Hi Guys / Girls / Cyber godmothers
Just thought I'd give you bit of an update:
Gizmo is such a good boy, I really love him to bits. He is doing soooo good. He doesn't misbehave at all anymore these days. He even started eating his pellets, which I had a lot of difficuilty getting him interested in. All this after I have started giving a bit less attention, trying to get him used to it. Gizmo will be 3 months next week. I can't believe how time has "flown" (no pun intended).
Tomorrow I will officially be 6 weeks pregnant. I will probably have my first scan next week on the 6th and maybe if we're lucky hear a heart beat. I'm really excited.
I've been exhausted, dizzy, queezy, cranky all in one go! Suppose I'll get over it soon enough.