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  1. I am not sure i would use the word blessed all the time Tee Hee
  2. Hi Judy I am going to give an update just looking round to remind myself where to put it. Hope you are all well
  3. Hi thought I would reintroduce myself as it has been so long since we have been on here. I have a Timneh called Gus he is about 29 years old.
  4. Gus

    changing diet

    well it is a slow process but i was just on the telephone and Gus ate 2 fresh garden peas then picked up his baby sweetcorn ate the end of it and chucked it onto the floor woop woop no signs of feather plucking again as yet the radio bird light and copious amounts of cardboard must be keeping him occupied . have also had lots of ''us '' time whilst watching tv in the evening .
  5. Gus

    changing diet

    have been out today bought him a skewer and am playing with him with all kinds different fruit and vegetables i don't know about him but i am definatley going to be healthier before long. got him a new toy and have some picky type toys on order . i also picked up something called anti -pek pump spray for preventing plucking and self harm by johnsons . haven't used as yet thought i would get while i was there and post and see what anyone on here thought . i can return it no problem . any ideas . thanks again for taking time to read
  6. Gus

    changing diet

    thank you so much both he is about 29 we think . the probs with getting on site are due to my provider i think. it has always been difficult for me to stick around here . I have the power treats for him . I think they must be poison lol as he wont touch them but he does find it amusing to see me scoffing them tee hee lots of good advice which i shall put into practice . will let you know how i get on with him . once again thanks is nice to have feed back lots of folk think i am barmy fussing after a bird i cannot tell you the amount of people that have told me it would be easier to put him down :angry:
  7. Gus

    changing diet

    Hi am having such trouble using this site have not been able to get on for a long time . Have had some problems with gus this last week he has begun plucking his chest feathers ( he has always plucked his legs ) have been to avian vet and the have done his bloods x ray and endoscopy and i need to change his diet he is such a fussy eater has been eating seed for the last 21 years and in the last 2 days am trying to get him to eat more veg and get him to try harrisons food . He is NOT having it at all and am at my witts end ,do i leave him without seed until he gets so hungry he tries other stuff or what ??? He loves his bird lamp by the way and he now takes liquid calcium . Any advice is appreciated . if anyone knowledgable is on msn perhaps you could pm me your address and have a chat with me there . in case i cannot get on here to read replies . Thanks for reading
  8. Gus


    i have been searching in there for ages thanks both
  9. Gus


    Hi could some kind person give me a link to any info on lighting please before i go bonkers looking :laugh:
  10. Gus

    worried sick

    she also said he is in great shape but i need to suppliment his calcium as he is such a fussy eater and reccomended a heat light bulb for him :blink: which i will get .
  11. Gus

    worried sick

    he was fine he went off with her she dremmaled them and his beak and he is not a bit upset by it , thanks everyone for being so kind
  12. Gus

    worried sick

    am super nervous now have given myself a migraine worrying about taking him
  13. Gus

    worried sick

    Dave007 wrote: god love him i wish he would come onto my hand he HATES hands don't know if something bad happened to him years ago . wish he could tell me :huh: he's happy tonight tho whistling the macdonalds tune lol :cheer:
  14. Gus

    worried sick

    thank you dave have been so super stressed about this all day but it is a decent vet so he should be okay and it won't do him any harm to be checked over anyway . once again thank you am calming down slowly
  15. Gus

    worried sick

    hi i am worried sick my parrots claws are a bit long and he wont go near anything like sand stone to get them down so i have gone ahead and booked him to have his nails cut at an avian vet tomorrow . he won't be handled so the lady said they will wrap him in a towel !!! i am soo worried that this will stress him out too much . has anyone any words of advise or reassurance he is about 26 /28 years old thanks .
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