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  1. I read the following information today and thought I'd share... http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,368305,00.html http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/dbmd/diseaseinfo/psittacosis_t.htm
  2. errr you had to remind us of taxes...LOL ;o) Congrats dsgnz on your first word....awesome!
  3. My male grey loves playing peek a boo with me...I have to use the same blanket for him to do it....he flips himself on his back and waits for me to cover him..he loves the game but he can get quite aggressive in the play. I have to remember he is only playing with me. If I'm not in the mood to play I need to make very sure I do not have 'that blanket' on my lap or he thinks that is what we are going to do. It is pretty funny actually. He also loves to hang upside down on my shirt sleeves and let me swing him back in forth...he thinks that is a load of fun. My female grey does not like to play those games. They are stressful to her. They both however like the flicking of water at them when they are on the shower rod in the bathroom...they think that is a lot of fun. They puff their feathers up and try to catch the drops with their beaks...they are pink faced when they do this so I know they like the game.
  4. Oh, yeah...maybe they are doing it for attention. Thanks.
  5. My grey's love to get showers with me but as soon as I take them out they are in their water bowl continuing the showering. It is funny to watch. I've tried putting bigger water bowls in the cages so they can actually get a bath and they refuse to use it...
  6. What does it mean when the AG bobs its head up and down and taps its beak on the ground? I know when my babies just do the head bob it looks like dancing...but I get confused when they include the beak tapping. What do you think?<br><br>Post edited by: Woody6, at: 2008/04/14 17:23
  7. Congrates shazbaby36. That is awesome news. I thought my one grey would never talk but now he says a few phrases: Let's go Stop Ryan Here boy Hello and a few other things we have not been able to quite make out yet. My husband is trying to get him to sing I'm just a Gigalo....That would be really funny if he does.
  8. I live in the State of New Jersey in the United States
  9. Kara to you for your creativity and sharing how you did it. Great job.
  10. I truly enjoy such inspirational stories. It is amazing how much they absorb and learn in such a short time. My male grey was heard saying "Let's go" last night. My husband and I could not help but laugh because that is what we are always saying to the boys when we are going somewhere. My boys have heard my greys say Hello, Pretty Bird, and Step up. I enjoy your stories. Please keep them coming.
  11. You beat me to it LisaM. I was going to say a White-Fronted Amazon as well.
  12. that was a great story. :woohoo: then the laugh made it even better. On a side note, glad to hear you have it all straightened out now and your birdie quited down when you said to.
  13. Woody6


    I agree with you danmcq my greys do the same thing all the time. It can be quite frustrating. I tell them I will put them in the cage if they fly off it again and then lo and behold they don't "fly" off they climb down to the floor and waddle over to me instead. If it gets to be too much I do end up putting them in the cage for a brief 'time out' and tell them why I am putting them in the cage then after a few moments sometimes 15 minutes I will take them out again and tell them again to stay on the pearch. We have to keep on keepin on as judy said. LOL
  14. Great advice given here. I have two greys that share a cage and I'm now considering seperating them. I have the cages to do so and like many before me stated it is a great idea to have two of everything just in case they do not get along.
  15. Yes, lets see that video. It will be an awesome teaching tool. I like the phase "lets boogie"...I think my boys would enjoy teaching the greys that.
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