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Everything posted by GreenT

  1. We've had Cookie now for about a month. Within the first week or two she once said "hello" along with some other garbled talk.. whistles a LOT, but just won't talk anymore. I do try to talk right to her face and across the room to her every time I see her, but wondering what I could be doing wrong? I try to say the same things over and over as well... about 5 statements... but no luck. Has anyone had their grey start to talk later, as they get older? I'm hoping she does start.
  2. Wondering if everyone else has noticed.. when you feel the African Grey's neck (throat area) it feels like a definite bump.. jutting out.. Is this normal? I think it is but just making sure. Cookie is only 7 months so I am sure it isn't anything bad, but making sure that this is normal. Thanks everyone.
  3. Hi, Wow, so many questions here that I have.. We've just gotten Cookie about 3 days ago, but wow, she is young (5 or 6 months), yet she is nippy indeed. When you reach into her cage she growls a bit and then nips at your finger. I try to not really react as I have heard that is best. But she does go on your hand fine. Once I have her on my hand and am holding her she also nips your fingers pretty often. Holds onto them til you turn your hand so she looses her grip. Should I try just putting in her cage right away when she does this? So she learns that when she nips as you are holding her she will simply get put back? She does love coming out of her cage so perhaps she will learn? Thoughts? And what about the growling when you reach in the cage to her does anyone else have that going on?
  4. Hi, Wow, so many questions here that I have.. We've just gotten Cookie about 3 days ago, but wow, she is young (5 or 6 months), yet she is nippy indeed. When you reach into her cage she growls a bit and then nips at your finger. I try to not really react as I have heard that is best. But she does go on your hand fine. Once I have her on my hand and am holding her she also nips your fingers pretty often. Holds onto them til you turn your hand so she looses her grip. Should I try just putting in her cage right away when she does this? So she learns that when she nips as you are holding her she will simply get put back? She does love coming out of her cage so perhaps she will learn? Thoughts? And what about the growling when you reach in the cage to her does anyone else have that going on?
  5. We have a Green Cheeked Conure (that is pretty nippy) so the introduction of our Grey came with pretty open mind when it came to the bites. I did notice that our Gray's bites aren't as hard as the Conure's which sounds funny but true. Also, the best thing to do I have heard is to let them bite and avoid pulling back quickly (so they know that you aren't afraid and their bites don't "control" your action). BUT.. I have to say, I have been more afraid of the bird's size rather than the nips here and there. Their level of "exoticness".. Really of hurting them or of not being able to control her if she climbed up on my shoulder or head which I avoid. Funny you would think I would be more afraid of the small Conure. So far though (4 days now total).. not bad at all. The important thing I keep hearing is to make sure they know you are the boss still and not getting into games where they learn to control you with their antics. Oh.. also.. I guess height is important. If they are constantly higher than you it isn't good and they learn to be dominant. I lowered the top perch of her cage so that she is at least eye level with me at highest point.
  6. We are going to be taking a trip (was already planned a long time ago).. leaving Sat early and back Sunday late. Any tips for making sure our Cookie stays on course and happy while we are gone? We do have a dog, cat, Green Cheeked Conure, hampsters, so will have someone come to feed those other animals. But I wonder if we will find someone with guts to take her out and then sit with her awhile, be able to put her back, etc.? I may have to "train" someone this week and then make sure they come at least two times on Sat. and two on Sunday for us all. Any suggestions? Just that Cookie has only been with us since Thursday. I guess she will have been with us for over a week by the time it hits Sat so that isn't as bad as it could have been.
  7. Thanks DanMcQ, So far, the addition of some towels at the bottom of her cage have "sidetracked" her from the digging a bit as they appear to interest her for some reason. She likes standing on them (though she does it as I type here I just noticed.. :dry: ). Yes, she is flying at 45 degree angle so I think she will be OK.. plus no flight as of this morning. . Now if I can get her to eat more and not back away when I try to get her to perch on my hand we will be doing good.
  8. Thanks Dicky601. I read some of your posts and back and forths about the the same thing. I'm not sure if this version is a nesting instinct issue or if it is her remebering the time when she could get her head out (before we adjusted the tray so it was the higher drop pan that prevents the gap) and she is trying desperately for a repeat experience. BUT, it does sound like others have had similar issues. She is starting to vocalize more.. sort of a loud "sqwak/cluck" every once in awhile. I want to get her to be used to be in the cage though while we are around and not assume we are always going to have her out when we are about. Does Herbie grab on to your finger or back away when you reach to have her perch on your hand? Part of me wonders if the bird we got is the neurotic of the bunch from the store (she was the last to be sold of 3 and took some time to be bought I noticed). Right now she is starting the head pushing again. I just put a towel in to see if that helps. Now that I'm seeing it I definitely think it is related to her just wanting OUT and nothing to do with nesting instinct. She stops when I go up to the cage and comes to the door.
  9. Hi Laurie, Thanks for the reply. The thing that concerns me most is that the sides of her face were getting pink from doing it.. She has been on top now for awhile and mellow as can be though. The areas around her eyes and sides of beak are turning a bit less pink now. But concerned. She also has been "flying" off the top and flopping to the floor today a bit (about 5 times today). I have to take her in tomorrow to be weighed at the store so will ask their opinions too. Wish me luck.. going to try to put her in cage for the night.
  10. OK. I feel crazy writing this so soon, but this is my second day with our Grey and she appears to be acting crazy. We have this one big cage and there was a drawer you were supposed to have inserted at the bottom. We didn't have the drawer in place and so she started sticking her head through the gap and trying to get out. We inserted the drawer in now so she can't do that any more, and it appears that she won't give up trying to get out the same way she was trying before.. she now claws at the corners of the cage floor / wall and keeps pushing her head against the corner where wall meets floor in an attempt to get out. She is fine when she is out of the cage.. sits on the top all quiet and nice but this is making me a nervous wreck as she won't stop. It is almost like she is acting "crazy". What should I do? Just hope she stops after realizing after thousands of attempts that she won't be able to get out? She is young so could this just be an imature trait showing? She is 6 months. HELP!!
  11. I am a brand new African Grey Owner and am wondering how to watch out for signs of "plucking". I don't think she is at all, but I do notice she preens a lot. Can anyone tell me how to make sure (that she is preening and not plucking)? I've heard horror stories and I of course want to know more and what to watch for. Also. On a side note - when do they start getting vocal? She is about 4 - 6 months old right now. This is her second day home and she has been pretty quiet. How and when do they usually start becoming vocal?
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