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Everything posted by Neildw

  1. Hi all, Regarding Yes she/he does preen normally and can extend / Stretch them. as far as as I can see it's only the wings the not positioned normally. else She/He is very happy. other thing is that she / he doesn't like fruit. and to lazy to open up peanuts. he he he. btw. Thanks to all for the reply's on my messages. I didn't know that there where so many gray lovers out there. and I mean "Lovers" cause there is lots of people that have gray's but not so passionate about them. Last night it sounded like kimi wanted to say Hello. but not a full Hello yet. but at the end of the day if she / he doesn't talk it's not going to be a problem cause my wife and I will still love him / her. and last night she / he went more to my wife than me. so I'm wondering if he / she can feel that my wife is pregnant what do u guy's think??
  2. Hi all, Here is a Small Movie of Kimi in Action http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=3480348448971787047&hl=en OR http://animalloversunited.com/clipshare/view_video.php?viewkey=db1988ef4c628eba0259<br><br>Post edited by: Neildw, at: 2008/01/03 10:05 Kimi_Movie.zip
  3. Hi all, I've taken kimi to the Vet. and the vet told me that Kimi is in a good condition The problem with the wings looks like a generic problem and would never have survived in the wild. he also told me to contact the breeder. It could be a complete batch that is "Faulty", Sorry it sounds like an appliance. he he. else there is not much he can do for kimi. overall he say's kimi looks fine. Kind Regards Neil de Weerdt
  4. Post edited by: Neildw, at: 2007/12/10 18:24<br><br>Post edited by: Neildw, at: 2007/12/11 06:58
  5. Sorry, this morning I read what I wrote, and damm it didn't make any sense at all, what I wanted to say is the following: No, I haven't taken him to a vet yet, It doesn't seem to bug him at all, It just looks very odd as you can see in the picture OLD MESSAGE No I haven't don't that yet. he's quit happy. and it does seem to bug him it just looks odd with his wings covering his chest and not his back but I will take him to a vet. I just need to find a good one in South Africa (JHB)<br><br>Post edited by: Neildw, at: 2007/12/11 07:14
  6. Hi, I got my African Grey "Kimi" on the 3rd of march 2007, as a birthday present. My wife and I hand-raised it. It was 6 weeks old when I got it Kimi is a very clever bird and since my wife is pregnant Kimi doesn't want to have anything to do with her, He doesn't bite her or anythinglike that, he would rather walk around her instead of over her lap. It's mimicking the microwave but doesn't talk yet. But I've got a problem His wings covers his chest and not his back,the way it should. Because of this it looks like he is afraid of flying, 'cause he will jump of his cage on to the couch, and I'm scared that he will jump of the cage on to the floor and hurt himself. We haven't trimmed his wings yet as I was told that we need to leave it until he starts to use his wings. My Question is: Is it normal for his wings to be positioned in this way? What can we do to fix it?
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