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Everything posted by Nychsa

  1. Hi Dan, Thank you for your response. And also thank you for your service in helping the Dobbie's - beautiful animals! Rescue organizations can work well if remains about the welfare of the animals. As for my poor partner - it's almost ironic, he was the one who introduced me to the idea of inviting birds into my life. That was a couple of years ago. He's always been a big bird fan. Then I started corresponding frequently with a rescue Aviary that was part of the Buddhist temple I often visit. That's when I became aware of the plight of these fabulous animals. Finally, one day my hounds and I were at a pet store, and Jiggy, my conure was doing everything in his power to get my attention, and he did, I simply couldn't leave him there, and so plunked down a grand to get him and everything he needed to get out of there and move in with me LOL It's actually too bad my partner didn't meet Bella before he met Jiggy, becuase Jiggy is a little devil - he is fearless, bold and believes the world is his to conquer and he bites (including me sometimes!). So, my poor partner actually got beyond his fears and tried to offer Jiggy a lift on his finger one day (Jiggy was on the floor chirping around like a mad-man) and Jiggy promptly took a chunk out of his finger! My parnter did not see that coming and he's now worried if Bella did that, he'd be missing a finger - well, it may end up being a situation where he won't become part of their flock, and will just be an amusing visitor. He does talk to the birds all the time, and he does give them treats and runs LOL!. Jiggy thinks he's a taxi and dive bombs him every now and then, landing on his shoulder (and of course my partner then yelps for me to get him off). Never a dull moment!!! Cheers! Terri
  2. Ziggy, After my initial reaction to your post, I realize do want to respond - in particular, I'd like to share why what you wrote rang so offensively with me: Many rescue organizations, particularly within the greyhound community have viriliant, pontificating, soap box loving members who absolutely take as their primary responsibility the duties of imposing their "superior" animal loving morality on to prospective greyhound families. This has had a toxic effect in the greyhound rescue community as prospective families do not appreciate being condenscended to, and made to feel as if they needed to defend themselves for simply wanting to rescue a greyhound! I too wanted to cry when I was at the vet and this lovely lady with a Dobby sat down next to me and admired my hounds and said she so badly wanted to rescue one, but she was treated so badly by the rescue organization, she couldn't bring herself to deal with these people - she rescued a Dobby instead. Did you know 20,000 greyhounds each year are put down simply because they can't perform on the track and no homes are avaialbe for them?? How do you like that statistic! And when self righteous rescue people turn off potential adopters with a pontificating and condenscending attitude, my heart breaks - because one more greyhound is sentanced to death because some jerk has to feed his/her ego by pretending to have the ultimate lease on being an animal lover. I am a VIRILIANT advocate for the hounds and when ever I encounter this kind of approach, I think I resemble my Bella CAG with my hair standing up the way she raises her feathers when I try to sweep up her food droppings around her! And your post reminded me TOO much of these people who run around putting everyone on the defensive. This board thus far has been a fabulous experience. The people here thus far have had open hearts, and minds and are wonderful in terms of sharing their resources and their knowledge. People will only take advantage of that if they feel they have a safe environment in which to ask. If you start pontificating away at people, you will turn people away, and who knows what happens to the animals then! I won't be turned away because of what you would write to me, but someone else who is less feisty may just simply leave and never return to ask those critical questions that may save a bird's life. I'm done with my soap box, do you want to use it for a while? LOL! Terri
  3. Bella's latest thing is saying "I don't know" when every you ask her something LOL! She also hangs upside down and attacks her toys, but she growls fiercely at them - you'd think she was wrestling a tiger!
