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Everything posted by sumaya

  1. wow great news..... thanks a lot. I feel we are bonding more, now that I bought a T stand and have her away from her cage.... I feel she isnt so intimidated now. I will keep trying, I really love parrots..I want my own aviary soon.... I live over seas so (healthy) parrots here are rare. I have 2 quakers that I have tamed. Hopefully more with in time......
  2. I have always heard that.... you should always get a parrot at the youngest age possible in order to train it and bond with it. I bought Beekers when she was 6 months old... my Q is... can a person bond closely with a grey at any age, or MUST it start from a hand fed baby? Any 1 here have a grey that wasn't so tame and now is???? Looking for some inspiration...:blush:
  3. I have always heard that.... you should always get a parrot at the youngest age possible in order to train it and bond with it. I bought Beekers when she was 6 months old... my Q is... can a person bond closely with a grey at any age, or MUST it start from a hand fed baby? Any 1 here have a grey that wasn't so tame and now is???? Looking for some inspiration...:blush:
  4. sumaya


    How do I gain Beekers trust? SHe steps up and will sit on my shoulder, but if my husband comes around her t stand or cage she growls loudly. By the way I once heard, birds grow attached to the opposite sex....is that true?. Ok well I want to gain her trust.... how do I? I always talk nice with her and give her treats, which sometimes she takes and others she drops. She still is very scarred of new things... not much like my caique or quackers...is is because she is still young?
  5. sumaya


    How do I gain Beekers trust? SHe steps up and will sit on my shoulder, but if my husband comes around her t stand or cage she growls loudly. By the way I once heard, birds grow attached to the opposite sex....is that true?. Ok well I want to gain her trust.... how do I? I always talk nice with her and give her treats, which sometimes she takes and others she drops. She still is very scarred of new things... not much like my caique or quackers...is is because she is still young?
  6. sorry i meant "Breast bone clearly showing" ooops!!:unsure:
  7. Please help.... I have had my Grey Timneh for about 4 months now. I bought her/him from a bird market. Beekers was 6 months old at the time, break bone clearly showing and feathers in poor shape. I was told Beekers, was somewhat tame and ate apples. But what I saw, Beekers would ONLY eat sunflower seeds and wasn't very tame at all, ( actually took a chunk out of my finger) well long story short, Beekers is alot better- gets on my arm, shoulder doesn't bite unless I try to force anything with her. I am trying!!! But my problem is this............ SHe wont eat any fruits or vegetables at all!!!!!!!!!! I have tried leaving it in her cage, tried feeding her, eating in front of her, mixing it in with her food, removing her food and only offering pellets and fruits, ( she hates everything except seeds)I need help I am about to puree it and force feed her with a syringe. PLEASE ADVISE...........
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