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  1. OK, I know you guys own a website, and the more hits on it the higher the google ranking, the more member profiles the better its marketability to sell the site someday. I don't care. Yes Frank, i know its not online banking, Frank but havent you ever heard of identity theft? You dont have to be a bank to enable a persons identity to be stolen. Frank, you obviously don't know it, but yes sites do prevent others from reading personal data, ask DanMcq he'll explain it to you): For everyone to see, here is Frank Venutos ............. I, FairY, have removed this. Private Messages are PRIVATE MESSAGES. You as feeling so concerned about privacy should know that best. It takes some ethics to know the rules for behavior on the internet. Placing PRIVATE MESSAGES on a public forum is crossing those rules, and I don't agree with those.<br><br>Post edited by: FairY, at: 2007/12/31 11:21
  2. FairY, THAT IS REALLY LAME. To dump it off on the member is really irresponsible. You know perfectly well, and so does Dan, that they do not realize it. I feel you are obligated to be more portective of your members' private information. If not (and obviously you dont care) then, why in the heck should I participate on this forum.There are many other forums. I will not be on this one any longer. As I asked before, please remove my registration. Obviously, you did not take me seriously. As long as I can still log in, you have denied my request to remove me from this forum. I want to be removed now please do it.
  3. Okay, I'm not done this really irritates me. I am recommending some changes that I think should be made to this website design, asap. Please notify the website owner and website editor AT ONCE, I'm perfectly serious about this: You need to advise all members to remove their personal data from the profile, and notify them properly that anyone can see it, anywhere in the world. I would send everyone an email now. I think you really need to reformat the personal information page, so that only the user can access it; and only they can allow their 'buddies' or anyone they choose to see it. (However, even if you do that, you are making yourself very liable should a buddy become a stalker.) I really do not see why you need to have member's addresses or phone numbers. Are you planning to send us Christmas Cards? Because, I didn't get one, but then I didn't put my address on there, either. Really, I mean be sensible, if a member gets friendly with another member it is up to them to exchange such person information, that way you are not liable for anything happening to them or their personal identity information. I think the website owner is taking a really big liability here, and the website owner could be sued. I am sorry, but again, I have worked for an International ISP and two phone companies, and I also worked in Internet Security for the HackerSafe people. Please take these suggestions as helpful critique and don't be defensive about it. I am offering you valuable advice and won't send a bill. On the up side, it is a beautiful website and I love the flexibility, the tools, format and members, most are great. Thanks for letting me play. Unfortunately, until such changes are made, I don't think I am comfortable associating here for obvious professional reasons. Sorry. I really enjoy the forum. I need to sleep on this one. Joanne
  4. Attention Everyone: Somebody is probably going to get very upset with me, but I am sorry, there is something very wrong with this website. I have noticed that you ask for address and phone numbers on the member's profiles. Does everyone realize that the site administrators do not provide any security of that information? It is totally unprotected. All you have to do is pull up this website, you don't even have to be logged in--or a member. You can click on anyone's name you see listed on a topic on the bottom half of the home page, or where there name shows as Who's Online over on the right. It will pull up their Profile and display all of their Personal Information, if they were foolish enough to place it there in a public forum. Sorry guys, but I have an MS in Technology Management (telecommunications) and worked for an ISP for several years. This is reallly bad but if I didn't say something, I wouldn't be worth the paper my $60,000 degree is printed on. You may revoke my privileges for writing this, but who in the heck is running this thing? Shame shame! Don't you guys know that there are bad people out there, and anyone can register here, anyone can just happen along and find this site (as I did) and steal personal information to create fake identities; or, they can notify bird thieves who support a very large black market for stolen exotic birds, and they especially like the ones who talk. You simply must protect the personal information of your members, I am very disappointed. This data should be encrypted. If you don't like hearing this from a woman, just ask danmcq. He'll know, I am very sure. Joanne aka birdmom PS: and no, I am not trolling. I am serious. This is a problem you should take very seriously before it jeopardizes the website or results in irreparable harm to any of your registered members.<br><br>Post edited by: birdmom, at: 2007/12/30 09:02
  5. To: birdmom Subject: From: Frank V (CeasarsDad) Add to Address Book Add Mobile Alert Date: Sun, 30 Dec 2007 22:33:13 +0000 This is a bird forum for christ sake. Not your online banking. Give me a break. You have got to be kidding me. Tell me your joking. NO SITE blocks others from reading your profile. This is an open forum. NOT A SECURE ONE Don't make demands on me OK. Because if you do I will NEVER remove your data and I will tell the other admins to do the same. Now you have ruffled the wrong feathers CD (CeasarsDad) Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry -----Original Message----- From: birdmom Date: Sun, 30 Dec 2007 14:25:14 To:Frank V (CeasarsDad) Subject: Frank, Please read my post on Very Lame Security of Personal Information. Remove my profile and access at once. This request is not negotiable: Please, second request. I cannot be associated with such lame security. I will be testing it to see if I can log in. Until I cannot log in, I will continue to request u remove me. I feel your non-secure approach to member personal data is very lame. I dont even wanna hear lame things like, well they dont have to fill it in. Most people assume when they register that only another registered member could view this. That way at the very least if a crime was committed against them, the authorities could obtain an identity and location of another person via traceroute, from anyone registered on this site who was communcating with a member thru emails. Remove my profile and access at once. Even if you are going to fix it, I dont really like the way you guys work. This request is not Negotiable.<br><br>Post edited by: birdmom, at: 2007/12/31 00:55
  6. Good for you! BIG KUDOS to you for giving the guy a home!!! I also have a Grey that is between 4 and 5 that I've only had since April. It may take six months for him to settle in. Be patient and let him tell you what his pace is. A grey will pick his favorite person, and then later, it could change but keep talking to him, that's great! I would tell him you love him every day Also, I think playing a radio really loosens them up. You can try to get him to be himself and relax You'll be fine. If he is biting you, just don't react loudly but if its just a nibble, no big deal,he's just testing you ignore that. But if he really bites and you bleed, you must correct that with a firm NO, and then you have to ignore them, they want attention and a big reaction is attention. If biting becomes a problem some of us use a timeout cage. It worked with Charlie, only took 3 or 4 times in the timeout cage. You may want to cover his cage with an extra table cloth at night if you don't have anything else, he'll feel more secure. I use an old drapery panel on one cage, just make sure its been washed. And if you can, buy him some toys. If you can't right away, some of use use a new roll of T.P. for them to chew up I just set it on top of the cage, they tear at it thru the top, or just put the empty roll up there. Well I hope this helps you and Good luck! Joanne Post edited by: birdmom, at: 2007/12/30 04:31<br><br>Post edited by: birdmom, at: 2007/12/30 04:39
  7. Sure! Please let me know what kind of paint pan u get, okay? I need to go get one also I am using a corning ware casserole dish that has a little lip on the edge but Charlie tries to flap his wings in there and they hit the sides. You know what.... my humidifier had hard water mineral deposits on it from the water in Denver. I am told that putting white vinegar in it will make it come off but havent had time to try it. Anyway, I am putting water in it after the water is filtered thru my Britta in hopes I won't get any more crud in the humidifer, not too sure about that.....
