I have this cage:
When I got it, it had a few very small places where it was chipped. Should I be concerned? It says that the cage is wrought iron powder coated.
Does anyone else have this cage or one similar? What if it's not made as described? Is there any way to tell?
Also, I painted my house about a year ago, and I was touching up a spot where her cage rubbed against the wall. I read on the can that it says that the paint can let off lead dust if chipped. Huh? How much should I be concerned about the paint on the walls?
Unrelated, but you know those plastic baby links? She has some I hang in her cage as toys. Are they safe, as in what is the likelihood of her getting her head stuck in them? They're kinda like this: http://www.amazon.com/Sassy-TYSA862-Lively-Links/dp/B000RF8CTY/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&s=toys-and-games&qid=1212812024&sr=1-2 but I string them up.
I live in fear that something will happen to my baby. Is anyone else like this?