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  1. Haven't tried this myself yet, but heard that you could dilute some citrus essential oil with water and use it in a spray bottle as air freshner. Vanilla essential oil also supposedly does the trick.
  2. Hi guys Quick update: Went for my visit yesterday. Turns out I'm already 9 weeks pregnant. WOW! We heard the heartbeat for the first time. The most beautiful thing I've ever heard. Cannot tell you how happy I am. All the morning sickness really seems more worth it now...
  3. Tari, that does sound brilliant! At least then Gizmo will get used to the idea of a baby before the baby is actually there. Thanks for the input. I'm going for my first prenatal consultation this afternoon. Will keep you updated.
  4. Hi Guys / Girls / Cyber godmothers Just thought I'd give you bit of an update: Gizmo is such a good boy, I really love him to bits. He is doing soooo good. He doesn't misbehave at all anymore these days. He even started eating his pellets, which I had a lot of difficuilty getting him interested in. All this after I have started giving a bit less attention, trying to get him used to it. Gizmo will be 3 months next week. I can't believe how time has "flown" (no pun intended). Tomorrow I will officially be 6 weeks pregnant. I will probably have my first scan next week on the 6th and maybe if we're lucky hear a heart beat. I'm really excited. I've been exhausted, dizzy, queezy, cranky all in one go! Suppose I'll get over it soon enough.
  5. Hi Guys Thanks so much for all your advice and good wishes. Yes this will be my first pregnancy. Have been trying for almost 2 years. Just as I was about to give up, it happened! Funny enough, I fell pregnant a few weeks after I got Gizmo. My dad firmly believes Gizmo brought out my motherly instincts and made it happen. I am really excited. I want to do everything right from the start. Starting to experience all the hormone and physical changes. Not all is pleasant, but they say once you've passed the 3 month mark, things start to go more smoothly. I already started spending a little less time with Gizmo at night seeing that I literally fall asleep sitting about 2 hours before my normal bed time. I hope Gizmo and junior will get to be friends some day, seeing that they will be growing up together.
  6. Hi there I need some advice. A week ago, i found out that I am pregnant. As cheesy as this might sound, I think Gizmo (CAG) knew this even before I did. He has been so clingy these past two weeks. Normally when I let him out, he would go and exlore the house. Now he just wants to sit and cuddle with me. Knowing greys are not really the cuddly type, I knew this wasn't very normal. (i could be wrong) I'm not complaining though. I love his attention. I'm just a bit concerned. Are there any preparation that I should do to help Gizmo cope once the new baby is there? Should I expect any behavoural changes? Am I just paranoid? Hanna
  7. Hi Hannah It's great to hear things are going so well. How old is Juji now?
  8. Hanna

    Meet Gizmo

    Thanks guys Yea I am really proud. He does something new and cute every day. Last night I heard him mimic me for the first time. A while ago I bought him this play gym and he was never interested in it at all. So I thought I'd just give it some time and let him discover it on his own. Last night he climbed right to the top of it. I was so proud. In an effort to praise him I shouted: "ooh ooh!" and clapped my hands. He looked me straight in the eye and repeated it about 3 times. My baby is growing up now!
  9. I meant to post these pics here, but mistakenly posted them on african grey. Anyway, these pics were when Gizmo was a bit ill a few weeks ago. Another tip that might help someone. Avoid wood shavings at all costs. They might contain germs. This is how my baby got sick. Anyway he is all better now after some antibiotics. I'll post some more recent "healthy" pics soon.
  10. Hanna

    Meet Gizmo

    Finally figured it out!
  11. Hanna

    Meet Gizmo

    Can't get my pictures to show. Any pointers?
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