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Everything posted by Roo

  1. I love this video! Winsten loves to shower, also. He loves to take showers in the kitchen sink, too. If he's anywhere near either the shower or sink, he'll almost dive into it. I have no idea how he ended up loving the water so much, I didn't teach this to him.
  2. ohmygosh! Those are the CUTEST pictures! I love the one where they're both in the swings... TOO CUTE! Looking at those, I could only imagine you "posing" them for each shot, and wondering what people in the park might have been thinking. :lol: Thanks for sharing them.
  3. Hi All! I just posted a few pictures of Winsten in "The Photography Room" forum. It's titled "Meet Winsten". Enjoy!
  4. Hi All, Here are a few pictures of Winsten. He's my (almost, hatchdate is February 4th) 8 year old Grey. He's definitely a member of our family. I hope these links work. Enjoy! http://i262.photobucket.com/albums/ii110/jeannepo/P8020010.jpg http://i262.photobucket.com/albums/ii110/jeannepo/6.jpg http://i262.photobucket.com/albums/ii110/jeannepo/3.jpg http://i262.photobucket.com/albums/ii110/jeannepo/1.jpg http://i262.photobucket.com/albums/ii110/jeannepo/winsten2.jpg http://i262.photobucket.com/albums/ii110/jeannepo/winsten1.jpg Post edited by: Roo, at: 2007/12/06 20:54<br><br>Post edited by: Roo, at: 2007/12/06 21:02
  5. I'm wondering if Winsten is in that phase with his age, finding his sexuality. Actually, I don't even know if he's a "she" or not. We never had him/her sexed. He just has always looked like a Winsten to me. Every now and again my kids call him Winstina. One thing I'm wondering about is he will act like he's "feeding" me... by wretching his neck around and then eventually pulling up (I know this sounds gross, sorry!:huh: ) a piece of his food. That, in itself, has me wondering if this bird is a female. And, do females do the 'biting' thing, when they begin maturing? (I'm sorry if all my questions are off-topic) I will try to post some pictures of Winsten. Let's see: pictures of him showering with me (G rated, no worries!), pictures of him "laying" in my lap, pictures of him showering in the kitchen sink... you name it. He's my little buddy and I'm always taking some sort of picture of him.
  6. Thank you so much for the greetings! I'm having a ball reading all the GREAT topics in this forum. I'm sitting here thinking "geese... everybody else's grey's all act exactly like Winsten!" I'm really enjoying all the great feedback regarding biting greys. Not that it's good that Winsten feels the need to start biting me, but I'm feeling like I'm in good company.
  7. Hi, Winsten is an almost 8 year old Grey. I've had him since he was 2 months old. I've hand fed him since he was 1 month old. He is quite the character, as all Grey owners know. His "library" of sounds/voices is probably over 100. I live on a small farm, and some of his sounds include two different horse whinnies, pigs squealing, 2 dog barks, ect. I plan on having Winsten for the rest of my life, and I'm beginning to see behavior changes/problems. That's why I've joined this forum, in hopes to get other grey owner's views on how to handle things like biting. Roo
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