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Everything posted by Ossy

  1. Hi sorry to bother you all again but has anyone any knowledge of a King African Grey which suppodley has red in its chest and wings as well as its tail.I ahve been offered one from a reputable breeder but cant seem to find any mention of them anywhere
  2. Thanks all for the help and advice.Ive decided to go for the grey and leave the amazon as I think my uncle has another person interested in it now .Now the hardest part lol locating a well bred grey in UK :whistle:
  3. cheers well now im looking at finances for both .Room shouldnt be a prob although cheeky quaker has too be be alone maybe as hes only got one foot as an AG ripped the other off when he sneaked out to the prev owner .But hey hes a top quaker a brave guy and im sure hes dint hild grudges lol
  4. Hi thanks Fourtrap nice to speal to you .I may have given the impression that the Amazon was for free but it actaullyisnt its for sale at a price of £600 stg maybe around $1200 approx.Hes a great guy but im now unsure as at the moment its either one or the other
  5. I think my guilt over murphys next onwer should not take priority here but as i9 cant afford murphy ansd my new family memeber i should maybe stick to my ifs and buts and commit myself to my new son after 12 months of umming and wanting to get the rite boy
  6. I think after 12 months i should stick to my choice of an african grey but i would hate the amazon ,murphy as hes called to go to a bad home as hes great .sulks but forgives lol .I also have a quaker who is a traitor lol .He hated females for 5 years until my wife decided he liked to take breakfast with her .tea and toast lol .Now cheeky the quaker has dumped me lol
  7. Omg dont say that .Im now more confused.The amazon is a great bird but does sulk but not for long .It will sulk for a week or so if it is told off as it does behave quite well however my only doubt is the fact theat it speaks of all my uncles family and dog and cat etc and if this is all i would ever hear i think id struggle to have a taking bird who doesnt eben say my name for another 30 years or more lol
  8. I have seen the amazon and its a lovely bird .Friendly except the odd nip or should i say more a nibble but most of its vocabulary is related to the family it lives with .Of course.However if it is not at the end of the learning window for an amazon i would be stuck with this .However with an ag i understand they learn all the time so if i got the bonus of a talker it would be my mimics etc.as i said before if theres no taker its no prob so speech isnt a priority
  9. No i am under no obligation but as i have taken so long deciding upon the right one or what i think is the right one ,i was then offered the yeloow crested amazon which is approx 3 years old .its is rung just not got exact age with me .i feel thats if this is a reasonable option i could maybe offer the amazon a good home .however ias id prev decided afeter 12 months looking ,i dont want to end up having made a wrong choice which i may regret and be stuck with for years as i would never rehome it if i accepted it
  10. Hi im new to this site and am looking to buy a parrot.After 12 months of looking and iffinf and butting at different ones ,I have now all but decided on an African Grey.However once my intentions to my family have been announced I have now been offered a 3 year old yellow crested amazon by my uncle as due to commitments they need to rehome .Can anyone advise me on this offer .Deep down i would like a talking parrot but this isnt a priority at all as i know this is an added bonuu however i dont want to be stuck with a parrot with is great but just talks and talks what the prev owner has taught it .I understand that the amazon has a learning period in which it learns new phrases etc,Once again i am not just getting a parrot to talk but also i would pefer that if it did speak or mimic it would be things I had taught it .Any advise please
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