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  1. "So for all that think we are prudes or religious fanatics" i dont and i care about how "My" bird interacts with others, But as we can only advise people how a responsible owner would care for there bird. What we shouldnt do is public hangings about what someone wanted to share. As i said its "Not" something i would hope Dusty to do and if he does then i will prolly do as you have done Dan replace the words with other nicer words to be a better parront. P.s. Talon if you let your feeling run like that all the time then maybe its time to hang up the admin and let someone with a cooler head take over. also as for the "snubby" i used highly strung and i'm 44 i think about what ive said. you jumped in and said" Oh how sad " maybe not posting would have been better. its like your a mum smacking your child for doing somehting wrong<br><br>Post edited by: Jaguar, at: 2009/11/11 16:44
  2. i wouldnt teach my bird to use these type of words but lets not get all amish, in the end if someone says they havent used words like that around there bird/s there not telling the truth. Brittany in an open forum you shared what you wanted and stopped here to reply well done. Personaly this forum is highly strung if your saying or doing something that doesnt fit then the whole forum rides your case.
  3. Great news your baby is safe A star
  4. Rhonnie what a truely Great post, if Every parrot owner could/should feel this way.
  5. wonderful video as i sit here looking in aww. I dont know how you do it but Keep Doing it.
  6. Hey everyone Thanks for all your thoughts First Dusty is now feeling alot better bleeding stopped and we have some cream for his claw, to keep it clean. Thanks danmcq you were right dusty is calmer out of his cage. So hes ate some food and talking not totaly back to normal but i think the blood shocked him and much as Panther and i. Its crazy you kinda think it will never happen to you(well us)and trust me IT WILL get that first aid kit ready NOW!
  7. stunning video Wonderful birdie and poopie lol how cute thanks for sharing
  8. Panther and i hope this works Took on Panthers Mobile phone not sure how good it will be but HERE GOES http://s212.photobucket.com/albums/cc179/Jaguar1651/?action=view&current=Dusty-1.flv<br><br>Post edited by: Jaguar, at: 2009/10/05 18:41
  9. ive never seen this So a great big ty.
  10. i know there is no safe open window but has anyone seen these window guards ? and would they work ? http://www.zooplus.co.uk/shop/birds/bird_cages_and_accessories/transportation_and_safety/29950
  11. Stunning thanks for sharing
  12. Hey sweet birdie glad your getting back to your good self. Please give your parronts extra cuddles. {Feel-good-000200B9}
  13. Ssometimes just sometimes Good things happen to Good people.This is So good to hear about. I'm So happy {Feel-good-000200B9}
  14. what i would say is if your worried that much for your own peace of mind take her, it may cost but at least you will be sure shes ok. i'm very new to the grey seen and have taken Dusty when i think something isnt right. You will hopefully find that your vet will say "Pepper is fine" but that is worth the trip in my view. On a side note Dusty did something like pepper my 7yr old was sleep on the sofa (having a nap) and good old Dusty creeped down and nipped my sons ear. lucky there was no brocken skin Note to self anyone naps put Dusty back in cage
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