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  1. Hey guys I have a question for the pros. Midnight has recently developed a fascination with this squawk that honestly sounds like a cry. She does it over and over for hours. At first we tried to ignore it, thinking she just wanted attention. Next day same thing, changed her food and water like normal, gave her a treat and played with her. She does it through out all of her normal activities. It doesn't stop. I need serious help because its upsetting me I can't figure out what she is asking for. She has given up all attempts at "talking" or whistling and simply makes this noise. Please help before I lose my mind, we are a week into this cry!
  2. Thanks! I am going to try several of these ideas out tonight when I get off work. Keep them coming, they are all wonderful!
  3. I know we have ourselves to blame. I figured it would be better to correct while she is still only 5 months old rather than waiting till much later. However, the forces herself on the keyboard or under my fingers has never been tolerated. We have been very strict in that rule, because both of us do so much work on the computer. Funny note: She tries to make the sounds of us typing. :laugh:
  4. Ah, great idea. I figured she might think I was rejecting her if I kept putting her back over there. Totally random: Ewwww! :sick: Alliance! Just kidding. I play Horde on Darkspear. I also have a 70 hunter, 60 mage, 21 Lock, 21 Shammie, 21 Druid, 21 priest. Do you see where Midnight and I spend all my free time! lol. What server are you on?
  5. Yay! :laugh: Glad to hear the happy ending. I as well as everyone are eager to hear details!
  6. Grats to you and Tuca! Great name! How did you come up with it.
  7. Hello again guys! I'm back and in need or more advice...are yall sick of me yet? Sorry! Ok, Midnight is wonderful. With that said and out of the way here is the problem... Midnight loves to be out and about with us all day. She however, no longer likes to sit on her toys or on the desk and entertain herself. She insist on being on us at all times. Also, she can't just be on us, she must be the center of attention. At first we thought it was really funny and cute but now, its over powering. If my fiance and I kiss she flies/runs to be between us. Second, she used to sit next to my keyboard while I did homework on the computer. Now she won't let me type because she is trying so hard to put her head between the keys and my fingers for head rubs. She tries to get on the keyboard, but I refuse to pet her while she is there. I make her move back to the side where her food, water, and toys are before I will pet her again. If I ignore her for more than a minute she is nipping. I feel awful because I find myself keeping her in the cage while doing homework. This is a problem because I am three weeks away from finals, so I am doing LOADS of school work. She is still getting plenty of free time out of the cage, but I don't like having to use the cage to keep her off of me. So my questions are: 1. Why is she so jealous, and how do we stop it? 2. How do we get her to entertain herself so she can be out longer? 3. How do we make her realize she does not have to be on us every minute? Most of you probably think these are minor issues, and they are. I just want to stop them while she is still young. I just need to figure out how to teach her that she can't be the center of attention ALL the time. Thanks for the help in advance.
  8. Are you giving him regular showers? Does he get sprayed with Aloe, or rubbed with the Palm Oil? I know from others these 3 can make a huge difference. Another thought, what about giving him something else to pick at besides his feathers. Maybe some fun pull-apart toys, or a Millet spray? Sorry never had a plucker myself, but I hope you can help him stop! Good luck and keep us posted.:unsure:
  9. Can I third what Tracy said? I notice Midnight slows down and naps after each meal. Once she takes her "bird" nap she is awake and ready to play again. Hope this helps.
  10. I know of someone else who had this same issue. She asked the vet not to give Percy anything. The vet said he would not handle him unless. She told the vet there was no reason as he was a very well behaved bird, and what did she need to see on Percy. She simply had to lift Percy's wings in order to allow him to listen to the heart on either side. She had to keep Percy on the scale without affecting his weight. The only difficult part for her was having to turn the bird "bottoms up" for the vet to take a feces sample. I don't know how well you are able to handle your bird but you might try a few of these just in case. I agree with everyone else, I won't let them give my baby anything. GOOD LUCK! :dry:
  11. All sounds well to me. Midnight also has the little spot on her chest, and one where each wing bends. I too can only notice them when she is in the shower with me. Midnight is not a plucker, or at least not yet (crosses fingers) I think you paying attention early will be your biggest help. You will be able to tell if they get bigger or she seems stressed. People who don't pay much attention regret it when their baby has developed a habit that can sometimes be hard to stop. Keep up the good work and I think you both will be fine. :silly:
  12. I have always had a deep passion for animals in general. Nothing too specific I just enjoy the way they are always there to greet you with love after a long days work. I have several animals and while growing up had Teils. I used to love them so much! I was introduced to a CAG at 12 and from that day I promised as soon as I had my own house and can afford one, I would have one. No I have Midnight and can't imagine being without her. Good topic job! Karma to you!
  13. She isn't currently molting, wasn't aware of the Palm Oil either. Will check into that. Its funny for me to hear others talk about their Grey's hating the water or the Aloe. Midnight loves them both. I have several small bottles of Aloe all over my house. After ever meal she grabs the one on my computer desk (where we spend most of our time) attacks it for a little while and then pushes it over to me. Almost as if she is going ok Mommy I am ready. Its soo sweet! Also, when I got take a shower I say "Midnight Mommy is going shower...wanna come?" She tilts her head at me trying to figure out what I am saying. I walk into the bathroom and not 2 minutes later she flies to the shower rod and starts singing. Once I get in she jumps to my shoulder and we have a blast. She is such a joy and I feel very blessed to have her, and each of you. Thanks again for the help!
  14. Thx guys. Glad to hear its normal! I was afraid the Aloe wasn't getting deep enough or something! B)
  15. Ok guys I need help again. Midnight has "dandruff". I know that most say this is the powder down or feather sheaths, but Midnight is scratching her head. When she scratches her head over and it little white flakes I guess are all over my shirts. I think her skin up there may just be dry. She gets an Aloe spray after every meal and showers with me twice as week. Any suggestions? Thanks, Kristine
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