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Not for nothing I have checked out Nychsa on a google search and I see that you are in a couple of other forums and in your profile in every one you have a differant occupation. I think that you are a troll in alot of forums and love to start arguments. What is your true occupation? I think that you are a web booster to get hits on web forums to increase posts so that the owner can get more money for it when sells the forum. This forum is for sale. I think that it is so ironic that only a few days of this forum being listed for sale who comes in Nychsa to start her B.S. A word to the wise check her out before you praise her. SHE IS A TROLL!!!!! Go to google search and just put her name in and see what you find out. I know its her because she has some of the same pictures on them as well as here. She causes trouble where ever she goes. When you go to another forum just ask other members in there forum. As i did they all responded with the same answer she is a trouble maker. And a lier she cant even tell you what her REAL occupation is.
Welcome to the FAMILY!!!!!!!! Good to have you here. Enjoy it and please ask as many questions as you want.
So Sorry for your loss. It is very hard to loose a bird. They become one of your family and you get so close to them. Again sorry for your loss!!!!!!!!!
Hello, As Dave has said This is all new to the bird and needs time to adjust to his new home. Kids are way to fast and loud for new or even older birds.( I have 3 kids ) and my Ziggy still till this day get very nervous when they are playing and running around the house. Most birds are very skitish and will nip at times when upset. The best ting is to have you kids sit in a chair and then you bring the bird to them and put the bird on their arm(never shoulder) and let them slowly and caulmly hold the bird( below eye level). You dont want the bird in a high setting he/she will take this a dominate jester and might nip. Birds are like dogs in a sence that they need to have a pecking order, a bird like a male dog will try to become the "ALPHA". I hope this will be helpful for you.
Hello Bruce and Alicianicole, This is the season for greys to breed and they are showing you there love. Courtship is very tender at times and can be very rough. Usually the male gets the short end of the stick in this. Alot of breeders I have seen ( alot of speices ) the female will pluck the male during this time. Went to a local show here in St. Pete and a pair of Eclectus breeders were for sale and the male was plucked by the female. One of the things a bird loves is to be loved (when she wants to be loved). There hormones are up and they are a little out of sorts. Just remember to let them sit on the eggs and give them food with calcium( almonds,cuttle bones,broccoli ect). I would stay away from the almonds myself they are high in saturated fats. A large cuttle bone is a great way to see if she will lay another egg. When you check the cuttle bone you will see a good part of it eaten.(they need the calcium to produce the egg). Instincts will take over. My sons cockateil has layed 4 eggs over the last 3 months. The cuttle bone is a good way to see if she is ready to lay again. We check it and when there is a good pourtion of it missing she would lay a egg with in 2 to 3 days.
Hello, Try a nutrition store. They have no salt crackers. At least they do here where I live. I just bought some yesterday. You might want to try melba toast they are salt free and my birds like it. Rice cakes are good if they are plain. The flavored ones have some sugar added to them for flavor.
can someone please help me with info on african gr
ziggy replied to REGINA's topic in The GREY Lounge
Hello Regina, You should let her sit on the eggs for 21 days or so. She needs to roost the egg(s). They need to go through he stages of a clutch. She has no idea the egg is not fertile. She has to go through the stages on her own. A grey will lay a egg every 3 days for about 2 weeks. The normal clutch is about 3 to 5 eggs per clutch. She will be fine you need to boost her calcium to produce the eggs and she will not become week or calciun defishent. Natural instincts will take over. Put a cuttle bone in her cage for her to knaw at to get the calcium she needs for the next egg. -
Good Luck and have a great and Merry Christmas. Enjoy him for the day and charish it forever. Before you know it he will be home forever. Again Merry Christmas and enjoy Brody
Welcome to the FAMILY!!!!!!!!! Hello Shaq and Charlie we wish you nothing but the best here in the family. Please ask as many questions we want. There are many people here to answer them for you. You will get the best advise on the net right here. Again Welcome to the FAMILY!!!!!!!!!!
To our extended family, We would like to wish each and every one of you a Very Merry Christmas. Stay safe and keep the faith. Enjoy your familys and friends today for this very special holiday. The best gift you can give ANYONE is LOVE. Love everybody and you will recieve there best efferts to love you in return. Please keep the troops in you prayers and hearts today, as we do everyday. Enjoy all of the special celebrations today. God Bless All Of You today and forever. With all of our warmest holiday cheer and love Mario,Lori,Joey,Angelica,Jacki And the Zoo!!!!!!!!
Hello Bmustee, Cute name for a grey. Good luck with him always charish him forever. You should post some pictures of elmo so we can see him.
Welcome to the FAMILY!!!!!!! A vet check is in order ASAP please dont wait to long. Please let us know how it goes.
That was beautiful. I think we need to remember our troops for the holiday, along with everyday. They are puting there lives on the line for all of us. This is a good reminder that wether we agree with the war or not, They are out there fighting for us as a nation and what we feel are good intentions. The further 9-11 gets the more we forget the reason why they are fighting. I have a tatoo that says 9-11 NEVER FORGET and it is true. God bless the armed forces, now and forever. C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\My Documents\My Pictures\MISC PICS\100_5413.jpg Post edited by: ziggy, at: 2007/12/23 05:21 <br><br>Post edited by: ziggy, at: 2007/12/23 05:26
Hello Dad, Good to see your back with us. The family was wondering about you. All the questions my god. Well WELOME BACK TO THE FAMILY!!!!!! You never left me because I could talk to you everyday, but as for the rest of us they were truly mad,upset,confused,and sad that you left. Try not to let it happen again.
Hello Tiffany, First of all he needs to be a bird first then a pet. The screaming is a sign of attention to him. Birds need to be birds because like others are saying they need to occupy themselfs. You have a life with your kids and household chores that you need to keep up with and not always be there for the bird every minute of the day. Thats why no matter how much you want to be there for him every waking moment they need to be a little self suppotive. Greys are a bird of dominence and will push there luck to see how much you will give into them. This bird could have had 1 of 2 things happen to him in the past. 1) Not enough attention from the prior owners. 2) Had to much attention and now is spoiled. I am willing to say it is reason 1 if he was a rescue. You are a teacher so you know that when a problem child wants attention he/she will do things even if they know it is wrong JUST TO GET THE ATTENTION this is the same with your bird. Attention is attention whether good or bad. He will continue to push you and you need to show him that you are the boss and will not be pushed around. Birds need cage time to relax and have quiet time. You need to set ground rules and he will have to get used to it. You also said that you change his toys every week stop doing that. Greys also like routine and by you always changing his routine your are making him upset that his cage is always differant. How would you like it if someone changed you furniture every week? You would get upset with that person. The bird is getting upset with the constant changes to his house. Try doing this Leave the toys you have in the cage. Set the rules and stick to them. Cut the out of cage time down. Tell him when he screams NO in a firm but calm voice. Cut the on top of the cage time down.(anything over you head he takes as I am above you) Try doing these things and let me know if you see a differance.