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  1. hello all, we got a new CAG after we lost coco, we named the new one sugar. i would like some help please? he is nearly 2 years old, seems to like females, my wife, my 3 years old girl and the maid, i do serve the treats but he don't like me at all, he is shaky with all of us but with me he is on his edge, he didn't take any treats in the first 2 days but he started to, he takes them while he is as far as possible, no growling when any one approach him except me if i stay in front of his cage for a while. there is some thing strange about him i don't know. he seems brave, when i placed a toy in his cage he started playing in a few minutes, coco didn't touch any toy that didn't approach him step by step every day, he is not a biter, he grabbed my finger couple of times by his beak but didn't hurt me. so i don't know what to do with him, i mean aggressive parrot is some thing and a fearful parrot is some thing else, i am worried that if i kept a distance from him he will keep acting towards me like that, or keep approaching him and offer treats may be pushing him i don't know. one other thing, when the kids go to bed i move him to the kitchen at about 9 as i stay late in the living room where he spends the day so he can sleep longer plus the kitchen is warmer, do you think he consider this as a punishment or some thing?
  2. adelt

    Biting grey :( :(

    hello, i was surfing the forums and saw your post and thought i may be able to help. as you are saying he had been a biter for years he don't know that your hand means no harm to him, put a few honey drops on your finger and let him bite it, he will taste the sweetness of the honey, don't give him too much honey, try it 2 times every day for a while i guess he will be always looking for the honey taste and will stop biting. good luck..
  3. hello, thank you all again for your feelings and prayers, he didn't make it. he passed away few hours ago. i cant imagine the mornings with out him talking all over the place. i will certainly miss him more than i thought... what is killing me that i don't know why or what caused it. i hope it wasn't my mistake.
  4. thank you all for your kind replies, as i mentioned there is no avian vet here at all, just vet's. i called another vet and he came by today and he decided like the other 2 previous vet's that he has cold and flu, so we are switching the medication for the third time in less than 5 days, the reason i contacted the new vet because he didnt get any better on the 2 previous medications not even on his appetite, so he gave him a shot in his chest, i hope he is right and he know what he is doing, told me he will need a shot every 48 hours. wish us luck.
  5. hello, my grey had been ill for the past few days, it started with diarrhea, i though he got a flue and started him on antibiotics, but it didn't get any better, the bird started to urinate, called the vet and he said may be the bird has a worm, and gave him medication on that base, yet the bird didn't come any better, but worse, less balanced, less appetite, and the shock when he started vomiting, he had been on the same medication for about 3 days now and he almost didn't eat in the past 24 hours. now i think its a heavy metal poisoning, from what i read all the symptoms fit plus the dark green poop. the problem is there is no avian vet here, all specialized in dogs and cats. if you think from the symptoms it may be the heavy metal poisoning then please tell me how to treat it?
  6. hello all.. i have a little problem with my CAG. he dont accept a toy in his cage. i tried several things like placing it infront of the cage for days or weeks. when ever i try to get it closer to the cage he is scared and would keep pushing at every corner of the cage to escape. placing it on top of the cage didnt help either. as i feel sorry for him in minutes. i guess coco and i has a 50/50 situation. i can scratch his head for hours when he is in the cage and for a shorter time when he is out as any small sound around would alert him and makes him go away. i cant teach him to step up yet as well. now how can i convince him to accept toys and other stuff in his cage? thank you all in advance..
  7. adelt

    can i ask?

