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  1. bandits_mom08 nice idea, I am looking for cheap creative and simple ideas as parrots toys, they are way expensive in the market, lets start a company and sell them home made parrot toys ..... :laugh: :laugh:
  2. AAA

    Can CAG vomit?

    Dave, I know what you mean now, but I don't rub him on that area, no no no no ... not even close to the under area where you described!! that area is obvious one should not come close to it even, but thanks for the alert anyways ...
  3. AAA

    Can CAG vomit?

    Guys thanks for all your posts. Judy, you are right ... I had a nice weekend after my concern about Max last night .. he is fine with much noise and palyfull... you all are right and the vet too .. MAX is normal. dave007, can I know why not to touch max everywhere? when I touch his body, wings, leg, beak head .. and he allows I be sure that he still likes me and we are doing fine ,, can you explain the point you are referring to, i believe you are poiting to an important point which i donno? Sevi, he moves his throatstwice may be as i mentioned before ... he vomit near his water dish not above, and the water in water dish was still clear ... what I refer to as Vomit is a clear liquid (like the human spit) like when a human baby eat sweets (gum or toffy ) and drop the liquit out ... di u get what I mean ... that is what max drops three times continuasoly ... which makes me have that concern .. and I stil love to hear more explanation from someone experienced this before. but guess what, my wife and I have three kids and she is experienced in kids behaviour ... she told me when you play with a baby and he moves alot after or while eating/drinking its likely to happen that kids vomit even little ... that should apply to parrots in a way or other (just thoughts ... it may make sence to me) ... best regards, to all, Ahmad
  4. AAA

    Can CAG vomit?

    no but while he was playing before he vomit, he was shakes his head front and back (not right & left) couple of times .... I ask thevet he says as long he is talking and actively playing nothing to worry about what do you think guys
  5. we were away from home for almost 5 hours .... then we return and Max was playing with me and I am touching him everywhere over his body, he was making funny sounds while playing with me with his beak (sounds like human infant start making its first months sounds) its usual sometimes Max makes those sounds and he is active and fine. he went to drink water (it is clean) then he vomit liquid from his beak ones or twice only right after drinking water. then came again to play with me ... I removed his food bowel and left the room to test if he start whistling and calling for attention .... he is talking normal and making normal noise to get me back to the room ..... is he okay ... please advise?
  6. Thank you Dan for this important article, here in Dubai it is very Humid in Summer and the winter is couple of months only and the humidity level goes down but not very badly may be coz we are right on the sea ... but it is always good to know others' experience and share the knowledge.
  7. Guys its been long time since last communicated ... I have a lot to tell you guys about my CAG Max. thought of sharing this video with you all!! I like the video .... however, parrots are much more intelligent than Dogs i assume !!!!! enjoy the video (visit the below link) http://http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qfbhm26Dftc <br><br>Post edited by: AAA, at: 2009/02/16 13:25
  8. AAA

    aviator harness!

    Hi everyone, thanks for the photos ... am a bit confused, what does the aviator harness package includes? I insert the pictures with a remark .. what is the leash? and what is the cord .... does the cord comes in the Harness & Leash aviator package? or I have to by this as well as the flight line package? [/img]<br><br>Post edited by: AAA, at: 2009/01/19 08:13
  9. Belated Mabrook! Mabrook in Arabic Language means Congratulations! You deserve it. Although I joined the forum shortly but you was very helpful to me and your threads all over the site was informative and helpful. I wish you happy 10000 posts and see you again on your next 10000 posts :laugh: Ahmad
  10. :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink: We start calling him Silver and we are we are now calling him Max. what do you think, which one sounds good to the baby CAG. :sick: :sick: :sick: [ I hate picking up names I always delay it .... even with my kids ] regrads, Ahmad
  11. AAA

    Change CAG name

    Thank you all, I don't have to change his name, I have a new baby with no name so far. we are still choosing names for him.
  12. Judygram About the wings, does he hold them like that all the time? You are right they usually have them tucked in tighter to the body than what it shows in the photo. Maybe some of the other members will have more insight into that and will share their opinions Judigram: no he doesn’t do it all the time, he just do it very frequently. I guess it is alright Dan, I will check the veggies and the other food meal that I should prepare my self for the next period. I will be constantly looking through the threads over here. Yes he is drinking water on his own and eats little amount of seeds from time to time. I got him some kids toys and he is enjoying. Tracy, Try & get him a cement perch or a sandy perch: where can I find these things? Do I have to make it my self ? Teluhlasmom & MommaFawkes . Thanks for the response. Question for All: its clown is hurting me, when he tries to stand on my fingers or my hand too. Its painful! :woohoo: :lol: By the way, do birds have Pampers “Diapers”( ha ha ha ha ) he just poops everywhere :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: I will read through the threads I remember reading this subject before!
  13. the Cage<br><br>Post edited by: AAA, at: 2008/02/25 13:27
  14. The Cage, sorry I don't know how to attach two or many photos <br><br>Post edited by: AAA, at: 2008/02/25 13:29
  15. Finally, I got my AG baby last evening, and we went shopping his food, syringe and the CAGE! 1. Can you guess the age from the photos? 2. Food: as per the breeder’s suggestions that to give the bird 10ml X 4 times per meal Two times a day. I made the first feeding yesterday at 11:30pm. (It was fun – the bird was happy to see the syringe and had the 40 ml at one time slowly given. Today before going to work at 06:30am I feed him his morning meal same way but I guess he wasn’t that hungry though! When shall I stop? (I will feed him again at 06:30pm) is this okay? 3. Cage: what do you think of the cage, I guess he liked it :silly: he was stretching his legs and wings all the time. It is 20” width 20” depths. 4. Flying: we start with fun action after the meal by playing around with him for some time, You are right DAN he was doing some short flights and he is not bad in that but the breeder told me that he will fly and come back to me (haven’t tried that yet) The breeder told me, don’t clip his wings and let him fly his wings even when holding his fingers, I guess I will delay wings clipping and do not perform many fling exercise for now (any recommendations). 5. Stretching legs & wings a lot is this OK, is he happy with the new cage or what? Is it a normal thing? 6. The Wings: please note the photo? Is his wings like this ok, I noticed that it is open like in the photo, I noticed that other birds photos the wings are usually adjacent to the body !! I donno, maybe am wrong, however, when he do this … what does he mean, I guess it is a popular thing and you guys will definitely know!! :) 7. BTW most of the times he wants to come to me and he will not escape from me, I like that, no biting as well. He is friendly I guess. 8. When I open the door to feed him in the morning, he jumped straight to go out, I didn’t let him (it’s time for food baby & am going to work - Fun is later) ….. Breeder said that he is used to this habit and do it always. Guys, you are great caring individuals, it is a wonderful tool is this website that really gather all of us here.
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