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Everything posted by perfectpeter

  1. oh i missed this one but wouldnt have guessed that anyway lol
  2. congrats everyone, they were all good!
  3. looks like i missed the voting but i would have voted for the two teils if id have managed to get online (house moving at the mo)
  4. wow absolutly stunning amazon, you must be really proud i like your DYH amazon too!<br><br>Post edited by: perfectpeter, at: 2008/02/18 15:16
  5. its for both breeding and pets chapala,
  6. your welcome hun, let me know how it goes down
  7. on our babies we ring, it starts with K&B then a number, then 08 , the K&b stands for kev and brooke (which is us) then the number is the number of chick and the 08 stands for 2008, here in the UK you can pick what you like on your band
  8. they are absolutly stunning, love the red fringe too
  9. here is a recipie to make your own egg food and save you lots of money by not buying the ready made egg food! it goes down a treat with my own birds and all the members on another foum i posted it on have all said the same i hope your parrots enjoy it too ingrediants = 2 eggs 1 slice of bread bit of olive oil Take your two eggs and place them in a pan of boiling water. Boil the eggs between 15 to 20 minutes. If you boil them for to long the yolk tends to go black. After the eggs have finished boiling, peel off their shells and place the shells on a dish. Put the shells in a microwave and set the microwave to high, then microwave for 5 min's. This will make the shells go hard and brittle, ready for crushing. Back to the eggs, now you have peeled the eggs, let them cool down completely for 30 to 45 min's or you could leave them in a pan of cold water to speed things up. While the eggs are cooling we now have time to crush the egg shells. Place the shells in a bowl and with the end of a rolling pin start crushing and grinding the shells into small flakes. I try to get them down to 1/8" flakes and smaller. O.K. now we have the crushed shells, keep the shells in the bowl and roughly chop the eggs into the same bowl. Take a folk and start mashing the eggs and shells together until you have a fine crumbly mix. add a tiny bit of olive oil to make moist. Now this is were the bread crumbs come in. This is a rough guide take about 58 grams of bread crumbs and add to the mix, (or half a slice of bread per egg) start mixing the crumbs into the egg food until you get a dry-ish crumbly mix, you will have to keep adding more bread crumbs until you get a dry and crumbly mix. This part of the mix is optional. I like to add in some bird seed to my mix, especially if you are going to feed it to birds what are not use to egg food, with the seeds added it will encourage birds to start pecking at it until they get use to the taste. When your birds get the taste of egg food, they will soon clear their pots. Now the egg food is finished place it into a air tight container and keep refrigerated. If you have made a bigger quantify place into a number of small pots and put them into the deep freezer
  10. next time im in town then i will get another small jar, i didnt try it warm round 2 here we come lol
  11. i prefare to give my birds the nuts, not the oil, as the oil is concentrated i just dont know how much to give to them?? whereas the nut they eat with pleasure, they turn their nose up at the oil
  12. the greenwings are in love with each other but havent bred for us YET had eggs but all infertile, Mr greenwing not upto his job yet, hes a mere baby at 5 years old lol i have to say the red lorded are our newest arrivals, and the prettest but LOUDEST of them all lol
  13. not in the near future no i have too much on my hands at the mo, we are just moving house, so are in a bit of a mess and time isnt much i can spare much of i will just have to share all your Greys
  14. thankyou for the welcome judygram ive been and visited the "other parrots section" hello perfectparrots, yes we meet again lovely site
  15. ok i have been sent over here because i dont have any african greys lol, i thought id share some photos of my lot this is peter, my baby my bestest freind and my partner in crime! my blue fronted amazons .... my greenwing macaws .... my yellow crowned... my red lorded .... hope you all enjoy
  16. Hi everyone, my name is brooke, im 25 years old and i live in Derbyshire England. I dont actually have any african greys, i have macaws and amazons. My blue & gold macaw's name is peter - hence my username! i just thought i would come and say hello to you all, i will be having a good look around your forum
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