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  1. There is a sweet cockatoo in my town here and the poor thing is in need of a home. He is at a local pet shop atm but does not seem to be doing well. he is plucking and getting sadder and sadder everytime i see him. His owner from what i know is overseas to Iraq and hge needs to find him a home so they put him in the pet shop to try and find one. I beleive pancho is around 7 or 11 years old. i forget what tehy said. The sex is also unknown. Apaarently he doesnt like many women but has no problem with me at all. They are selling him for $2500 cage toys and all. I would take him if i could but i know i am not the right person for him. If anyone wuld be interested in giving this poor dear a home I will be happy to pass on all the info I have and tell you how to comtact the pet shop. They Also have a CAG there as well I belive its a female and the name is Coco. She is doing better being there than Pancho. They are selling her for $1500 cage and all.
  2. actaully my husband works nites while i work days and my sisters lives with us as well so there will always be 2 ppl here. well almost always. I had not thoguht of infections though so thank you for the info
  3. I have foound a local breeder who will have 3 baby greys for me to pick from. I will be aloowed to vist with them and choose which one i want and spend time with it as it s growing. I amhoping that will make it an easier transition to my home. The one thing I am wonfering about is i have jsut found out i am pregnant. I really do want to get the grey but I am worried about the timing. I will get the grey over the summer and im not due until early november. So the grey will have time with us before hand but i worry that when the baby is born there could be trouble. Do you guys think I should wait to get my grey?
  4. Just found out fomr talking to some ppl today that thier greys sjut laid an egg. they are going to make sure it hatched before they will let me know if i can buy it or not The best part is they are a local breeder so i dont have to worry about shipping the poor baby.
  5. I had thought of doing that but i don.t know that i am up to dealing with what could be someone elses problem. I did look for recues in my area and there aren't any at all. but i am still looking at at them to see.
  6. I know about having haibitats set up from all my reptiles. itsa must with them and i think any new pet honestly. I always try to do my homework and make surei have things set to the best of my ability and knowledge. also im a total internet junky so i research everything. keep sme fomr going slowly nuts in a quiet house
  7. I apperciate all the info on the toys and i sorry if i am being pesty i jsut want everything to start of the right foot.
  8. I am looking for a weaned baby grey. I know full well I am not up to the task of weaning. I do want it to be dna sexed but i dont care what the sex is. for the toys though are all baby toys safe for them or are there types i should stay away from?
  9. I am trying to get everything st up before i get my grey. I am looking to get a baby and i was wondering what kin of toys are good fro them to keep in thier cage. I know the right sizes and types fro an older bird but i am not sure if the youngs ones need different types. Does anyone have any ideas. Also my husband anbd I are fairly handy and tend to build things so thats not out for ideas either.
  10. Thnx for the wonderful welcome. I have been researching greys for about a year trying to decide if i was up to the task. So i do know some but experince is always better. We had a blue crown conure named Conner. He was a wonderful friend. He was a gift from my aunt. But we sadly didnt have him very long. We lost him in a house fire in january. Some kid broke in and set my house on fire. Its been hard and i really miss having a bird around they are such joys. We live in NM and I have a couple friends who are keeping an eye out for good breeders for us too. Im hoping to be able to find one very soon
  11. I jsut wanted to introduce myself. I don't have a grey yet but my husband and i have started looking and getting ready for one. We have bought the cage playground and some toys but we are still looking for a good breeder. We have never owned a large bird before but we did have a lovely conure until we recently lost him. If anyone has any advice we would apperciate it.
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