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  1. OMG I am soooo excited! And that was just a little beep! I cannot wait to tell you guys what he is doing in the future.
  2. Mine makes only one sound so far. It sounds like the smoke alarm beep when the battery is low. Not alot though... Last night, I came home after about 3 hours of being away and said hello to him when I came in the door. He had been quiet before this so I was told. When I passed him to go into the kitchen, he started with the beeping noise and would not stop until I came back into the dining room where he was! I think he was telling me he was excited that I was home! I hope I was not reading too much into that...Wishful thinking?
  3. Maybe it's the toys that he is playing with that is making him do this. He is not so bad with me, but with others in the house, G will leap towards them with the beak open ready to take a chunk. I think G favors me over the others already (been at my house for 3 weeks today). He does like to remove my hand from where he is if he does not want to have me there. So when he does this, I do leave him alone. Just taking this one day at a time.
  4. tickle


    I am telling G that he "pooed" everytime he does this. I am hoping that he will eventually reconize this someday. I am also hoping that I will be on track to teach him in later days to be potty trained.
  5. Ok. I guess I just want him to be ok. I know I have not had this bird long but, it's all I can think about. I guess this means that I really love him. I need to make sure I take it really slow. That's what I'll do.
  6. I think I did not give a thumbs up then! Twice. OMG! Sorry Judy! I will check this out and make sure I dont give someone bad karma again. I do appreciate all the responses I get on my questions. I look forward to having some answers for someone one day. Man do I have alot to learn...
  7. Hello. My name is Tammy. I am new to the site and I am curious about what the Karma means. I have tried to click on it to se what is says but I am changing the Karma.. Someone please explain how this works. thank you. Happy Holidays!
  8. Thanks for the advise. I have put the rattles back for him. I dont know if he is stick trained. I will get one and see. He has been in my house for only 3 weeks on Thursday so I am unsure of a lot of things with him. I did not know if this was something I should expect or need to put a stop to it.
  9. I feel like I am flipping his world upside down!
  10. Great. I am going to try all of these suggestions and see how it goes. I need all the luck I can get!
  11. G is being extremely territorial over his cage now. I have notice thta this behavior has started since I found that he really likes baby rattles. He will snap at you if you even touch the top of his cage when he is out. I have taken the toys from the top of his cage and only letting him play with them while he is out with me in the living room. Is this what I need to do?
  12. How many veggies or fruits do I put in his cage and how long should I leave them in there before taking them out of replacing it with fresh? Since he is very scared of new things, should I hang all new veggies on the outside of his cage? He is very, very scared of new things. Thanks for all of your help!
  13. Hello all. Newbie here again.. I am trying to feed my bird fresh veggies as recommended but he will not have any part of it. He is an older bird and I think he has only been fed seed mixtures. Do I just keep putting fresh veggies in his cup for him and wait until he decides that he wants them? I hope I am not trying to introduce to many new things at once. After all, he has only been with me just a tad over 2 weeks. What am I to do?
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