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  1. My sunny has a few of these spot feathers is this normal.Should i be worried.Like on the tip of her shoulder 2 spots
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zf11ntdmxBk Just love how she says chug a chug choo choo.
  3. ICERAT4

    Throwing Food

    This is my sunny and my beagle best of friends. [video=youtube;DT_lP-P7gm8]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DT_lP-P7gm8
  4. Sunny is in this club.But she also have the lovie dovie side of her too.LOL
  5. Just wondering if this is the best lighting system out there for my sunny. Any other suggestions other then this .Price is not a problem my sunny gets the best lol thanks guys let me know as i want to purchase asap.ty vm again see below link for the one i am looking at http://www.parrot-and-conure-world.com/lamp-over-the-bird-cage.html
  6. Thanks guys ..i do spoil her big time..she is something else..Now all i have to do is get her to talk on command ..which i think she will get in the next year or so...Lol...Thanks again for all the good comments i will tell sunny..heheheh
  7. Sunny is always yelling at my beagle daisy to do something ....This grey is like a text book grey..She loves me for hugs and kisses.AND will listen to my wife for more words to say...She will say a few things i say .but my wife can say stuff to her just a few times .And away she goes...I definitely take time with her as she is a really smart talking grey..Yes her cage is her house..hence the go in your house deal too funny...The best one i like is my daughters name is lucy.And sunny will say LUCY IM HOME ...LOL THANKS GUYS
  8. these are nice... http://www.airpurifiers.com/products/austin-air/healthmate-jr.htm
  9. Here is sunny turn up the speakers and listen to the whole video too funny...Even makes a cho cho sound.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zf11ntdmxBk
  10. Here is sunny watch the whole thing with voulme turned up.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zf11ntdmxBk
  11. This is my GREY kid sunny she is 5 years old and she has a hoilday message for you all..Please turn up the speakers and listen close to the whole message...And the second video is of her just rabbling on... 1ST VIDEO http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zf11ntdmxBk Hows that guys...Took only 2 weeks for her to pick that up ..{Feel-good-0002006B} 2ND VIDEO http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=enGF6F1GDSs
  12. I will have that ifo later today for all that i can say there is just a very very hint of smell ....1 day later nothing..I have her in the basement and i cannot smell anything down there..There are No voc paints out there .But the color choises are limited...
  13. Well just a update..The painting is almost done.And i cant really smell any fumes at all..this low to no voc is very nice.Sunny has been in the basement doing well with my beagle laying by the cage watching her.lol.So tomorrow i will be putting her back in her big cage....So all is well so far.WHEWW....
  14. Dave007 wrote: thank you will do this to..every bit helps thanks again dave..
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