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  1. lol,brilliant thankyou for sharing it with us:)
  2. lol,our CAG says that when hubby leaves the room. as soon as hubby comes home he goes straight into the lounge to see them and the CAG nearly breaks his neck in trying to get to hubby.he then puts his head down and says "rub my neck" lol susie
  3. i will definately post some pics for you i will also post some pics of my CAG and TAG ive just cleaned our greys out,hmmmmmmmm lovely job eh? lol.
  4. hi melissa CONGRATULATIONS on your new job:) susie
  5. tari ive read the sticky you mentioned. brilliant info. the galah will have his own cage so he wont be with our greys.but he might be on the playtree that hubby made with them. we will see how he is ,but if they dont like each other we will put him on there on his own lol. susie
  6. thanks tari and siobha9 he is at the moment with my brothers ex wife.she has just gone through another divorce and cant afford to keep him as she has 5 children and loads of guinea pigs lol. he is adorable and i have fallen in love with him. he is 3 years old and loves his belly being rubbed.he rolls over so that it can be rubbed,crafty devil:) we have a spare cage now as we spoilt our 2 greys and got them new penthouses and were going to get another bird anyway lol. this galah actually comes with his cage so i will still have an empty cage! who knows another bird might be on its way to me anyway lol. thankyou for the advice. i will let you know how i get on:) susie
  7. hi jimmycoope hes adorable.well done susie
  8. we already have 2 lovely greys and have been offered a galah cockatoo. does anyone have one of these parrots ? would he mix with our greys. any help would be great susie
  9. hi caryl and welcome max sounds adorable:) our CAG is the opposite,he wont let ME near him lol susie
  10. hi dave thankyou for sharing the pic with us.and thankyou for explaining why our babies are scratching lol. susie
  11. hi ronda LOL men eh? just because my TAG is soooo sweet and his CAG is grumpy towards me,hes jealous LOL susie
  12. my 12 week old TAG,springsteen, does this aswell. we first noticed it when i walked passed his cage. as soon as we shut the top of his cage or the door,he starts lol. susie
  13. hi kelly and welcome my CAG is a year old and doesnt talk yet.he wolf whistles and clucks like a chicken,which is my fault as i cant whistle lol. he does try and say words but we cant quite work out what hes saying lol. so dont worry,he will later. susie
  14. hi sofabed we also got a new grey last friday and i was going to post some questions about flying into things aswell lol.but you have saved me the trouble:) mine now knows not to bite when i tell him no,he has learnt this over the weekend. he steps up onto my hand and when i say "rub my neck" he puts his head down for me to rub him.hes adorable. does yours scratch the bottom of his cage? mine does lol. hubby says he looks like he is riding a scooter,bless him. susie
  15. hi bmustee my tag is is so uch friendlier than hubby cag lol. at least i can get near him/her i do agree though about the colour. saying that my TAG has a beautiful maroon tail but hubby insists on calling him a pigeon:( i still love him though,hes my baby lol. susie
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