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Everything posted by mosfatal

  1. Ok I feel I need to start at the beginning Chico was an egg that his mom had ejected from the nestafter caring for it for 18 days. I was friends w/ a friend of the breeder. After candling the egg I decide to try and hatch it the breeder made me a deal if the egg hacthed I could have the chic some formula and a cage plus he'd teach me how the hand feed all for $300 if it didn't I could buy one of the other chicks @ regular price. Needless to say he hacthed the breeder was so shocked that he gave him to me and I only paid for the cage. So back to the present: After coming in the house and reading the link I sat in the middle of the feild where he could see me and jusst talked untill he started talking back. He was saying things like "help me ...I wanna step up now....Help me now" it was breaking my heart. He even went back to making his baby feed call which I haven't heard since he was 1 years old (he'll be 6 in july). So while I am talk ing to him he starts acking down the tree branch. So I am clap and saying "good job ...who's the smartest bird in the wole wide world" to which he resopnds chico. So he keeps opening his wings but everytime the wind would blow he'd snap them shut. So in the meantime my friend a fellow Grey own (not to mention Bird Dept. intern at zoo atlanta) call to say she is on her way over to help. Finaly he gets the courage to fly and is heading stright towards me the wind kick up and sends him off in the other direction.....just then clare calls to say she is in the parking lot....I am loosing it untill I hear the slightest peep he is in a bush maybe 12 feet in the air the losest t the ground he has been since he got out...so I pick up a branch and ask "Are u going to step up " "no" he replied and I should have listened ....I get the branch to his feet and he takes off ....He lands like 3 feet away about 5 feet higher...so Claare sit under the tree and starts eating peanuts form the tree we here "some chico wants" so clare explained he had tocome down to get it he keept putting his foot in the air to step up but wouldn't come down .... So the maintaince man brinng my the pool net I clamb a 15 foot ladder and almost kill meself trying to net him he flies to another tree now like 2 stories in the air .....I start to cry he takes off again and flies over a yard w/ 5 pitbulls in it and is getting low so I am screaming "keeep going don't land " he makes it jusst to the other side of the fence ...the kids in the complex know the person who lives in the house with the dogs so they go to get him and Clare refuses to wait she hops about five fences and is looking where we think he landed...and hears "hello ...step up now" down by her feet is chico ...so she steps him up and is call to me "i have him but I dont have a towel" and then I hear her screaming he coming your way ....he flies back across the yard lands at my feet looks up & says "give me a kiss" I toweled him and ran back to thehouse as fast as I could
  2. I got him back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I finaly othim back in the house....I'll type more latter to excited to sit still but didn't wanna leave u all wondering
  3. he has been in that particular tree since 8 am yesterday he has been out since 5pm weds. I hav made manny phone one of which to animal controll where they told me "it's a bird?...we aren't coming out for that" so I hung up b4 I started to cuss
  4. Chico has got out and is now in a tree at least 4 stories hi...I have taken his cage out there and prepared a large platter of his favs ....He is talking to me and asking for help but won't buge for the limb he is on I am at my wits end can ne one think of some I forgot or have any suggestions
  5. I let one visting me know it is Chico's house 1st and if they can't listen they can get out...He is not a TV he speacks when he wants to and can NOT be turned on for thier entertainment. But luky me I con for a parrot loving family my mom and 3 of my aunts have birds so everybody basicly knows that they rule the roost
  6. Ok thanx for your in put it was most helpful;)
  7. What you are saying Ziggy makes sense it was along the lines of what I was told by one of my professors but I guess what I really was asking is Is it ok to switch cold turkey or do I need to brong water to mix w/ the new water
  8. I am moving cross country and was wondering if I need to bring tap water with us to mix w/ the new tap? I am flying so I am try to pack lite as possible...What do u all think?
  9. When there is a sleeping baby in the house Chico tells everyone he sees (in a rather loud voice) "SHHHHHHH! U wake U take"
  10. where is the feater u mite just have to cut it off b/c u don't want her to ingest any of the goop trying to clean it off
  11. mosfatal

