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Everything posted by Shim101

  1. Yeah! Great photos! What type of Camera do you use? Congrats! Christina and Calvin
  2. Thanks for all your help guys! Yeah, I guess I could take it to a animal shelter or something, or some kind of organization that has birds. Does anyone know of anyone on here that fosters a lot of birds and needs food?
  3. Just recently both my cockatiels passed away. One was dealing with crop issues which led to him dieing and the doctor had said that he would never get better. After Titus died, my other cockatiel basiclly starved herself due to stress and when my mom found her she was almost dead. My mom took her to the doctor and she ended up dieing at the hospital.. ;( It was really sad. I had to end up leaving my birds with my parents when I moved out. Anyways... I have a brand new bag of Zupreem Natural Diet http://www.arcatapet.com/fullsize/10011.jpg That I have left over. I also have some Hagen Pellet left over because I moved Calvin to Harrison's. I am not sure if anyone would want it, but I had opened the bag of food, and put it into a Container. I have about 3lbs of it. It is still good. I bought it like 2-3 months ago. http://www.everythingforpets.com/images/prod/9/prop_1_9018.jpg If no one is willing to take them, do you know a place that would take them? I dont want to just throw them out. Thanks for your time guys! Christina and Calvin
  4. Shim101

    About Red Palm?

    I have used palm oil before. Rememeber that a Little bit of the stuff goes a long way. And it doesnt smell that great....
  5. Yeah, Cockatoos can get really loud! I don't know a lot about Cockatoos, but from what I read and heard, they can be a bird that will need a lot of attention and patience. I would go with a Cockatiel or a parakeet. But, they also can make noise.
  6. I would have to agree with jujube. If they were interested in something like that, they would first try to bite it and smash it up before swallowing it. I would be really suprised if your bird would eat it, but you never know. But Yeah, I would take your bird to the doctor. That sounds scary...
  7. Yeah, I have seen that before, but have never used it. If you end up getting it, let us know if that does the trick. But, AG are pretty smart when it comes to if they taste one thing and they really didnt like it, they probably wont go to it again.
  8. Yeah, I have seen that before, but have never used it. If you end up getting it, let us know if that does the trick. But, AG are pretty smart when it comes to if they taste one thing and they really didnt like it, they probably wont go to it again.
  9. Wow!! Good Job Makena! Your a great friend, and I hope we can chat more often!! Congrats!!{Nature-000200A9} Love, Christina and Calvin
  10. You lose all this weight, and people start to look at you like your sick and all they do is shove food in your face and want you to go to the doctor ASAP! Then the doctor says you need to be on fluids and a High Fat diet! Haha! I wish all my credit cards were paid off.
  11. The wedding Singer-Adam Sandler
  12. The wedding Singer-Adam Sandler
  13. I had written a story about Calvin going into the freezer and just loving it. I found a couple pictures of him. lol. Wait, How do you put a picture in one of these topic boxes? If not I will put some pictures of him on my page.
  14. I took Calvin to the doctor on Saturday and he was at 466 grams. He hadn't really eaten just yet. The opointment was early in the morning. The last time I took him to the doctor and it was back in June, he was at 472 grams. Similar weight to everyone elses bird. Thats good!
  15. Well, cement perches don't always work. And I heard that they can't be standing on them for a long period of time. Like there main pearch. I have to take Calvin to the doctor like every other month to get them done. He tends to bite his nails a lot when they get long. I have the doctor do it. She is good at it, and she knows how to handle Calvin. Plus, I dont want Calvin thinking it's me thats doing it. I come in after they are done and kinda "Save the day". Plus, It doesnt cost a lot to get them done...<br><br>Post edited by: Shim101, at: 2007/10/15 07:53
  16. Calvin does that before he jumps from his cage. Either she wants to be with you, or she wants to be somewhere else other then where she is at.
  17. I just started Calvin on Harrison's like a month ago. He has been on Hagen since he was a baby. He seams to like it. He really loves the Harrison's palm oil treats. They are the best. I took Calvin to the vet the other day to get his nails done, and I had told the Doctor I switched him to Harrison's, and it was like she was happy that I switched him over. I am thinking it's the best you could give to your bird.
  18. Those are funny stories.. lol On thing with Calvin was he was talking before I had ever picked him up from the breader. He is SOO Smart. I could name many things that he does, but there are a couple that crack my husband I up so much: Whever we are singing or listening to music, Calvin likes to sing along. He does this "Do,do, do" Thing and like makes up his own tune. On a really hot day, we swing open the freezer door, and have him stand somewhat inside the freezer and he just goes nuts!! He loves it SOO much! He flaps, and flaps...acts like if he was bathing. And he sticks his head way in there and like says something funny. And turns around and puts his butt on something cold. We had him in there for like 10 mins one time. (He isn't in there with the door shut..God forbid)He didnt want to get out. Hahaha! He is So silly! {Feel-good-0002006E}
  19. Thanks everyone for the nice welcome!! Everyone here is so nice! {Feel-good-00020114}
  20. The Village-Jaoquin Phoenix
  21. Thanks guys for your quick responses, and your nice welcome! Yeah, I will try to find more pictures of Calvin. My pictures are on another computer. Yes, I have had Calvin since he was a weaned baby. He was around 5 months when I picked him up. Now he will be 2 in a couple weeks.
  22. My name is Christina and I have a soon to be 2 year old African Grey named Calvin. He is so wonderful and such a good boy. I am down here in California, and look forward to reading and trying my best to help people with there bird situations. Talk to you real soon! -Christina and Calvin
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