"So for all that think we are prudes or religious fanatics" i dont and i care about how "My" bird interacts with others, But as we can only advise people how a responsible owner would care for there bird. What we shouldnt do is public hangings about what someone wanted to share. As i said its "Not" something i would hope Dusty to do and if he does then i will prolly do as you have done Dan replace the words with other nicer words to be a better parront.
Talon if you let your feeling run like that all the time then maybe its time to hang up the admin and let someone with a cooler head take over. also as for the "snubby" i used highly strung and i'm 44 i think about what ive said. you jumped in and said" Oh how sad " maybe not posting would have been better. its like your a mum smacking your child for doing somehting wrong<br><br>Post edited by: Jaguar, at: 2009/11/11 16:44