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Everything posted by Peco

  1. Peco


    I love this forum..... Colors and the bird reaction. My AG seems to love the color yellow above and beyond al the other colors. It adapts to yellow on it perch and toys especially. Is there any reason for this.. If i put a red toy in the cage, he doesn't respond bit with yellow he loves... just thought I'd like to share that.. also.. are there any related articles or write-ups on this subject? thanks
  2. just thought i would like to encourage others with AG's and the like... Mpst people don't understand the great rewards,great comfort and love these animals bring to us. My brother who deals with some heavy depression told me Peco is like medication for him( a great love, care and cuddly little grey feather's). Birds are more than just entertainment. They are life companions with us on this journey through life, who share moments, who rejoice in our success and who love to put a smile on our face and be there with us thru the bad times and the good. I feel like my life has changed in just a short little while since picking up Peco
  3. sure will. Have a great day,, off to work i go.....
  4. Thought this was rather great to see... Over the past week, Since getting my Peco(ag) i have noticed family members of mine coming over to visit more and call out of the blue to see how Peco is doing.. It seems my baby AG is bringing closeness back to my family, seeing as tho all the sons are married and have moved on to their own lives. Also, the funniest thing, Mom loves birds with all her heart and she also invited Peco for Sunday lunch...LOL Grey's bring the Love, thank God for my little Blessing...<br><br>Post edited by: Peco, at: 2007/11/02 16:27
  5. cool thanks, ya i wanna build a monstor play gym for my bird, so i will be spending some decent time on it... thanks for the input..
  6. went and checked out some new toys for my bird, and was wonder how safe pvc pipe(plastic) is for birds. Have thought of making my own so i can make it to how big i want it.. anythoughts...
  7. Peco


    i have watched his weight(with a gram scale ) and he seems to be very stable.Also, he is eating regularly....pellets and seeds and an assortment of fruit and veggies.
  8. Peco


    what is the general age for a breeder to release a fully weined grey to a new owner. Thru my research, generally it is 16 weeks if i am not mistaken. My grey is around 10 - 11 weeks old, and i Just recieved him a few days ago and brought him to his mansion for a cage... Family with parrots as well, and they always received there;s 16 - 18 weeks. Just want to get a new perspective from all you guys..
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