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  1. My Maui was hatched on September 30, 2007 and we brought him home on December 27th, 2007.
  2. watchout


    I echo all that was said above. It's hard to know what to say about something like this. I got all choked up reading this and watching the video. I have pointed so many people to watch the Tui videos and everyone is so impressed. We should all pray for Andrew and Tui to be reunited soon.
  3. Great suggestions, do you think that the dog crates would be dangerous for birds? Would the bars or coatings be bird safe? I have looked around and it is cool that they are pretty big and they do collapse.
  4. Hello all, I haven't posted for quite a while. Been real busy. Maui is now 7 and a half months old. He is doing great. He is making tons of sound effects and I could sware that I hear a "Good Birdie" every once in a while. He has really bonded well with the family. One of the funniest things he does: My wife reads stories to the little ones every night before bed. If she doesn't take Maui up stairs with her for stories, he will fly to the bottom of the stairs and climb up one step at a time until he heads for the kids room. I need to get it on video as it's really funny. We have also tried out a couple harnesses. We tried the Feather Tether, the Flight Suit and the Aviator. We are by far most impressed with the Aviator. I have been taking Maui for walks around the block. He is really getting use to it and enjoys himself. I'll get some new pics up soon. Now, for the question. We are going to be on vacation for 2 or 3 weeks in June. I bought an Adventure Pack to use while in the car. It really seams a little small for him and he reeally doesn't like being in there. He hangs upside down a lot and looks to be trying to figure out how to escape. I'm not so concerned with the travel time, but, I am looking for recomendations for a collapsable cage to use at my parrents place while we are there. I want something big enough that he will be ok in there but, something that folds down for travelling. Anyone have any good ideas or experiences to share? I don't want to break the bank either as the GAS station gets most of our money these days. Any help would be appreciated, Thanks, JP
  5. That's funny, Maui does the same stuff. Yesterday, after his afternoon nap, he decided to hang upside down and flap his wings like crazy and make yelling noises like he had gone nuts. Then, he stops to see if anyone is watching.
  6. Maui loves to check himself out in the bathroom mirror. He doesn't have one in his cage, but, he sure likes it.
  7. Maui is a snuggler too. Usually if he is tired, he will snuggle up and go right to sleep. I think the younger ones do this more and especially if you have had them since they were babies. I have heard that they do grow out of this somewhat unfortunetely. I sure hope not.
  8. Sounds like we all deal with some of the same issues. Maui has put a couple nice scratches in my company laptop too and has hidden one of the keys. I put a perch for him right beside my chair now and I don't let him on me when I am working.
  9. I live in Southeast Michigan in the Detroit area. We have also had plenty of snow this year. I am origenally from Southern Illinois. I have grown to like the winters and it makes you appreciate the nice summer days all the more.
  10. Thanks Judy, it beats the $150 at the Bird Store. I did at least get to check it out there though. We go to visit with the birds and I always buy something small just cause I feel bad for spending so much gime there, but, I won't make any big purchases there as the prices are crazy.
  11. Hey everyone, The other night, I was in my office and my wife was doing laundry. When she brought the basket in the living room to fold, she saw that Maui had flown to the kitchen looking for us which is normal around here. He happened to be perched on the rim of a jar of Clausin Dill pickles and he had helped himself to one. Other than the fact that this could have been dangerous and the pickles surely have too much salt, any other dangers from pickles? He sure seamed proud of himself and he made quite a mess of it.
  12. Hey all, I was looking at an Adventure Pack cage today at the overpriced Bird store. I promptly surfed the web to find a better price when I got home. I found it for $124 with free shipping. Anyone know found a good deal on one out there? I would like to take Maui outside with me in the Spring. thanks, JP
  13. Will chickens let you scratch their neck?? I think not.
  14. Great to hear, sounds like she is really coming around. Keep up the good work.
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