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Everything posted by jonathan_split

  1. She eats pizza and taco bell? Haha, oh man, that's so funny.<br><br>Post edited by: jonathan_split, at: 2008/10/25 21:27
  2. Hi everyone, it's been awhile since I've been on here. I'm currently having a problem with ROACHES! They've been getting all over the place, and in my birds' water. I'm unsure as to what I can use to repel the roaches without harming the flock. Could anyone suggest a safe alternative? Thanks in advance!
  3. Pynchon does something similar. He'll grab on to my finger lightly with his beak and bob his head rapidly up and down. Sometimes when he's done he says "oooh!" What is that? I figured it's just a lingering reflexive response from childhood, but I'm really unsure. He's about six months old and eats well on his own. It's kind of funny when he does it. I always ask him "what the heck was that?" lol.
  4. Pynchon enjoys my shoulder is well and is quite tame there. Occassionally he"ll try to take my glasses off but i just give him "the look" when he does and he stops. He likes to watch baseball, anime, and MMA, but the greatest part of all? He preens my hair until I get sleepy Z_Z
  5. Thanks everyone! I'll probably go for the wd-40 (crosses fingers!). On a similar topic, a piece of my parrotlet's cage has fallen off (food tray handle came in broken) and its made of bamboo, would a little super glue on it harm her? She wont be touching the actual part, just worried about any smells it may emit that may be harmful. thanks again!<br><br>Post edited by: jonathan_split, at: 2008/07/11 06:05
  6. Hey all, Pynchon's cage lock has become extremely difficult to close and open, and it probably needs some sort of lubrication. I'm scared as heck though to use some of my wd-40! Could anyone tell me if wd-40 could potentially be harmful to our birds, and/or give a suggestion on a safer alternative? thanks much!
  7. Hello everyone, It seems that Dr. Irene Pepperberg and perhaps her colleague, Roger Lewin are releasing a book titled "Alex and Me: a 30-year Adventure." I'm a bookseller and our distributor has it's release date for November, 2008. There's not that much info on it, other then the title, but it seems to be a biography of some sorts. But I'm pretty certain we would all love to read it, and I'm sure there would be much valuable information in it for our own grey's. Let's hope it gets released!
  8. Thanks for your response! I've already sent in a blood sample to determine sex. Still waiting for the results. If it is a male, I may name him "Pynchon" (after one of my favorite authors), if female, perhaps "Tori" (Tori Amos, the pianist/singer/genius) =). I'll definitely implement your advice with the two birds. Thanks for your help and the kind words!
  9. Hi everyone, I'm new to the forum. I've always wanted an African Grey, and soon that dream will come true! I have one that is weaning at the local pet store, waiting for me to take home. I'm so excited. I once had a Yellow Nape, and loved her to her premature death. I now have a cute little Parrotlet named "Midori." I am worried though as to what will happen when the grey becomes a part of the family, as they will be in the same room together. Anybody have experience in similar situations? Thanks in advance. Love the site, and look forward to chatting with you all! Here are some pics of the baby grey: And Midori! <br><br>Post edited by: FairY, at: 2008/03/15 08:40
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