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Everything posted by Kaeurl

  1. Kaeurl


    Thanks y'all!! Well...I guess I just take it day by day! This morning Cookie was up on his playstand (on top of the cage) and we were leaving for church, so I had to put him back in. Yikes. So... I went over ...talked sweet...gave him a scratch, and put my finger out. He just bowed his head for the fake "gimme a scratch." I put one hand in front and my other hand sort of behind him. He tried to freak me out by lunging toward the hand in the back, and I just calmly said, "no bite, cookie." And within a second, he stepped on to the hand in front. He had nowhere else to go. Once he stepped up, I praised him for it, and tried to give him a peanut. I petted his back and put him away. I'm going to keep trying to get him to step up, and hopefully he'll realize that I'm okay. If not.. so be it, but he'll still have to do it anyway. LOL It's a battle of wills at it's finest, I tell you!!! He is definitely my love... even though he's the most difficult little guy ever! Lately, he thinks he's pretty hot stuff if I let him drink water from his own cup. Thanks again you guys!!!
  2. Kaeurl


    Good morning everyone!!! Well...we've had our adopted Grey, Cookie, (8 years old) for about 5 months now, and as things have moved on, some things have moved backwards as well. Cookie was raised by a man. I'm female. He has started to take more to my husband than to me....which husband really wants no part of it. I mean, he loves the bird, but in no way, shape or form wants to be "the one." He got me the bird as a b-day gift, and just really is not interested in being No. 1. I don't want that either! I want to be able to play with my bird! We knew getting an older adopted bird would have it's challenges, and that's fine..I just need help dealing with them. Never had a "smart" animal before!!! So...what's happenening is, if I even walk by the cage, Cookie starts to retreat. He really won't even take treats from my hand anymore. Well.. unless I have a peanut...then he'll walk over to me and kiss me until the end of time until I give it to him, but he won't step up on me to get it. He's not biting me, but more just backing away. If DH walks in the room, Cookie will walk towards him. It's making me nuts. DH and I are trying to figure out the best way to handle it, and shy of showing a puppy who's the boss, we have no clue. I'm afraid of continuting to try to get Cookie to step up, or "harrass" him because I wonder if it will totally turn him away from me. On the other hand, if DH continues to be the guy, then that bond gets stronger. If I sort of leave Cookie to his own, I feel like he will (in his little brain) think, "oh, cool...now I don't have to deal with her." So, it's like he wins the battle. It's not an issue of not wanting Cookie to "like" DH...it's just that we want him to be okay around both of us. I wondered about trying to get Cookie to do the step up (or whatever it may be) with DH standing next to me and not really participating...sort of showing Cookie the chain of command, and letting him know that DH gives his seal of approval?? Ugh... It's so frustrating. Cookie is a GREAT bird..he talks, sings, whistles, calls the dog... I'm teaching him how to count... he's fantastic!!! I'm afraid that if he becomes a one person bird in our house (and said person is not me) ... that it's not going to work out. He definitely won't get the attention from DH that he would from me, because like I said, while we know Cookie is a family member.. the main responsibility part needs to fall on me. Anyone have any suggestions, websites, books.... anything to help me out??? You all are soooo helpful...and I appreciate it in advance. Carol
  3. We adopted our 8 year old Grey, Cookie, at the end of November. The first two months were glorious. LOL! The next month, not so much. Everyone told us the honeymoon period was over... well, it certainly was!! He would no longer step up to me, especially in or near his cage. Well, after a month of me backing off on the step up, and just sort of talking to him but leaving him alone for the most part...he is coming back around. Of course, I've been bribing him with treats, and even a few times when I think he wanted me to pick him up, I didn't... sort of just to let him know I am still the boss. (Actually.. I pretty much know I'm not...LOL) He's learning things like, when I get home and open his cage, he has free reign...I won't force him to step up. When I'm ready to go downstairs, I turn the lights out and ask him if he wants to go with me, and he'll step up from inside the cage in that instance. So... we are learning together...and I LOVE it. He was even starting to "bite" ... but not really. However, it was getting harder. Now, he's back to the fake "i'm gonna bite you" move, but when his beak goes to my finger, it's about as soft as could be. He's the biggest LOVE!!! Thanks for listening... there are only a few who can understand the joy of bonding with your Grey! Carol
  4. We got our grey, Cookie, a few months ago. His attitude was much better during what we learned is called the "honeymoon" period than it is currently, but we are all learning. He's 8, so he has some baggage, but don't we all! I love this little guy SOOO much!!! My question is ...he rubs his beak on his perch a lot. Usually to clean it...but I noticed today that you can actually feel close to the tip part, where it's like he's almost rubbed a layer off. It's much thinner (and sharper!!) down near the bottom. Is this what I've heard people saying they take their bird to the vet to get their beaks "done?" I'm assuming they drill it with a dremel or whatever, but I just wanted to see if this is normal behaviour. Other than a little cage territory issue, Cookie really has no issues. He's not a plucker, he doesn't really bite (unless I push him too far) ... and I just want to make sure he's not got a beak issue!!! Thanks, y'all!! Carol
