I was researching some nutrition facts for greys and found this forum. This should be fun!
My life partner, Dennis, and I have enjoyed our grey, Pepper, for 12 years. She is a joy and makes us laugh daily. She calls us Daddy Richard and Daddy Dennis, addressing us by name when we enter the house. Pepper enjoys interacting with Charlie, our cockatiel, who we have had for 14 years. She tries to get Charlie to perform tricks on command but so far he will only do these for us. Pepper also tries to get him in trouble by making his "squeaky gate" noises and then says, "Charlie, stop it." We have become really careful what we say to him in front of her. My latest "parrot lover" act was to get a vanity plate for my grew SUV that says "PAIR OT".
I teach sixth grade and my students love it when I bring Pepper to school. About the only thing she will say for them is "Pepper want tickle." or "Pepper want shower." I have her "autograph" a piece of graded work I'm handing back by having her punch a hole in it with her beak. The students seem to feel so honored.
Pepper appeared in People Magazine on April 5, 1999. They did an article on Dennis and came to the house to take photos - 10 rolls of film! The picture they used has Dennis holding Pepper and she's giving him a beak kiss. The article was about a children's program Dennis had designed to reduce violent acts in schools.
Post edited by: Azrich, at: 2007/12/02 05:02<br><br>Post edited by: Azrich, at: 2007/12/02 16:54