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Everything posted by macawlover

  1. I'm glad he's doing well! I was pleased too when I brought in my birds to find out that they had a clean bill of health!
  2. Wow, that's awesome! I'm thinking about flight training Cheyenne, my b/g macaw. I don't know if I'd be able to trust Oscar, though. I'll probably give it a try, knowing me.
  3. Oscar whistles "Merry" and then says "Christmas" afterwards. He has all kinds of whistles, not including the "Merry". lol For age, I don't know if someone already mentioned this, but look at his eyes. If he's an adult, they'll be a pale yellow. If he's pretty young still, they'll be grey. Plus, if he's really young, he'll have black on the tips of his tail feathers. As for clipping his wings, I'm sure the vet could trim them if you wanted him/her to. Otherwise he/she'll use a towel. You'll probably be brought into a back room so you won't have to worry about him flying away.
  4. Ok, I'm still trying to figure out all of the picture stuff... How do you upload a pic?
  5. Thanks for the warm welcome, everyone!! Oscar is a year old, and is always talking up a storm! He has a 40 word vocabulary already. His newest thing to say is "go potty!" It's really cute!
  6. Well I finally joined the site! I had been thinking about it for a little bit, and gave in and just signed up. I share my life with my CAG, Oscar, my b/g macaw, Cheyenne, and around 50 softbills which I breed. I just got offered a military macaw for free, and I'm now in the process of convincing my mom to say yes. I look forward to meeting you all!
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