Dorian and I have started sitting on the front porch for fresh air again now that the weather permits it. This week we had a couple of really cute moments with kids. The first one was with a little boy about 5 yrs old and his caretakers. He's got some obvious developmental delays, and I don't think he really walks. They bring him around in a stroller. I called out to them as they were passing by and asked if they thought he would like to see a parrot. They said yes, so I took Dorian down to the sidewalk. The little boy, Maverick, was fascinated, especially when Dorian started making noises. He would make a noise and Maverick would let out a big belly laugh and point, which would make Dorian vocalize more . . . They had a good 5 minute visit before they moved on.
Then a couple of days later my neighbour asked if his 10 yr old son could come over for a visit. Kevin only has Mason every other week. He's met Dorian before, but when he was very young, so probably didn't remember it. Mason was full of questions. He was just a babe in arms when I moved here. Now he's a very active boy's boy. Hates school, loves hockey, and is a real animal lover. All in all we had a lovely visit. Maybe when he's a little bit older I can train him to look after Dorian in emergencies. When he was leaving he told me he'd be back to visit again if he saw I had Dorian with me. He's obviously just tolerating the grown up human to get birdy access, but that's ok with me lol.