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Everything posted by kek19

  1. Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers. Charlie didn't make it. When I went on my morning search today, I spread out a bit further and a woman came out asking if I was looking for something. She had found him the night before last while doing yard work. It appears he crashed into a tree. There has been a lot of wind and storms this week. She said she was going to bury him last night but something told her to wait. I was able to confirm it was him and have his body to bury.
  2. Thank you. We actually have his cage out in the front yard and his perch out in the back. My biggest concern is the rain and the temp drop tonight.
  3. I did put an ad in the paper too, thank you. And I just came in from where I last saw him. I keep going back there thinking the same thing. But if he's somewhere in the trees by the tree line where I saw him go down, he should have a clear view of the house. I would think he'd try to get closer. But then again, it's really windy today, not to mention the off and on rain. I just wish he would make some noise!
  4. Hi all, I haven't been active here in, well, a VERY long time, but I'm desperate. Our 13 yr old Timneh African Grey, Charlie, got loose this past Saturday. I've been looking for him from just before sun up, till just after dark everyday. We've put up LOST posters, contacted the human societies and animal shelters, filed a report with animal control, put an ad on craigslist, and put out a missing parrot alerts. My 10yr old son has gone door to door through out the neighborhood and stops people out jogging/walking/biking. He had an announcement done at school. I walk up and down through the streets and between the backyards calling him, whistling, playing the microwave beep I recorded on my phone. I carry a bag of Doritos with me shaking it asking if he wants a treat. He's just not answering! Yesterday, I was walking down the street calling for him, and he flew across the road and circled back to me, started doing the "back peddle" wing landing thing to come down when a huge gust of wind caught him, threw him up and back in the opposite direction, sent him spiraling, he caught himself just above a tree line and then I couldn't see him anymore. I've been searching that area since. But when they're that high, who knows how far in either direction they go. There's a hawk that's nested in that area too. I don't know if he'd stay where he landed, or get out that area. If he would just TALK or make some noise different than all the other birds I could find him! How do I get him to talk or whistle? I've tried everything I can think of. I'm in Michigan, and the fall weather is coming in. It stormed last night, bringing in a cold front. Temps only got into the 50's last night, but today it's a high of 60, suppose to rain again this evening and our low tonight is suppose to be 37! Can he survive the wet cold? I don't know if I should keep centering my search where I saw him last, or broaden it out more. When he flew over me yesterday, he was wobbly, reminded me of a baby taking it's first steps, but in wing form. His wings aren't clipped, but he only flies a few feet at a time in the house.
  5. That's the only time Charlie talks, is when we leave the room. I really wish I knew what he was saying though!!
  6. kek19


    Do they actually have bird skates?? :ohmy: Where would you find something like that?
  7. kek19


    Making foraging cups is a neat idea! Charlie has a toy that hangs, and he's got to lift the top to get the treats inside, he loves that. I think it's more the treats he likes though Do they really play and learn to count w/ abacus's (I have no idea how to pluralize that word LOL) I'm starting to wonder if he knows how to count. My 5yr old earlier was asking me what 2 was (don't know why) and I replied 2, then he asked what 20 was, and I said 20, then Charlie yelled out of the blue 22! Then my son said 23, then Charlie yelled 24! Shocked me! Haven't been able to get him to do it since though.
  8. kek19


    Wow Toni, that's great! THANKS!! Dropsy is what Charlie plays with the kids.
  9. Ok, this maybe a dumb question, but I was cleaning the cage and perch today and noticed that (stupid me moved a rope perch over a wooden one) that Charlie left droppings on the wood perch. How do you clean those? I can't imagine I can soak it, wouldn't it warp the wood? Would just a damp cloth be enough? Same thing w/ his seperate perch/stand. The toys hang below it. I've been just swapping out 'dirty' ones for 'clean' ones. The acrylics are easily tossed in the dishwasher after a good rinse. But what about the ones that are wooden or rawhide? The one I'm particularly interested in right now is just one of those rawhide rainbow colord strips stacked up on a 'kabob' w/ a bell on the end. Do I trash them (he's never even touched it) or is there a good way to clean them?
  10. kek19


    I understand the whole need to chew thing. I just wanted to know how others played w/ thier birds, or what kind of toys they give them other than chew toys.
  11. kek19


