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Everything posted by melrn57

  1. Thanks!! I wish I could get in his bird brain and fix him! Enjoy your baby b/c just like a child those are some of the best times! Our baby was still a baby until this tragic experience it and now he is nuts. Howevern we still love him, but it is sooo frustrating.
  2. OKay guys! Thanks so much for all your advice. We have made some progress. He will still not step up to us, but if he flies then we get him and once he calms down he is ok. He will let us rub his head. However, I am very worried about him! When he flies he screams bloody murder. I think maybe his wing hurts?? He will scream for like 5 minutes. I do not know if he is associating flying with what happened or if it really hurts him. He is eating great, plays with his toys, throws his dishes and everything that is normal for his little attitude. I mean I would think if his wing was hurt he would hold it funny and "favor" it. Am I crazy for thinking this? Is it necessary to take him and have an xray or would he not show more symptoms? He just SCREAMS!! Any advice...we are really at a loss here. We love this bird like a child, and it is killing us both that he has turned into CRAZY bird!!:huh:
  3. Thanks! That is kind of what we have been doing. Just sweet talking and letting him know it is ok. I told my husband we are just gonna have to give it time. We cannot force him to be the bird he was ( he may never be) but hopefully he will come around!
  4. Hello! I am having trouble with my Smokey! He is 1.5 years old. He has always been bonded with my husband more so than me. He would let him do anything to him, hold him upside down, rub his head, under his wings, even massage his little toes. I have been able to do minimal things with him when my husband is home, but when he is gone I could do whatever. A month ago, he busted some blood feathers and was bleeding pretty badly. My husband was the only one home and he had to grab him with both hands, put him in his carrier and take him to the vet. The vet removed the feathers and everything was fixed. However, since then he is a toal different bird. He will not let us get him out of his cage. He will climb out on his own, but once he is out we cannot touch him. If we do manage to get him on our finger he just SCREAMS like we are killing him and flies to the floor. We are both very frustrated because we love him like he is our child and it is killing us to see him act this way. Does anyone have any suggestions to offer on how we might "retrain" him and I guess regain his trust? THanks and anything you can offer is greatly appreciated:( :(
  5. My wonderful grey, Smokey, had to go to the vet on Thursday. He busted a blood feather and had to have it plucked out. He also had two others that the vet was concerned about so he pulled them too and put him on some antibiotics. He is normally a very happy, noisy, playful, and loving bird. He always wants to be out of his cage and with my husband and I. However, since he had this vet experience he will not come out of the cage without coaxing by food.:evil: He is eating well and looks great. Will he get over this? Is he just pouting because he is rotten and knows he can??? Also just curious when some of your greys started talking. Smokey was 1 year old this past August. He whistles like crazy, mocks every beep in the house, but he is not talking yet? Thanks!!
  6. Well...I cannot get the pic to post, I put one on the photo page and am trying to get it on my profile!
  7. Well...I am finally home with my new baby! His name (well we will know for sure in a few weeks if it is he or she) is going to be Smokey! My stepchildren think he looks "smokey" because of the grey! After a long trip back from Indianapolis to Knoxville, TN he took a short nap. He went right into his new home and started plying with toys, eating, drinking, and preening. He is stepping up out of his cage, letting us scratch his head and even pet under his wing! I am truly amazed at how well he has done b/c he has not even been here 12 hours! I look forward to lots more fun and loving! Here is a picture of Smokey:
  8. Hey guys! I do not know who all read my post about getting me new grey! I was supposed to get it Sat, but due to some snow I am finally picking up the baby in the morning! I know it will take him some time to warm up to my family and his new home. What is the best? Should I just leave the cage open while I am here and let him come out on his own or just leave him alone a few days and see what happens? I just wonder the best way to help him transition smoothly! Thanks!
  9. Thanks judygram. This will be my first parrot of my very own. My husband grew up with a Red Lored Amazon that still lives with his brother and I grew up with a blue and gold macaw that my mother owns. This will be the first grey. I do not know yet if it is a male or female and we are debating names. I think I am going to pick it up on Saturday, so I may wait to see what its personality is before I name it. My husband likes the name Echo. If you have any name suggestions I would appreciate it! My other question is I have a smaller cage to transport the bird home and to the vet, but it has been used by my macaw. He goes to the vet regularly and there is nothing wrong with him but how can I safely clean the travel cage for my new baby? Thanks and I will post a pic as soon as I become a mom!
  10. Hello all! I am hopefully going to be a proud mother of a Congo on Tuesday if everything works out! I am soo excited. I just wanted to introduce myself and I will fill ya in on the baby! My name is Melissa!
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