  4. Hi there Judy, I think the way this is going to play out is that my partner will give them treats and enjoy them from afar (he loves watching them when he's sitting at the kitchen table). But, I think his fear is too deep seated and he won't touch them for some time to come. Jiggy is such a little Devil he jumps on them! As for Ziggy's advice - I didn't read that as advice, I read that as a rant. My partner and I are animal lovers who go well out of our way to take care of the animals. He would NEVER deny the birds their place in this house, and I deeply resented the patronizing and condenscending tone of Ziggy's post insinuating I needed that kind of "lecture". I've spent most of my life rescuing animals, and granted today - I focus mainly on greyhounds and now birds. In that past that included wolves through programs that I was involved in at Duke University. I don't need someone ranting and raving at me. R/Terri
  5. Ziggy, That certainly was a mouthful. I'm not sure why you wrote that in response to my post as what you describe is about as far removed from who I am as it can get. I'm not really going to respond to this any further as I don't have a need to defend who I am or who my partner is. R/N
  6. Hi Dan! Thank you for the recommendations - the problem is my partner is uneasy about touching the birds. He's afraid he'll get bitten - he's particularly worried about Bella's beak. He watched some Macaws one time tear up a 2 by 4 and since then he's had a very healthy respect of a Parrot's bitting power. It doesn't help that he read up on all things African Greys when I first brought Bella home, and one of the articles he read was the amount of power behind their bite. To me this is such an incredible concern because Bella is by far the most docile creature I've ever lived with! Even when she lets Jiggy have it, she does so with such restraint. He does give them treats, particularly Bella, but she can tell by his body language that he is doing so with great trepidation (heck I can tell by his body language!) and she plays on that. While my partner doesn't live here, he's here every other week for one week. The dogs view him as part of the "pack" and I think he was hoping the birds would accept him too. He really likes birds, he just doesn't want to have physical contact with them! Thanks again for the feedback - we can get him to feed them, but pick them up - hmmm.. I think that won't work. Cheers! Terri
  7. Yeah!!! good thoughts and prayers to little Soldier, and to you Tracy for your strength and compassion. Cheers! Terri
  8. These stories of these poor animals are just incredible. It really makes you wonder what is wrong with people and how they can be so devoid of compassion. Thanks for sharing. Regards Terri
  9. Well,the birds certainly have changed the dynamics of our household here and I'm afraid my partner is drawing the short end of the stick :huh: While his concerns were around Bella becoming too attached to me, I think his new concerns may be that the birds - collectively - have defined what the flock is and he's not in it! :ohmy: While watching TV together, with Bella cuddling with her head under my chin, my conure, Jigme (aka Jiggyman)who always likes to stir the pot, decided he was going to try to chase my partner off the couch my sneaking up on him by way of the back of the couch, jumping up on him and biting his ear. I recommended to my partner he scootch Jiggy along with his hand and push him back to me. As he raised his hand over Jiggy, my sleeping beauty Bella all of a sudden let out a fierce growl clearly letting him know he better not touch Jiggy! So, while Jiggy and Bella fuss all day long, nipping at each other's tails, she defends him if someone "outside" the flock tries to touch him! Does anyone have a sense of how something like this turns out - in other words, do you think my partner has a chance of becoming accepted as a "flock member" one of these days? Terri
  10. Hi Birdmom! Very nice to meet you and that is great news that your birdie girl is starting to do better. Look forward to hearing about your flock! Cheers! Terri
  11. Ooooh do let me know what you got and how he likes his new toys. Have fun!!!!! Looking forward to hearing from you!!
  12. Nychsa


    Hi there Kat! Good job re: Oliver!!! Yeah!! Well - Bella goes on command, and I thought since she tells Jiggy "no, no, no" when he bites I figured she knows what "no" means, so she was on my shoulder and I decided to tell her "no poop poop" hoping she'd make the connection of the two words. Well, she looked at me when I said 'poop poop' and I could see in her eyes this "yes! I know what poop poop means" and bam! She got me on the shoulder! So, "no poop poop" isn't making the cut yet LOL. But, She's only 7 months old, so I'll be patient and we'll try that one when I'm sure she knows what "no" means. Her latest line is "I don't know". I'll ask her something and she'll say "I dont' know" LOL! Then Jiggy nipped her through the cage and she nipped back jerking her head up and hitting her noggen on the cage and she said "what the hell!" And I thought oops, I better what what I'm saying!!! Cheers! Terri
  13. Hi there Tracy! Soldier is a perfect name and thank you for sharing the photo. Bella and I will be with you in our thoughts and heart. Cheers! Terri
  14. LOL She likes the number 1. I don't leave that toy in her cage as it has a battery and I think she should only play with it when I'm around. Yes!! The Baby section is awesome for the Greys! I saw all kinds of things that would delight Bella, and really challenge her and help her learn. Jiggy, my conure is getting on good with the toys too. If it weren't for Bella, he wouldn't be doing this well as he is by far not as curious and socialized as she is. He is very suspicious of anything new and attacks it first. But he can't stand it if she's involved with something, so he gets in on it dropping his suspicion. I think that is awesome! Cheers! Terri
  15. Thank you Spooky! Good Karma is always a welcome event!!
  16. judygram wrote: Judy, they really area wonderful - Bella is now 7 months, but I'm still in contact with them. The love they have for the birds really makes all the difference in socialization I think. They only work with one breeder where they get the hatchlings and they've been working with her for some 15 years from what I understand. They do keep the large MaCaws in a separate space, but the Amazons, Greys and Conures are in the same space and it is a riot in there! One of the Amazon's picked up Kathy's "no bit" command so when one of the new ones nipped the Amazon would say "oh, oh, oh! No Bite now!" LOL!