    Green beans

    Chico LOVES organges but sadly can only have them if I am out of town I am REALLY alergic just the smell make me break out:(
  12. Well Chico is the main reason I became a vegaterian...I was spending so much money n veggies for him that I had none left over for meat before I knew it just the smell of the stuff made me sick.....I also stopped useing as much salt in my food b/c Chico is known for sneaking things off my plate....With all that said I have lost over 50 lbs since Chico entered my lifeB)
  13. Yeh ... it would be interesting to know how he reacts to the flight ... Chico and I are driving ....we have drove (?) to New Orleans b4 and had no prob and ATL is shorter by 5 hours so we should be fine
  14. Wow so I guess this is a hard topic can't really find that much info maybe once I do it I'll write a book about it
  15. Chico HATES getting wet LOL everytime he sees me with a spray bottle (even though I stopped staying him when he was like 8mths old) he says Chico is a dirty birdy...LOL Anyway one of my profesors suggested washing whole lettuce(sp?) leaves leaving them whole a putting them in the cage so as he played with them he would get a "shower" he loved it!!!!!!!!!!! Just don't stand too near unless u want a shower 2
  16. So found out that I got the externship that I wanted @ Zoo Atlanta....YAYB) .... But now comes the hard part.... Moving....I am not really worried about Chico adjusting(I got him as an undergrad so we moved around alot and spent breaks at my mothers house) my concern is how to handle packing...I feel all of my careful bird proffing is getting ruined in preparing.:unsure: ..Anybody made a major move with your feathered babies?:dry: Also moving from MI to GA are there any laws I should worry about ???I -Is there any preparing that needs to be done for the weather change (we are moving in Dec)???? -Should I expect a molt???
  17. Chico does the peep thing if he can't see me but if he can see me he calls me Chica (he loves his name so much that he tought it was mine too :lol: so after failed attempts to get him to say my name we settled on the gender correct version :blush: )Also he uses different parts of the wolf whistle to greet my 2 sisters and my bro gets a perfect inmation of his own voice saying "What'd up" :laugh:<br><br>Post edited by: mosfatal, at: 2007/10/25 21:22
  18. I know that feeling thinking every noise is a bad sign you'll get thru it :silly: promise... OK so for the feeds: he will not wein himself if he is eating "real" food (not formula) you can start cut out feedings start with cuting one (also you need to intro a good pallet I like zupreme)as he beginns to eat more of the veggies and kibble u will note he is not as eger at hand feeding time Sour crop comes form over feeding Crop burn can be prevented the same way u prevent burning a babies mouth tesst the formula on the inside of your wrist Sneezing may be do to dry air try a humidifyier(sp?) Lice u can see part the feathers and look but 1st faethers are itchy Proper feed should be fairly ez to spot 1 you should be able to see the crop expand 2 your bird will do the "feeding bob" ( kinda hard to explain in type but if you've seen it u know what I mean) Hope this helped a lil ....I worried my vet to death for the 1st 3mths. What made me feel better was buying a scale that way I could asure myself that Chico wasn't wasting away:blush:
  19. is there something in the room that he is scared of it took my 3 year old cuzin to point out to me that for some reason Chico is scared of the color pink :dry: wwierd rite???? but look at every thing try covering only one wall fo the cage @ a time this well help u know what direction to look in
  20. Well don't we feel welcomed thanks guys:woohoo:
  21. Purpose: The purpose of this experiment is to prove that AG not only mimic but are able to interprut change and adjust learn behavior. ( i.e. think) Hypothesis: It is predected that given a task Charlie will be able to complete said task even as conditions are changed. Hope that helps
  22. Ok when Chico was younger I tried the harness and HATED it I wonder if I was going a bout it worng I also hear that the new ones aren't as compalcated is that true. I guess what I am asking is there anyonne out there that try both types and had better results or does anyone have tips on how to get Chico to accept the harness better he loves being out side (I have a cage on the back patio for him) but I would like a lil more mobilty<br><br>Post edited by: mosfatal, at: 2007/10/24 19:56
  23. I have a 5 year old Camaroon Grey named Vattoe Chico and yes he picked his own nmae and will correct you if you don't say the whole thing LOL I got him when he was 10 weeks old and yes I handfed him myself:blink: (but b4 anyone gets up in arms I am a trained proffesional) I am a Vet student @ Mich State and I got him after my internship @ the Cinci Zoo where all I did for and entire summer was hand feed baby birds....He is the light of my life and is convinced that he is a real boy (should have name him pinocio <---sp) I tell everyone that one of the major benfits to having a parrot is weight loss b/c of diet I have loss the fear of buy veggies that I have never tried b4 cuz if I don't like them he'll eat them Ok well now I am babbling ne thing to keep from studing
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