    From what I understand, Greys are very smart birds. And everything I read states they need plenty of toys to keep them occuppied. But what I don't get, is that most of the bird toys I find are chew toys. That just doesn't seem very entertaining to me. Our bird Charlie, just doesn't seemed all that interested in the chew toys. Granted he does enjoy chewing up the wicker like strips. How do you guys 'play' with your bird? What kind of interactive toys do you use w/ them? They only thing we've learned w/ charlie, is that he seems to enjoy dropping things so we'll pick it up. Over and over again. (And I thought I was finally done playing that game since my 3yr and 5yr old out grew it!) The kids enjoy doing it for him though. He likes doing it w/ marbles the most, sometimes he'll drop them in a metal food bowl to hear it clang. So lets hear it, how do you play?
  12. So are they unable to fly while molting? Or is it a one at a time deal that doesn't really affect them.
  13. Thank you for your responses, I should have posted this in the Welcome room, I didn't intend my post to be a long introduction. I just still feel so awful about the wing clipping. As we speak he's grinding his beak, looking over his shoulder giving me the evil eye. :dry: LOL As for the dog, they aren't left together unsupervised. That one time was a slip up on me, and after she chased him to me, I was quite uneasy about them being around together. Even now w/ them getting along, I don't leave them unsupervised. If something happened, I would never forgive myself. Ok, so how often to grey's molt? What are the signs? Just falling feathers? I'm assuming it's like when a dog blows it's coat, right? Because as of a few days ago, I'm constantly vacuuming lil white under feathers up (not sure of the technical name) I've only seen one larger grey feather fall, and that was the day after he was clipped.
  14. Hi everyone! Quick brief history, I know nothing about birds (ok did no nothing before aquiring one, have been doing research now). Any other animal, no problem. My husband on the other hand, birds are the one pet he knows, and he's wanted an African Grey since I've known him. About a month ago we were given the opportunity to share our home w/ 7yr old Timneh African Grey named Charlie. Sweet bird, well most of the time. First night home, we was hanging out on his perch then out of the blue flew to my husband and perched on his head for over an hour. Next day, he allowed him to pet him, then started perching on my head and about day 3 would let me pet him. So his transition went very well, considering from what I read, Grey's don't like change very much. He was not clipped, and started taking short flights around the house, mostly to one of us, or just around the room. He seemed to not like leaving the living room. A week after he came to us, I was in the master bath off my bedroom on the opposite side of the house. Well evidently Charlie didn't like being left alone that long, and the next thing I knew wings were flapping and dog was running (we also have 2 young children and a med-large sized mutt) Charlie found me and landed in a rush on my knee in the tub, and the dog came to a hault. Now, don't get the wrong idea, yes the dog was chasing the bird, but she would never harm him. I didn't honestly know that then, and I forgot to put Charlie in the cage while I went to bathe. Now when ever he ends up on the ground, the dog actually seems to stand guard from the kids for him. It's weird, they'll sit and taste eachothers noses. Anyways, not the point to this. I was just so suprised that he came to find me after a week. And all that day he hung out with me. Either on my shoulder (which was the first time, and pretty much the last time) while I was doing housework. He'd come to me when ever I called, etc. It just seemed we really bonded that day. Until that night.... My husband wanted me to take Charlie to a bird store. They a very well known Parrot store/breeder locally owned, been in business for over 20yrs. Considered the experts. He wanted them to check him over and have his wings, nails, and beak trimmed. The previous owners said he had never had his beak trimmed, I assumed he had his wings clipped before, but I didn't ask. I was uneasy about clipping his wings, but my husband assured me he'd still be able to glide, and he didn't want Charlie to get outside w/ the kids running in and out. Especially coming into our Michigan winters. (not to mention that's how he lost more than one bird as a child) So I took him. When they were done, I was walking towards them, abt 15 ft away and Charlie tried to fly to me, only to crash and burn. No gliding, nothing, straight head into floor. Every time he tries, same thing, still. I feel awful!!! For the first few days afterwards, he wanted nothing to do w/ anyone, especially not me. He didn't even want out of his cage the first day. He eventually started climbing on the door and up to the top of his cage, then my husband was able to get him and put him on his perch. Now he just sits there. I'll open the cage in the morning, he won't come to me, he backs away nipping at me, so I let him come out to his own accord, then I'll move him to his perch. I try to interact with him, but he just backs away. Occasionally I'll get him to step up. And that is getting more frequent. And at night, after the kids are in bed, he'll want to be petted. Before his wings were clipped, he was eating any and all fresh fruits and veggies I offered him, eagerly. Now, he really wants nothing to do w/ them, just his bird food and the occasional treat. (But that might something to do more w/ the kids slipping him cereal or crackers, etc when I'm not looking) So that's my story, and where I'm at w/ my fairly newly aquirred Grey. I do have a a question, that I can't seem to find the answer for, how long will it take for his feathers to grow back? I am never taking him to have his wings clipped again! My husband agrees w/ me, even w/ his fear of him getting outside. We may reconsider latter, and much less clipping (even though I'm not sure how far back they clipped)
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