  8. Hi Deb, okay here is that article that tells how Greys natually bathe in the wild ..(by Donna Hefton): its at http://www.netpets.org/birds/reference/behavioral/gryart.html It basically says that where they come from gets over 100" of rain per year. In Denver, you get none. So you need that humidifier on every day. Its helping me here and I'm in Cali.. Buddi didn't pluck when I lived in Denver; however, I always had the humidifer on, because Karen told me to. joanne PS: KatB is right, I posted a new topic a month ago called Water Party in Ice Water. In fact just yesterday I saw Charlie trying to play in his water dish, so I set the big casserole dish in his cage with newspapers underneath and threw a toy in the water. He jumped right down there and played in it for half an hour, then he had enuf and went back up on his perch. Hang in there Deb! Someone told me to go buy a brand new paint pan, those ones at the hard ware store, they are angled and rectangular, and you pour paint in it to dip your brush in? they also have little treads on them so the bird can grip it, and since they're angled, they can work their way down however deep they want. Some of them are pretty heavey duty plastic. Try putting in on the bathroom floor with about two inches of water and a towel under it and throw her plastic toys in there? You can always put some aloe in the water.<br><br>Post edited by: birdmom, at: 2007/12/29 22:08
  9. Hey Deb, You know waht I read an article last week, it said that greys in the wild do not bathe the way many other Parrots bathe. Like Amazons, who love showers. It said they watched the Greys perch and they bathe by going out on the branch of their tree when its raining. The greys would just go out until they got wet enuf, they didn't flap their wings like other Parrots do. Then they'd go back under the branches of the trees after they got wet enuf. I think the humidity in their natural environment may be quite high. My humidifier is helping Buddi R u still using it? I'll try to find that article for you. joanne ps, I wouldn't personally make her if she is that upset. Just put her on a perch in the bathroom while you shower and try it for a month. Maybe she will decide its not so bad on her own.<br><br>Post edited by: birdmom, at: 2007/12/29 21:31
  10. hi KatB, good for you! yes I too use flaxseed oil, I put it onto their cooked food and I also dice up walnuts. It's all the Omega 3/ Omega 6 fatty acids. I also put ground flax seeds in to their oatmeal. joanne ps, its good for people too, I enjoy the nutty taste it give the oatmeal. cheers!
  11. U r welcome! I am very sorry for you. We try so hard to make it all safe but sometimes they do get ill and it can come as a surprise. Maybe it was a space heater? They sometimes have teflon coating in them. I am sure its not your fault, these things happen, You gave him a good home while you could. I am sure he loved you. Well do let us know what they find, please? And don't forget, if it wasn't the environment, you can always safely clean his old cage using bleach/water, and all the toys too, u can put those in the dishwasher to sterilize them, and then you can adopt a little grey who needs a home. joanne
  12. welcome, dave looking forward to hearing more from Liverpool, my grandmother came from Liverpool. joanne
  13. That's exactly why I eat so much fish Dan..(ask Mario how many times a week I eat salmon. lucky for my fids, they like salmon too! We have a variety here, salmon, catfish, tuna....yummmmmmy! Not to mention my love for sushi! Dan, you're right like Bill Walton of the LA Lakers, his injuries took a long time to heal but there's always the fish market.... and some people have a little garden in their yard u know? (ps: I get your point but really dan, do you honestly believe all those poor veggies and fruits possess cognitive reasoning and/or sensory feelings? LOL I don't remember from biology class fruits and veggies have cerebral matter and a central nervous system... okay enuf already!) :whistle: joanne
  14. LOL he's happy to be inside with you joanne
  15. Hi, An afterthought, my Buddi has stopped plucking her tummy since introducing Red Palm Oil, misting with Aloe two times a week and letting her shred every toilet paper roll I finish. She still plucks a bit on her neck but its much better. I attribute some of the improvements to the red palm and aloe, and keeping her beak busy with other things. I also put her cage back where she has a birds eye view of the entire place, shes right in the middle of all the connecting rooms...she can see the living room, kitchen and down the hallway from where she is. I think she feels safer there, less anxiety. Well this is whats currently working here. Good luck and welcome! joanne
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