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  1. I am leaving the grey forum, and stepping down as moderator of the Training Room. I would like to thank you all for all I have learned and the fun I have had here;) . Siobhan
  2. What a great competition. Thank you for all the super entries and for a record number of votes. Well there can only be one winner, or in this case 2 winners!!! We had a tie for first place with cflanny and digitalfeather coming first... And cflanny also coming third! Well done to both of you
  3. Congratulations!! Thats great news that "he" is settling in so well:). I like Skye... but names are such a personal thing... just let us know when you have decided
  4. Congratulations Carolyn. I am sure you will do a terrific job
  5. SOunds like my caique with my husband! Iron bars wont keep him from attacking him:P Who knows what triggered it, it could well be something in his past, but I think you are right to hide it from him.
  6. If you cant tell if he is afraid of the toy or just playing with it, I would err on the side of caution and keep it from him. There is no point in scaring him unnecessarily and he has lots of other toys that he does enjoy.
  7. They are gorgeous photos Frank. I love the detail you get into your pictures. One day I will invest in a decent camera and you can give me lessons:P
  8. He is really beautiful isnt he? And my favourite is the mouth open wide one too I have done the relocation thing across the Atlantic Ocean (and back again) and I know exactly what you mean. Life will settle in a new normality for you soon I hope! Siobhan
  9. A CAG is a Congo African Grey, it is a larger bird, black beak and bright red tail. A TAG is a Timneh African Grey, it is slightly smaller than a CAG, has a bone coloured beak and a maroon coloured tail. Speech wise, and personality I dont believe there is much in the difference between the two, they are both highly intelligent and beautiful birds Siobhan
  10. Hi Jocelyne, Welcome to the grey forum. I hope you will post lots of pictures of your birds here We love pictures! Siobhan
  11. There has been a terrific response to this contest both in the number of entries and in the number of votes! I shall leave the voting open for another couple of days in case anyone has yet to vote. Remember it only takes a second and anyone can vote even those of you who prefer not to post to the forum;) We have some brilliant entries and it is a tribute to those who have entered that the response has been so high! So this is your last chance to vote if you havent alreadyB)
  12. Oh she is adorable I had a couple of lutinos chicks in a clutch recently. They are sooo pretty Is that just the light or has she got some red in her wing???
  13. Whew! Lucky for him he was a boy, cos a girl called Ernie might take some explaining:laugh: He is a beauty, I love his dark eyes;) Siobhan
  14. Hi Slurms, Welcome to the grey forum! I'm afraid your brother is partly right in calling you a wuss;) If his grey knows you are afraid of her, and that you will pull your hand away when she bites, she will bite to get you to remove your hand! You do need to stick with it if you want her to step up. There are lots of threads here about teaching your grey to step up, and on biting. Just use the search box at the top of the screen to find them. You can interact with her without actually picking her up though. Even talking to her, or playing with a foot toy with her will keep her amused.
  15. That is so funny! She knows exactly what peek a boo means too doesnt she? Another example of how clever greys are;)
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