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Everything posted by sundarg

  1. sundarg

    Afrcian Grey

    Iam from Leicester UK i want to know were i can buy a African Grey from..
  2. sundarg


    she is now in the stage of talking
  3. yes she is talkin very well the only problem is that i cant touch her anymore..cos she bites
  4. My parrot i have had for about 2 and half week she is called AMY when i first got her shes didnt speak at all now she can say a few words such as Sunny Ravi Nanu these are family members names in our household the parrot does bite alot but i go to touch her however when my dad touches her she wont bite him..only sometimes how can i overcome this i was biten by her last week and since then i anit tryd to touch her because she really went for me..if i offer her treats she will take it from my hand and wont bite..soo what seems to be the problem can someone tell me am sure there are a few people out there with the same problem or have had the same problem i would be greatful if the users can help me i will be uploading pictures of amy at the weekend for people to see...
  5. sundarg


    i have tryd but doing this she dont really care because my dad is always with her
  6. sundarg


    orite il giv it a go
  7. sundarg


    My parrot AMY and I were getting along the first few days i got her Over the last week my parrot has shown no love towards me when i go to touch her she will bite me hard on the otherhand if my dad touches her she will let shes shes only lets my dad touch her any1 else in the family she will bite... when i give her a treat she always comes towards me inside her cage and will take the treat without biteing me what is wrong is it something am doing or what...?
  8. i have tryd to join the group http://pets.groups.yahoo.com/group/Bird-Click/messages it is pending i hope it does work so i can start finding out more
  9. what is a clicker i dnt understand what u mean
  10. how do i change them lol my parrot dont even let me touch her anymore
  11. My parrot amy is being naughty now she dont let me or my brother touch her the only person who she lets is my dad why is this i feel like the parrot dont want to bond with me or is it that i anit spent enough time with her someone tell me
  12. ScubaJ looks like me and you are in the same boat i have had mines for 5 days now i think my parrot is settled into its new home ScubaJ i would be greatful if you and i keep in touch as we both got our parrots around the same time also because i would like to see how far you progress
  13. I have been praticing how to do the step up however my parrot i dont think he understand what iam doing is there another way currently i get a treat hold it onto my hand and then let her eat i then put my finger towards its legs but all it does is jus bites ...sometimes even jus walks away what am i doing wrong..? can someone help me if anyone got msn messenger this would be a great way for me to communciate my email add is tookool80@hotmail.com or jus message bk on here am sure il check it ..
  14. :woohoo: Cheers thank you everybody for posting on this forum iam on my way home soon so i wil be trying your methods anyways does anyone have msn messenger if so add me it would be so much easier to talk to cheers my email add is tookool80@hotmail.com i will be back with a update in a few hours
  15. Orite il come bk on here in a few dayz and see what happens
  16. I will bare all the information in mind so far the parrot is being good
  17. Orite il giv it another few days then come bk on this website and see wt happens
  18. The Parrot is around 8/9months old The Parrots name is "Amy" and shes a Female This is my first thing i have had a parrot when i was a kid i had a budgie but parrots are way cooler
  19. oh alright i see well the parrot is deffo settled in properly right now its out of its cage...
  20. My name is Sunny am 20yrs old brought an African Grey Parrot 2 days ago already it is loving and caring i want the parrot to be able to sit on my hand does anyone know what i can do anyone got any tips for me
  21. Hello My name is Sunny am from UK i brought the African Grey Parrot just 2 days ago already it has brought love to the family however i want the parrot to be able to sit on my hand how can i do this i can tryd but it wont work can someone help me message me bk or simply add me on msn tookool80@hotmail.com anyone help me thanks Sunny
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