  17. Hi there Steve! Bella was fully weaned at 4.5 months and that's when I picked her up. Bella is very loving, and very curious about everything. She is very easy to teach because she is so curious about everything. She was well socialized with other birds (I have a conure as well) because Kathy and Karen let the birds interact with each other in the avairy. So, when I brought Bella home she didn't try to pick a fight with Jiggy (Jiggy was the one spoiling for a fight, but he figured out her beak might not be something to mess around with LOL!). Bella had been taught "no bite" and "step up" on to a stick so that made life a good deal easier for me. She already started talking at Kathy and Karen's and of course she jabbers away now. I had a travel carrier when I picked her up. But Kathy and Karen sell supplies too that you can pick up there. They will also stay in contact with you and help with any transitional issues. Let me know if you need any thing else. Cheers! Terri
  18. Steve, They do ship their birds. it looks like they have one grey weaned right now. I think that was one of the babies they just received from the breeder when I picked up Bella - they are adorabe. Kathy and Karen (the breeders) work with one breeder who sends the hatchlings to Kathy and Karen for hand feeding and socialization. The socialization with Kathy and Karen is the biggest value in my mind. They have such a genuine love for these birds that birds really have an excellent chance of becoming very well socialized. Good Luck! Terri
  19. Greetings everyone! Well the talking telephone I bought for Bella and Jiggy is a total hit as well as the woden bead maze (the beads are about .5 inches, so they are nice and large). Bella has figured out how to get the phone to talk (and I'm going to be regretting this soon LOL!) and she seems to like to press the number 1 constantly. I think I'll keep it in numbers mode as I don't think switching it to learning colors would enhance what she's learning. Bella's interest in the new toys has helped Jiggy overcome his desires to simply attack them and he's now actually trying to play with the beads as well. I really enjoy how they learn from each other. Jiggy watched Bella open one of her screw top toys to get the walnut treats, and now he's doing it as well. In fact, he was able to open the treasure box with the keys after watching Bella do it. Watching them learn and explore their world is such a joy! (I think - I've been hearing the phone say the number 3 now for the past half hour LOL!)
  20. Hi, I actually flew with my Conure (this was before I had my grey) on U.S. Airways. They charged me extra for him, but I was allowed to bring him into the cabin and put him under the seat in front of me in his travel carrier. My understanding is other airlines permit this as well. The only bump in the process was I had to take him out of the carrier during TSA screening and he was a bit freaked out and bit the petudies out of my finger. So, on the return flight I put the aviator harness on him so when we went through security screening again, I was able to control him much better when he was out of the cage. Other then that, he slept as soon as the plane was in the air. Good Luck! Terri
  21. Hi there Lovie! You know we were wondering of Bella prefers women over men - but when my son in law was here he was really the only other person to establish a connection with her and she even sat on his shoulder, which was VERY surprising for all of us! So, it doesn't seem to be a male/female thing - maybe she recognized a fellow aviator in my son-in-law - he's a pilot LOl!
  22. Hi there Tracy! Yes, Bella has tested the waters a bit as far as seeing if I'm the boss - we have on going debates around the window shades and why they are not toys. Sometimes I have to put her in her cage for a little time out when she's playing that game with me LOL!
  23. A beautiful baby! Congrats! I'm sure you're very eager to bring him/her home.
  24. Stuaz, One thing I found out when I got Bella was that there is a huge difference between vets as it relates to bird care. My understanding is, essentially if a vet calls him/herself an avian vet, all that really means is they are willing to see birds. I learned that to get a vet who is specialized in bird care, one needs to find a board certified avian vet. Here is a link to a site that might be able to help you find one : www.birdsnways.com/birds/vets.htm I got lucky and it turned out there is a top notch board certified avian vet right down the road from me! His office has pictures all over with him holding owls, eagles, falcons, and of course parrots. He has a genuine love of birds and gives me great tips for keeping my bird's lives interesting. Good luck! Terri
  25. I looked on eBay for cages initially and found a number of very nice and reasonably priced cages - ultimately I ended up getting mine from www.birdcages4less.com. Bella's is 32 X 22 X 67 with playtop and cost $299.00
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