    hello all.. i know its way too late to follow up about it. i cant get a clear picture of him yet when ever i approach him with the camera or the phone he would move to the far corner of the cage and give me his back ..!!!! but i noticed some thing. he may not be having enough sleep could this be the reason? i go back home at about 10 pm and spend most of the night at the living room watching tv with low volume till 1 am may be but then at 6.30 am there is the sun rising and the kids going to school. plus the fish tank pumps 24/7. any ideas?
  8. hello all.. i've been watching coco closely in the past few days. i can see there is a tiny red circle around his eyes. so i wonder if any one know what is this? he is eating well and speaking well also. he is breathing good there is no sound while he is breathing and sleeps on one foot. other than that he is great. he learned a few new words. he also figured a way to remove his perch and play with it. i can now scratch his head inside the cage but cant make him step up yet. i guess he may be trying to when ever my hand is in the cage but after he bite me twice with tiny blood drop in the 2nd time i take my hand away when his peak approach while my hand is in there. still not accepting any toy and very scared of them.
  9. first of all Ronda thank you for your time and reply my bird is a congo grey. i guess you are right the TAG is a more family bird i've seen a few of them before i got mine and they are so sweet. i would like to teach him to step up to get him a play stand some day. so i don't want to get into a trouble every time i have to move him between the cage and the stand. but i am not expecting any more like cuddling it. of course the age is a good factor to look at but after all each bird is a different case. yesterday i thought i would be smart. i got his favorite treat and placed my hand at the cage door so if he wanted his treat he must place a foot on my hand to get it. he tried and tried but he didn't. and went back to the upper perch. so i inserted my hand in the cage and he toke it. tried again and it didn't work but i didn't give him the treat at this one but allowed him to climb out of the cage. and gave to him while he was on the top of the cage. then i barely touched his head. then he got a bit brave and gave me his head to scratch it for him and i did twice for couple of minutes. tried to get my hand to his belly and i got a very gentle warning bite. thought i could go further and i got the REAL bite scratched his head again and he went down to cage. some progress i guess.. few days ago he flied of the cage to the couch when i got close to him while he was on top of his cage. i hope i am doing this right and stress free for him. if i cant guarantee his safety out of his cage i wont let him stay on a stand. i would hate to see him end up in my fish tank.
  10. can some one please tell me how do i introduce a new toy ? i hanged it to the side of the cage to make him used to it before placing it into the cage and he went to the other direction with a scary look. i waited for a minute and removed it as i didn't want him to get stressed. any advice?
  11. hello.. i am not an expert but congratulations these birds company are amazing. i got my bird 1 day after yours on friday 15th. when i started asking around one word kept coming which is patience. my bird case is a bit different than yours and he is younger but in less than a week and i can see small changes every day. new words some times and some times new actions. i was shocked when i toke the food cup to clean it and fill it and he started calling come here..!! if he is whistling i would say he is ok give him some more time and he will talk. mine dont talk some times when i am next to him but i can hear every thing he know from the other room. they are shy. bribe him with treats. thats what i did starting the 10th minute he got home. when you approach him you said he comes towards you in the cage but escapes when your hand is over him. place your finger at his perch level and see if he will allow you to scratch his head that way. i am not an expert as i told you in the beginning but i am new to this as well but other members here are very helpful. good luck
  12. i opened the cage for him and he went on top of it.. gave him couple of treats.. and went back to my seat and he went down to the middle of the cage twice it looked like he was thinking to come down but then changed his mind and went up. then back into the cage.. looks promising
  13. it looks very nice. i was thinking of making a pvc one but after i saw this one i know i will make another round of thinking about it. thanks for sharing it
  14. thank you for your support and encouragement. i guess things will develop in a better way. leaving the cage open and let him think to come to me is a good idea. the problem i cant do this while the wife and kids are around. i am no expert as you can see but i've been reading posts here and there and a friend gave me a book about them. i can say or guess he is a happy bird. his talking sessions seems to extend day after another. new words come out every day. not any of ours but from the pet store and with the shop owner voice but its funny. i woke up today on coco voice saying: is my brother here !!! i couldn't believe it i hope he is a happy bird. one sad thing for me is i think he is bonding with my wife. last night i asked her to set next to him and talk to him. nearly when she approached him he said hello to her. and kept repeating it after her. :angry: when she went away i toke her place and tried. he responded to me as well but hmmm i guess not with the same excitement with her. i guess if i am right he will require more attention from the person he bonded with which may not happen. my wife likes all animals but from a distance. sorry for the long post but i am very excited about him.
  15. hello.. there is some changes today. he would let be barely touch his head feather and then try go back and bite me.. i gave him my finger through the cage and he gave me several bites some harder than the others but not that hard after all. i am not sure if i should continue with him to make him step up. i mean i saw in a book that its the most important thing to teach a bird in case he flied away but is it worth it to stress him to accomplish this? since this morning when i opened the door again for him and he got out i offered him a stick to bite and step up on it he jumped and flied to the couch. toke a walk on it and when i moved to the other side of the couch he jumped back to the cage and went in. i knew it was done for today. i can say he almost hate me now. generally when i get close to the cage he would let me get close and he would approach to my side and climb to the higher perch and close his beak on the cage wire and i would scratch his head. some times his belly is shaking. this is normal right? i mean he is being friendly as far as he can under these circumstances ? thank you all..
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