The Doc called me today as she got the rest of the blood work from the lab. The earlier results were what they could do at the clinic. He still is not gaining weight. After the last visit she suggested feeding Jengo starchy foods. Pasta, Cream of Wheat, Oatmeal, etc.... He won't eat pasta or Oatmeal, but does like the Cream of Wheat. I'm still working on trying to get him to like the other foods. Anyway, she spoke with an expert avian person for our region out of Florida and that Doc was confident that he has some kind of parasite. So, tomorrow we will drive to the clinic in Mobile to get his new meds. One is a parasite killer, another is some stuff to mix with water to kill off yeast that may have built up in his intestines and some Pepto Bismol to help with inflammation. He still climbs around in his cage and explores the living room floor shredding his usual stuff. Not with the same enthusiasm as usual, but at least he is still somewhat active. Will post again when I know more.