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Everything posted by Lucy776

  2. Good news! I chopped an apple , carrot and strawberries for him and he loves them!!! He still gets nervous when I put my hand in to feed him but does not try to bite! YEAH!
  3. Lovemygreys, Did you mean you would or wouldn't?
  4. This may sound really stupid, bt, when you takeyou bird on a journey to see a vet (2hrs) how long can you leave them in your car if you have to go in to a store or restaurant?
  5. Thank you Sandra! The sadest part of his story is that after 15 yrs with his previous family they never named him. Which is very strange to me. Don't misunderstand, his owner was a very nice man but just didn't name him, he did teach him to say "hello Baby", so maybe he thinks his name is baby - I just don't know. He bit me through gloves when I moved him form cage to carrier to cage, but I really think that was just in defense. I think he has a sweet heart. I've been sticking my gloveless hand in his cage to feed & water him. He let's me know he's not crazy about it but has not lunged at me or acted as if he were gonna bite, although I have to admit my heart was racing and I tried hard to act like I wasn't scared. I haven't been able to find a bird vet any closer than 2 hours from me, which is a problem. I've made a dozen calls today to find someone. The closest vet I talked to that claims to work with the birds PETSMART sells but isn't an avian vet said I shouldn't get him out in the weather we're having, he said I need to wait a week or two. He's afraid he might catch cold. This vet is an hour away. I worry about him riding in the car for 2 hours to go to an avian vet, what would I transport him in?
  6. Also, about the birds diet... it has just been on seed and not a very good looking one at that. What fresh foods should I introduce first? What's the best bird feed to buy???? Thanks to everyone who responded earlier, I really appreciate your help and advice.
  7. Do you guys think it will stress the bird too much to take her to the vet now or will it make it hate me and distrust me even more?
  8. I am a real estate agent and I just inherited an African Grey today from a client that has a fatal illnes. The Greys living conditions were not so good. When I went to get him I took a pressure washer any cleaned his cage before moving it. His cage hadn't been cleaned in months, properly cleaned in years??? Anyway, he has a clean cage now, I plan to take him tho the vet this week. I don't think he's healthly. He did bob when the other day when I went to see before I brought him home. I've had him only about eight hours now and he has not bobbed in that time however he was very unnerved at first and has seemed to calm down. I went and bought him some toys, treats and a new perch. He's had very little interaction the last year. I hope gain his trust and have him become a part of our family. I've been reading a little about AG's online and am worried. Like I mentioned before, he did bop up and down the other day, he does have flacky dry looking skin, he does have a couple mildly bare spots on his chest and I think his diet has been very poor. I used gloves to move him and he did bite, Is it worth upsetting him again to take him out of his cage to the vet tomorrow? What do I need to have them do to him? Should I have him bathed? I'd appreciate any advice/help I can get. I'd love nothing more than him to be healthy and love me. Thanks Read the full post...
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