Hey guys! I'm new around here, so I guess I'd better introduce myself. My name's Charis, and I am the mommy/sister/friend/companion/boss/owner of Wheeler, my 14 week old CAG.
I’d been toying with getting a grey on and off for the past year, because I know that they require LOADS of attention and care. Finally, I decided that now was as good a time as any, so I went ahead and got one. Backed by one of my friends who owns a grey, and another who is a professional bird trainer, I thought that the path would be relatively easy. Boy was I wrong. In fact, it was nothing short of melodramatic. This post is gonna be a long one, so go ahead and grab some popcorn and put a pot of coffee on.
I fell in love with Wheeler the moment I saw him. He was about 10 weeks old. He was fast asleep in his food dish, chest deep in half-eaten pellets. When he crawled onto my lap and fell asleep, I knew I just HAD to take him home with me.
The day I brought him home, my parents, who are passionately anti-pet people, claiming that they’re more trouble than they’re worth, had a fit. My mom, who had specifically warned me NOT to bring one home, threatened to throw him out the window. She said that the first sign of screeching, biting, inhuman amounts of poopage or any form of unruly behaviour and he’d be out the door. For the first few days, no one went anywhere near him except for myself. They complained about how much trouble he was when they saw me half asleep while hand-feeding him at 7am in the morning, or when changing his soiled newspapers. But slowly, his charm and insane cuteness was beginning to win them over. Our domestic help started taking him out of the cage to walk around. My mother would try to pet him. My dad, well, he’d just stand far, far away and whistle at him, hoping to get a response. Instead of the usual “that bird†or “itâ€, they gave him a nickname, “Petohâ€, which is Sinhalese for Parrot. Creativity isn’t exactly one of their strong points!
As a pet, I couldn’t ask for more, really. He’s so unbelievably accommodating, it surprises me sometimes. He doesn’t bite, save when he grabs my fingers and jerks them thinking they’re gonna dispense food. Even when my 3 year old nephew and 1 year old niece come over and yell and scream and try and prod him with their grubby fingers despite my fruitless attempts at trying to get them to be gentle (you know how kids can be), he takes it without batting an eye. Then he’ll suddenly lunge for me, wings a-flapping, to try and nibble my toes in our version of “tagâ€. And then he’ll try and claw his way up my lap to and settle down on my thigh to take a nap.
He’s been here for less than a month and I’m already beginning to wonder how I survived without him. This is DEFINITELY the beginning of a pretty big adventure!