  5. Thanks everyone!! Like i said, I let it go for about 4-5 days before I decided if I didn't do something that he was gonna win...and that's just not an option! Of course, now I know all I have to do is put a drumstick in my hand. :whistle:
  6. Very funny!! I'm just amazed at how smart they are. I thought maybe Cookie was just having a bad day, so I left him alone the first day, but it quickly became a habit that I wanted to break! I read somewhere to use a perch or stick or something to have your bird step up on that. I didn't really want to do that since I know he's capable of stepping up directly onto my hand. Anyway...my hubby is a drummer, so I tried to use a drumstick to see what would happen, and it totally freaked him out.... so... i sratched that idea. HAHAH
  7. Our grey, Cookie has been with us for 2 months now. He's 8. All of a sudden he has started to not step up on me when he is in his cage. Somebody told me "the honeymoon is over." LOL Last night, I took him into 3 different rooms in our house (away from both his cage and his playstand) and worked simply on "step up" and "step down." I know that I need to get him to do this, and I also know that he def knows how to, because he was doing it all the time before. Anyway... after about 20 minutes of "playing" he started to think about not doing it anymore, and I quit messing with him in an attempt to end our session on a good note. I even gave him the smallest piece of a cinnamon Sun Chip, which we found out he likes quite by accident. This morning he was in his cage being all sweet like he is in the morning, and I went over and opened the cage and told him to step up and he did...right away. I plan on working with him more every day, but do you think I just got lucky, or did my actual "work" do some good yesterday?
  8. ...for a Grey to pick up a saying? Cookie throws out something new at us just about every day. The other night he started in with this horribly evil sounding voice... saying "STOP THAT!!! STOP THAT!!!" Then he made this sound that I can only describe as a piece of wood smacking something. After that he made the sound of somebody crying... but trying not to cry.... like crying with their mouth closed. It was VERY clear. Hubby and I were dumbfounded...and I caught both of looking at Cookie like he was possessed!! LOL!!! He's tried to say it again, but it's too freaky, so I just say his name to try to get him off of it. Could he have picked that up from a movie or something you think? The previous owner sure didn't seem like the evil type.
  9. Hey everyone! I've had "Cookie" for a few months now, he's 8 years old. He is soooo fun!! Talks up a storm and virtually never sqwawks...usually just whistles or does random sounds and talks. Last night, we were upstairs and he was on his playtop part of his cage. It was time for dinner, and I usually take him down to his playstand while we eat...and he eats as well. When I went to get him, he didn't want to come, and was messing around threatening to bite me. (He never has..but he WILL remove your finger from him with his beak gently). So I left, came up two more times to give him another shot, and finally left him up there. He was sooooooooooooooooooo mad.... it is the loudest I have EVER heard him! I'm sure it didn't help that we were all downstairs giggling at him. Later in the evening he was still being irritable, so as soon as he went in his cage I locked him down for the night. This morning he was very loving. The attitudes amaze me!!!
  10. Okay...I laughed at the table too! However...the body language I was questioning said "Cookie" wanted something/to be picked up. I was just steamcleaning my carpets and saw him doing this "thing" he does...so I walked over to see if he wanted to be picked up. He did... and he proceeded to sit on the handle of the steamcleaner (while I used it) for about 15 minutes, and then "flew" home. Guess that darn steamcleaner piqued his interest!
  11. I'll check that article, thanks! Judy, he doesn't do much else that's "odd." He's still just a love, we are learning about each other quite a bit. He's got his new cage, which I love especially because it allows me to get to him easier, and he's great about stepping up since he knows it's his way out. LOL He seems happy, well-adjusted...never freaks out about anything, etc. He took to his new cage in about an hour...loves new toys..and just seems really mild mannered.
  12. ....sometimes sit in his cage (or on his playstand) and sort of hunker down and open up his wings like he's going to fly, but then not fly? He just keeps his wings "open" is the only way I know how to describe it. To me, he looks nervous...but I don't know why he would be. He'll do this at times when no one is even near him. Thanks!
  13. Thanks everyone! I'm hoping the cage transition will go as well as the home transition. I kid you not, when we brought him home he had NO issues at all. He was walking over to let me scratch him, etc..and had known me all of an hour. It's been a month now and he still has some trust issues with me. He doesn't much want to step up voluntarily, but once he's on me he'll sit on my shoulder and give me kisses and preen my hair. I sure appreciate all the great advice!!! Carol
  14. Great pictures and video!!! Cosmo is adorable!!! I've had my grey for a month too...but I adopted an 8 year old bird, Cookie. Aren't they fun!!!?!?!?
