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  1. i get so mad when i try to play that game cause im used to owning mouthy noobs with a mouse and keyboard. i get on halo 3 and die left and right and hear 7 year old british kids make fun of me and cuss lol. errrg
  2. thats my son playing halo haha, cant keep em off of it for very long. its not sad you know the music cause we do all too well...but its a catchy tune isnt it?
  3. hey guys thanks for the reply! right now his favorite words are step up, dont bite and sammy sam sam sam. i used sony vegas 7 to cut the videos and add text. i am very pleased with his progression and i cant wait to see what he will be doing/saying at 5 years. sam is actually a great whistler too. he can almost whistle dixie and likes to make up his own songs whistling which is funny to hear. you get a taste of it on the video but i couldnt get him started.. he is also quite the mimic. he can do a door closing, fridge door, pop can openeing, my parakeet, my quaker, coughing,microwave, cell phone and the list is growing dailey.
  4. I shot some new videos of Sam talking and playing. please rate and comment sam talking sam playing with legos http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fixLmDtDi5M sam hanging out http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RerrpHbc_r0<br><br>Post edited by: OHSNAP!, at: 2008/08/05 21:55
  5. Hey all I normally wouldn't do this but since i had such a great experience with Sam's breeder/feeder, i thought i would give her a plug. Kris (birdiemovers) who is Sams breeder asked me to help find a baby congo a GOOD home. The congo is weened and comes pre-programmed with "step up" and "no." The cag is very well socialized and friendly. I believe it is DNA sexed as well, although i dont personally know its sex. Sam was sexed with certificate. It is $950 plus shipping if you need it. Her price reflects the level of care given and the quality of the birds life pre sale. She also has Brown Head (aka: Emerald) Parrot babies "experienced handfeeders only" for $175. Our personal experience went beyond a customer/seller relationship with Kris. You can check her out at this link and if you would like to talk with her then please email me at aliens8mydog@gmail.com or search that website for her info which is there but a little hidden. http://www.birdbreeders.com/breederratings.aspx?B=1878 Thanks
  6. Sam has started chanting "poopy! poopy! poopy!" as of late in a high pitched voice. The big surprise was Sam actually doing it on command! I have also been teaching him colors as of late. I hold up a red, green or blue object and he does his best to tell me what color it is. He isnt speaking clearly when he says the color though so he is a bit hard to understand. I help up a red plastic cup and he said GREEN. :laugh: Something else thats noteworthy. I step out the door for something like going after pizza or gas station and when i come back i can hear sam talking away. Since he has started this he can now whistle half of the beginning part of dixie and his speech is getting clearer. Very proud of him
  7. I came across this article stumbling and is worth reading. Enjoy link http://archive.gamespy.com/dailyvictim/index.asp?id=570 Article: MY LOVE OF SURVIVAL HORROR GAMES HAS PERVERTED THE DELICATE SENSIBILITIES OF MY PARROT. When I first got this bird I spent two weeks trying to get him to say “Hello.” By the end of the month he was saying “‘lo! ‘lo!” But that was about it. So I gave up. But then I bought a GameCube and, well, every Resident Evil game they’ve cranked out for it. I played them for hours on end with the lights out. I won’t lie to you -- it sorta put me “off,” you know? I started sleeping with the lights on and locking my windows at night. One night I crawled out of bed to get myself a drink, and I shuffled down the dark hallway between my bedroom and the kitchen, feeling along the wall with my hand as I went. The kitchen was nearly pitch black until I opened the refrigerator, and then a brilliant wedge of light poured out, causing me to squint. That’s when I heard it: “Grraaa ... aaaagghhh...” It was the slow, raspy moan of THE UNDEAD. I wheeled around, panicked, staring into the darkness beyond the fridge. The milk slipped from my hands and crashed onto the ground, spilling all over the kitchen floor. I didn’t move a muscle. Time was frozen for me. And then again: “Nnyyaagghhhh... glup, glup, glup...” The sounds were terrifying, and yet ... familiar. Slowly, my socks wet with milk, I stepped gingerly forward toward the family room. I must’ve left my Nintendo on, I thought ... but no, it and the TV were both silent. The Resident-Evil noises were coming from elsewhere. Then, from behind: “GRAAHH!!” I