Hello! I am having trouble with my Smokey! He is 1.5 years old. He has always been bonded with my husband more so than me. He would let him do anything to him, hold him upside down, rub his head, under his wings, even massage his little toes. I have been able to do minimal things with him when my husband is home, but when he is gone I could do whatever. A month ago, he busted some blood feathers and was bleeding pretty badly. My husband was the only one home and he had to grab him with both hands, put him in his carrier and take him to the vet. The vet removed the feathers and everything was fixed. However, since then he is a toal different bird. He will not let us get him out of his cage. He will climb out on his own, but once he is out we cannot touch him. If we do manage to get him on our finger he just SCREAMS like we are killing him and flies to the floor. We are both very frustrated because we love him like he is our child and it is killing us to see him act this way. Does anyone have any suggestions to offer on how we might "retrain" him and I guess regain his trust? THanks and anything you can offer is greatly appreciated:( :(