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  1. I found out that they have actually been together almost from the beginning! so that makes over 20 years together! :woohoo:
  2. Hello NevJoe! Thanks for that URL! the article was very good. I appreciate it!
  3. I am happy about the situation, I am proud of the fact that they are feeling relaxed and / or able to have a clutch after all they have been through... Here is the conversation I imagine went on BEFORE they decided to add to the FLOCK!: Gracie: Um, Georgie? We've been here for 122 sleeps now and things are going well... George: What are you up to Gracie? Gracie: Well... I was thinking... It's been such a long time since we, umm you know... What do you say? Let's make some EGGS! George: I don't know... what if we end up with green water again, and cages not cleaned, and only seeds and a few peanuts? How can we make strong Shells with no good food? Gracie: Good point! but look, like i said... 122 sleeps, there is always someone making food and we always get some... in fact i don't think i've ever seen the food or treat bowls empty! the "wingless wonder" servant changes the water a few times a day (Sometimes I just want to give it a good nip!)and cleans out our cage whenever it's messy! We even get a nice warm mist shower everyday... George: Hmmm? All very true Gracie Hunny! Ok well if that's what you really want, we will start tomorrow night! It's been so long since we had a wee one or two to take care of... Gracie: George Shhhh! The "Wingless Wonder" is coming... start barking! Maybe it will go away! George: Grrrrrr! WOOF! WOOF!!Grrrr! George & Gracie: What is that?(Nesting Box full of shredded paper and wood shavings!) George: I remember something like that, it wasn't as Grand though... This one is shiny, and it's furnished too! It's a.. a privacy room! Gracie: Do you think it heard us? Do you think it understands everything we are saying? George: Nope! Simply not that smart! Just a lucky guess! If it did understand, it would ship us back to Africa! Gracie: It did move us out of that bad neighbourhood we lived in... I still get scared sometimes... Remember them kicking our cage because we were calling the flock? Or spraying us and soaking the whole house? We couldn't of had wee EGGS and raised them there! George: Or Too many "ITS" coming in the middle of the night shaking us awake, turning on the fake sun, as if we couldn't hear them! I'm still really scared of that! And the shouting! Always shouting! George: That doesn't happen here... We can do it here! Gracie: Yup, That doesn't happen here...We can do it here! Gracie & George: Ok, Here Goes! George: I kind of like the "Wingless Wonder"... Gracie: Me too...And the Sneezer! George: Yup, And the Sneezer! It gives me pineapple! The End! <-- Gracie & George!
  4. Hiya Radar! If I am correct...And all goes well with them, They should start to hatch from Nov. 1st to Nov. 9th!
  5. Thank you NevJoe! We are very eGGsited! I will update as often as i can!
  6. These birds have been a "Couple" for over 20 years... they were raised as breeders, and it is something that comes naturally in captivity or in the wild. It is part of their natural life process... They are happy, relaxed, healthy and doting on those wee eggs... to say I am "breeding" them is incorrect... they are doing what's good for them! Not to mention they have stopped pulling out each others' feathers! :woohoo:
  7. Thank you LoveMyGreys & Nevval! the peeps here are very friendly and welcoming... I love it!
  8. They have been together for at least 10 years that I know of... They get along well... although in their last JAIL Gracie was thoughtful enough to relieve poor George of his head feathers! They are growing in nicely and so are the feathers around her legs... :woohoo: I figure that was from the constant aggravation... They are constantly in the nest box taking care of the eggs and i make sure not to disturb them as much as possible... I noticed they "giggle and chat" with each other alot more now! I think it's so precious! I would like to get them some more toys... and change the ones they have... but one step at a time...
