You guys are so great!!! Thanks for all the help and help im going to get
I have noticed that my indian ringneck has almost become attached to himself
he will sit for hours just looking at him self and danceing and squaking. :ohmy:
Is this possible?
Like mabye he thinks it is a mate.
I get so much nasty bites and i know that african greys can bite too HARD!
But it just seems like he is in love with himself.
And its very hard to bond them back to you because they have become kinda the phrase of a "breeder"
that is what my breeder said :ohmy:
so that is why i havent tried with him anymore because from what i hear alot that they are very hard to get tamed back after they get untame from either abuse or bonding to them selfs or another bird.
Hope that makes since
Thanks so much