  15. Thanks y'all! Honestly, I don't know what I'd do without you guys! I'm so glad to be getting "Cookie" out of his dog kennel!! It's huge and he loves it...but I'm not really enjoying having it on my dining room table. LOL We've had him about a month now (he's 8) and he is just so super sweet. Hoping the change in cages doesn't freak him out.
  16. http://www.windycityparrot.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Product_Code=70301101219&Category_Code=standsmetal&Product_Count=8 What do you guys think? I've just ordered my cage and should be getting that soon. Now, I need a playpen. I really like the looks of this one...not to mention the price.
  17. Can someone please look at this link and tell me if this cage would be appropriate for a Congo? http://cgi.ebay.com/Bird-Parrot-cage-Macaw-Cockatoo-African-Grey-Q32-3223-S_W0QQitemZ150193058612QQihZ005QQcategoryZ46289QQcmdZViewItem I want to make sure I get him enough room...and I really like the removable play top until I can get a separate playstand for downstairs. Thanks! Carol
  18. Hey y'all! I have had birds in the past, and know when they sleep they will tuck one of their feet up in their belly. My new Grey (well, he's 8, but he's new to me) does that a lot. I'm hoping it just means he's comfortable...but just wanted to make sure it's okay! I can be standing there talking to him while he's in his cage and he'll just curl up one foot and tuck it in. Please tell me he's just comfortable! Thanks! Carol
  19. Okay...I'm so super excited. Last night after work, I was playing with Cookie (thru the cage, of course) ...eventually he was wandering around the top of the cage, and I was just talking to him as I was making supper, etc. Letting him have his space but still trying to engage him. When he finally got back into his cage, I decided I should shut the door as it was getting late, and I didn't want to "work" to have to get him to go back in. As I walked up to shut the door, he didn't back away from me, so I sorta just kept talking to him. Finally, I made the move and asked him for a step up and he did it! How excited was I?!?! I took him in the bedroom and shut the door so he could no longer see his cage...and he was great! He was giving me kisses....sat on my shoulder for a minute and played with my hair, etc. After about five minutes, I decided to take him back and give him a little treat. I thought maybe it was smart not to push the time away from the cage, but just wanted him to know it was okay to be with me...and that I would always put him back. This is way too much fun! Carol
  20. Thanks so much! He definitely is a love. I know the previous owner loved him to pieces, but recently became a full time single dad, and just doesn't have the time for him. Cookie is definitely a little piggie when it comes to almonds and peanuts...and he actually recognizes his little "spiderman" bowl the previous owner gave me...so he'll sort of come to me if I have that in my hand. He definitely loves to be out of his cage, and just hangs out on top talking his silly little head off. I appreciate all the insight ... and will just continue to be patient with him!! B)
  21. I have had Cookie for almost a week now. We adopted him, and he's 8 years old. He is the biggest love! He never bites, but instead, if he doesn't want to be picked up, will back away. I am working on trying to get him to "want" to come to me. He has lived with men up to this point, and I know it's going to take time, but I just am trying to figure out if there is something I could be doing. Part of my current problem is that he's in a dog kennel for a cage right now. I got it from the previous owner, who had him in an aviary ...then moved and decided to adopt Cookie out, so he never got a real cage. I'm in the process of buying one. The kennel is actually HUGE... but it's very LOOOOOOONG...and so when Cookie doesn't want to come, he backs himself into a corner, and short of crawling completely inside the kennel, I couldn't reach him if I wanted to. I am hoping when he's in a regular cage, it will be easier to get him to step up on me. When he doesn't want to step up, he will gently take my finger in his beak and move it away from him. The only time he willingly steps up is when he flies across the room and lands somewhere he's not supposed to be...he utters a cute OOOOooooooohh!!!!!! and then puts his foot out to me without me even asking. Are there any types of "exercises" I should be doing in order to try and win him over? When I finally DO get him, he'll give me kisses, and is just soooo doggone sweet, but tends to be anxious to get back to the cage, which I completely understand. I'm happy for 60 seconds of him on my hand! Any suggestions you have are appreciated!!! Carol
  22. Thanks so much! My DD has guinea pigs with the water bottle and the ball in it. I'll try one of those! Thanks!
  23. We just picked up our adopted grey about 2 days ago. He's 8..his name is Cookie, and I'm seriously over the moon because he loves us all and lets us all handle him! He's downstairs now just talking up a storm! My question is how do you provide water to your bird? In a bowl? In a bottle? Cookie's previous owner used a little kiddie bowl, which he gave to me, but if when I put that in his cage, he immediately takes a few sips... then steps in the bowl and bathes himself. I let him play with the water in the sink yesterday just to see if that would help him NOT knock the water bowl over, but it didn't work. I don't care if he wants to play in it...but eventually I'm going to need to go back to work, and I don't want him to be without water all day. Anyone have any suggestions? Thanks so much! Carol
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