whirled around and reeled backwards in horror. I smashed into the lampshade and furiously reached over to flick the switch. And there, sitting on his perch amidst the warm glowing light that filed the room, was my parrot. “’lo! ‘lo!” he said to me, cheerfully. Apparently all those zombie noises from the game had gone to the little guy’s head. He could duplicate them exactly! This went on for some weeks, until finally I got used to it. The groanings and mumblings as I lay in bed at night actually started to get kinda soothing. Of course, I forgot to warn my friends and neighbors. A couple weeks ago, after a late night partying, Gary crashed on my couch. At 4:30 he came slamming into my room in his boxers clutching a baseball bat. “SOMETHING’S IN THERE!” he hissed at me, panting. So of course I had to introduce him to my parrot’s habit. He only does it when the lights are off -- I guess I trained him to do that, you know, by playing those games in the dark. “’lo! ‘lo!” he’d squawk, and then we’d flick off the lights and it would be: “Mmwwwaaahhhhh... *slurping noises*” One day Gary and Chris and I all stood around his cage one evening talking it over. We dimmed the lights until the bird let out a long, low, “Grrannggpphhnyayyyaahh” sound, like an oboe being played by an asthmatic’s last breath. “See?” I said. “Zombie bird.” “Dude,” Chris said, stepping back. “How do we know that that bird’s still alive? Maybe he’s dead. Or ... undead. Has he eaten recently?” “Truth be told, he’s been a bit peckish,” Gary said. “Of course he’s peckish,” I grunted. “He’s a bird.” “Grrrraaannnnghh! RAANNNRRRGHGHHHH!” “You better take him to the vet,” Chris said, holding up a crucifix. The next day at the Animal Clinic, the vet couldn’t figure out anything wrong. “That’s a fine healthy bird!” he told me. “’Lo!” the bird cheeped in return. So I turned out the lights in his office. The room fell silent. And then, from the cage, a soft low murmur: “Braaaaains...” “Maybe he should stay for observation...” my vet answered. The next morning I came in to pick him up, but I found his cage outside the office with a note attached. “Please take bird home,” it said. “Dogs all scared and night janitor quit.”
  8. MommaFawkes wrote: thats a great idea but its not the stand itself thats wobbly, its the main shaft towards the top. best thing i can think of is a piece of steel rebar or something.
  9. OHSNAP!


    we gave 800 for sam and it was well worth it. i would have given more if asked because the experience we had with the breeder was excellent and our tag turned out so good. that price also included his cage, travel cage and dna sexing along with some formula and food.<br><br>Post edited by: OHSNAP!, at: 2008/03/07 05:40
  10. when i change the litter i use arm and hammer soda on top on the newspaper. just sprinkle a thin layer of dust on. that seems to kill the oder before there is one. i dont know if i would try this if your cage is open to your bird playing in the litter though. works good with our quaker too
  11. Sam likes giant toddler legos, bells to hang upside down from and rope toys.
  12. I picked Sam as a name because we didnt know for sure what sex he was when we placed our retainer for him. I thought that a unisex name would be a great way to go. He likes to hang upside down ALOT since he has been home. Wish i would have named him Batman now lol.
  13. I highly recommend Kris from Canal Winchester Ohio (outside of Columbus). Birdiemovers is the buisness name. She is a great breeder and will teach the new bird the basics before you receive it. Her birds are well socialized and friendly. When we got Sam she was raising 2 CAGs, 1 TAG, and a blue and gold. Look at my avatar portrait, you will see 1 cag, sam and the B&G. She is so dedicated to what she does its not odd to see her out and about with all her babies with her in the car. I got sam a month early so she taught me how to hand feed him and ween him the rest of the way. She usually wouldnt allow it but we became fast friends and the fact that i have other birds helped. Kris will keep in touch with you and send baby pics the whole time the bird is being weened. If you live close to her like me you can visit the baby anytime you wish and visiting is recommended. When sam came home he adjusted very fast and began to talk about a week after he arrived. I heard him trying to repeat me a few times during pre weening visits. He came eating zupreem and mazuri along with formula at night. You can contact Kris @ birdbreeders.com her ratings there are in this link http://www.birdbreeders.com/breederratings.aspx?B=1878 if you wish contact me aliens8mydog@gmail.com and i will get you her number and email addy.
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