It is, lol. He can't really fit in the dish, so when he sits in it and he's all fluffed up, he and the dish look like one big grey muffin in a blue muffin wrapper.
My CAG Hewie absolutely will not take a bath in any sort of water other than ice water. The only time I ever give him ice water is when I'm changing his water dish and I feel like giving him a treat; he loves ice cubes. Nowadays, he just throws the ice cubes out and he hops right into the dish to bathe! Is this unhealthy for him and if so, how can I get him to bathe in warmer water?
Now, whenever I leave the room for too long or Hewie feels like playing with someone else, he'll go, "Come!" or "Come here!" Sometimes he'll even garner attention by pretending to be sick, i.e. fake coughing and sneezing.<br><br>Post edited by: AzureClarity, at: 2009/04/01 14:40
I named mine Hewie because I'm totally in love with the cute German Shepherd Hewie from the game Haunting Ground. It really seems to suit him, since he acts like a dog anyway.