizontal bars for climbing. Rossi sits in the shower with me. He and my CAG had a similar reaction to water in birdie bath, they hate it! Good luck with your rescue!
  9. aww they are such cute pics... love the red patch on the head. :-)
  10. Thanks everyone :-) He is such a darling and a bit of a clown already even though he is still such a baby. I have the next two days of work (parrot maternity leave :whistle: ) so i will be spending loads of time with him getting him adjusted.
  11. Hi Everyone... I created a new post here with pics of my baby http://www.greyforums.net/forums/other-birds/107171-my-new-baby-rossi-jardines-parrot.html#107171
  12. Hi Everyone Brought my new baby home today, Rossi, he is a male Jardines Parrot. I'm completely smitten! He is sleeping peacefully in his cage. I was amazed at how calm he is, not nervous about the new cage just climbed straight in and started chewing toys :-D Andrea
  13. Shani would be the one saying "Hello Monkey pooooo" or shouting "Want Some!" when she sees someone eating. She also has one grey tail feather between the red, but i think it might go red when she molts.
  14. I went into the pet store because they told me they had gotten some baby Hahns macaws, this baby jardine was in the cage next door and started making such a fuss when he saw me, I lost interest in the hahns macaw immediately. :laugh: I had been chosen. I guess that is Jattitude... I will post pictures as soon as i bring him home B)
  15. Hi everyone I went back to the pet shop today and paid for the baby. I'm so excited! Cant wait to bring him home! :laugh:
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