  9. Hello there! Yes Gracie & George are approximately 25 years old... They are both Red Factor birds as well... they seem to be a little larger than the domestic Greys... They have never been handled and were raised strictly as breeders... George is painfully shy... he gets frightened easily... but he's coming around... i can calm him somewhat by whistling or saying hello there Georgie...over and over... Gracie is cheeky... she now comes right up to the caged to get treats... unless it's a peanut she pretends she doesn't like it or want it... but i catch her eating it when i leave... too funny! She will also hang upside down and whistle at me so i come back! Here are a couple of pictures of her a little closer: Thank you for your interest! Please post pics of your grey! B)
  10. hmmm... You can't wait? I am absolutely thrilled! So Is my 16 year old daughter! She calls the birds freaks, especially O'Reilly, because he regurgitates for her... but she really loves them... I catch her giving them peanuts and fruit snacks all the time, O'reilly says "hello O'Reilley" in her sweet little voice... and the Greys imitate her sneezing... It's really funny... Here are pics of the Rest of the "FLOCK"... Father O'Reilly: Enjoying A Home Cooked Meal... And The EVER Entertaining: Farinelli! Taking In A Few Rays Of Sunshine! More to come... And Peeps? Thanks again...
  11. Hello everyone! Thanks for taking the time to welcome me! WOW! I rescued the birds at the beginning of the summer... I figure that since I work from home, I can spend the time with the birds so they are not ever left alone again... I am a Chef and run my own Personal Chef business... I find that the Greys in particular enjoy that as their room is right behind the kitchen! they start giggling and doing elaborate whistles when they know I'm cooking... I've shared many of my meals with them... at first they wouldn't touch anything I gave them, but I persisted and now they have scrambled eggs with a little cheese, tomato or a little fresh salsa... they like salmon, chicken, vegetarian sushi that I make for my clients... I think they really just like the rice and nori, but they eat the vegs too... I will sometimes improvise the sushi and make it with finely cut fruits and chopped nuts! :laugh: Now the "HUMAN" food is kept to a minimum, but they do like it...they also get plenty of sweet potato, corn, peas, pineapple, papaya, noodles( they really like that!)and lots more good stuff! I swear that sometimes I see them doing a Hi 5! Well after almost 3 months I put the nesting box on the greys cage... and the greys have produced some eggs... 4 to be exact! I was shocked... I was told that it isn't surprising because of their new healthy diet and happy surroundings, but Gracie hadn't had a clutch in 4 years and the last on she did have (2 eggs) perished... the woman never followed up on them. I won't get in to all the details here, right now... I'll sort it all out and put up a post just for that! To make people aware how sad & scary the life of some Exotic Birds can be in the hands of socially retarded "Wanna Be Breeders" Now in no way do I think I am a breeder, I AM NOT! A few months of good food, love and some very good luck does not qualify me, to be sure... YEARS of experience will do that! I am just a person who cared too much about the welfare of these wonderful wee birds! I have been doing TONS of research on the hand feeding and raising of wee birds and understand it is not to be taken lightly... I have found a wild bird rescue agency/santuary not too far from where I live and the in-house Vet has agreed to be available to teach me first hand how to feed them! So I am relieved! The Birds seem to like the sunroom they are in alot, as they used to be in a basement with very little natural light... now they rest and wake up with the Sun! Get plenty of fresh Air and hear all kinds of outside noises... mostly other wild birds... the neighbourhood dogs and the little kids from the daycare center next door. That's it for now...
  12. thank you so much for your kind words... I think I did what any well adjusted animal worshipper would have done! :woohoo:
  13. I would like to take a moment to say hello to all and a heartfelt thanks for the warm welcome! I have become the proud new owner of a pair of 2 wild caught African Greys named Gracie & George, a Moluccan Cockatoo named Farinelli, and a Blue Fronted Amazon I call Father O'Reilly! (He HICCUPS all the time!) The help you provide in this forum is awesome! So pat yourselves on back... These awesome birds were rescued by me from a very nasty situation, and I am proud to say they are all looking beautiful, healthy and much happier! I have focused primarily on their diet, which has made a world of difference... they were on basically seeds and some peanuts and often times green water... it was pathetic. When someone went near them they would try to fly and screech in fright! They now giggle, whistle, bark, hiccup, say Harrooooo! like mrs. doubtfire, sneeze like my daughter, say hi Gracie & Hello George, Give us a kiss eh? Hi O'Reilly... and tons of teenage talking under their breath! I AM THRILLED!!! Lots to be said for the Beatles Song: "ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE!" Hmm I think I'll use that as my quote! :woohoo: I'll be adding some pictures later today... Kindest Regards To All...
  14. Thanks for your replies... Much appreciated! Here is a pic of my EGGIES!
  15. hello, i was wondering what the norm was...
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