My wife and I recently adopted a 10 year old grey from a couple who is moving and could not take the bird. The grey is a female, and very intelligent in the fact that she has a fairly good vocab. At first we visited the bird several times at the owners house to see how she was, all good there right...Well we get her to our home and all set up in her cage. Now it is nearly impossible to remove her from her cage without getting the crap bit out of me. I have read all about being confident and assertive. I also do not pull back or show emotion when she bites. But when she bites it gets bad sometimes like she knaws my finger!! I can only take so much pain, and she has made me bleed pretty good several times. Im not really sure were to go with this grey, but i know that it isnt good for the bird or my wife and I for the relationship to be this way. Any help or advice would be great.