Of course I don't want to give her up, in the sense that no pet owner wants to lose their pet. By the same token, behavior modification only goes so far. In the end, a parrot isn't domesticated. It's a wild animal, and some degree of unwanted (to the human) behavior - chewing, pooping everywhere, etc - is just part and parcel of being a parrot owner. So, even in the best case, there are still problems to deal with. I used to not care so much, but I just bought a new house, I'm doing a bunch of home improvement, and it's frustrating having a parrot that basically is working 100% in the opposite direction. Not by intent, obviously, but it's frustrating having food remnants, bird poop, feathers, chewed bits of wall, etc everywhere, and bite marks in new sofas, etc. And, there's one of me in a 3 story house to keep everything neat. Not too easy.
And, there are only so many parrot people in the world. Not many people can deal with a pet that may nip at their hands, fly at their head, etc. So I really don't have any options as far as people to take care of her. It would be awesome if there were, but there aren't.
So, I'm in a situation where I work 8 hrs a day, and then have to deal with an unruly parrot at home and constantly keep an eye on her, so I can hardly even watch TV without her chewing up the carpet, or chewing on the corners of walls, etc.
I lived with an ex-girlfriend who had a Jardine's, so it's not like I went in blind, but greys can be a lot more work. It's my fault for not having the foresight to think years down the road, but at the time, all of the stuff I mentioned above didn't bother me. Now it does, and it's not fair to hold it against the parrot, but it's just a conundrum. Hate the idea of not having her, but also hate dealing with the mess, and house destruction, etc.
Honestly, I just think a grey works better in a house full of people, who can take care of the parrot and spend a lot of time with her. In my mind they're social creatures, and I just don't think being locked up all day, and having only one person around most of the time, is conducive to having a happy parrot.
Anyway, so that's my situation in a nutshell.