I voted for Chuckles in the talk poll but cant vote for 2 birds. My younger baby, Bozo, is 14 months old, has been with me since the age of 10 months. Bozo laughs, quacks, blows raspberries, tuts and makes lots of noises as if he is trying to speak. I am sure I heard a "hello" and a swear word on another occasion :blush: The man who had Bozo before me unfortunately thought it would be a good idea to teach Bozo lots of different whistles instead of chatting. Chuckles is a real chatterbox and picks up things very quickly so she is now copying the whistles. Now I am subjected to very loud sessions of the 2 birds whistling to each other several times a day and this does not stop until I cover one of them up.
Bozo adores my daughter and we are thinking about letting Bozo go to my daughters house for a couple of weeks to see if that will break the whistling habit a bit and encourage more vocal noises.
The only problem is that I will miss Bozo terribly. He is such a cuddly bird and we spend hours cuddling and playing with toys every day.
If anyone has any other advice they can give me I would be very grateful.