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  1. Hi everyone I cant believe its been 15 months since i got my lovely bird. For those who dont know,he came to stay here while his owner was on holiday for a week. When he went home with his owner after a week here,he wouldnt settle and bit his owner frequently. The owner asked if i would like him permanantly,of course i agreed because the bird loved being with me. So here we are 15 months later and my African grey is well happy here.Hes out of his cage for hours everyday. Although im his favourite,he will happily play and be stroked by my wife and kids too.. He even enjoys mimicking my german shepherds and barks at them lol. Happy days indeed.. Merry Christmas to all. Kind Regards Spikester
  2. Hi all and a Happy New Year! Just a quick update on `Leo`. Hes now been renamed Alfie by me and knows his new name lol. Ive learned a lot in the last few months and grown even closer to my new buddy. Hes an absolute star,great company and has moods just like anyone else. By mistake ive found out that he loves dancing and singing to The Bare necessities from Jungle Book lol.I get everyone to sing along and dance and he just loves it.. Hes a bit of a glutton and will eat anything out of my mouth,especially if ive chewed it (YUK LOL):sick: then sometimes repays the favour with his regurgitated seeds and nuts. Ive had no internet access for ages but now im reconnected will take some pics of him and post them up If i call him a good boy he nods at me and if i tell him off he tuts. I cant believe how well we have bonded in such a short space of time. He loves me to bits and can mimic me perfectly saying hello.Knows my ringtone (mobile phone) and delights in copying me if i burp (sorry but its comical) Happy days indeed .. Spikester
  3. Hi all Leo is settling very well here. He`s still mad to see me and loves me. Every night hes on my shoulder and happy. He likes crisps but i wont let him have many..LOL he loves chicken even spicy stuff. Sweetcorn on the cob he loves too. Is it just me or do they look like they have a balaclava on. Anyways hes way happy here with me and the family,but deffo loves me more than anyone. If im in the room he makes a beeline for me and kisses my face. Spikester
  4. Hi Judy Your right,im really lucky to have him here. Hes an absolute star and has been having fun tonite with me playing games with him and being covered in shells from his nuts lol. Hes been out with me for 5 hours and weve had a great time chatting. He nearly fell asleep on me earlier when i was stroking his head. So back to his bigger cage he went.. I will post some pics tomorrow when ive charged the camera batteries. I definately think it was fate and he was destined to be here. Sorry if i ruin the pics but hes happiest on me. Is it just me or does it seem strange to have a bird sooo close to your face when you talk. I was a tad worried at first,im used to it a bit now but hes very close to my face and eyes and nods when i do LOL
  5. Hi everyone my wife works for the RSPCA here in uk. A stray african grey was handed in and when no one came forward to claim it,it was offered for adoption. Being the dutiful wife that she is,she asked me that night if i would like one to be a part of the family. As we have a German shepherd dog and a cat (but a large house)i agreed that it might be fun to have a bird too but great responsability too.I like to think things over.. Anyways,that next day she said that one of her collegues had took the parrot and was delighted. She was really sad that she had missed out,i told her not to worry,that it wasnt meant to be etc.. Nearly 4 months later,the colleague who had got the bird was due to go on holiday. Noone was able to look after the parrot so my wife offered to have him for 1 week. I wasnt impressed.Bird droppings everywhere i thought,squarking,feathers etc.. Well how wrong was i? what a lovely bird,we got him home and he was a bit quiet at first.After a day or two he was singing and blowing kisses etc and very entertaining. By the end of day 2 we decided to let him out for a stretch of his wings etc. This was really comical,he decided to land on my head over and over and over. So we thought that he liked my head,the best was yet to come,he was happy to stay on my arm,shoulder,head in fact anywhere as long as it was near me.I was quite shocked but talked to him and whistled to him.He seemed really happy and took a real shine to me,i also enjoyed his attention. So 1 week later hes my best buddy,happy to see me and im happy to see him.Hes excited when i come into the room and will happily sit and eat from my mouth with nuts grapes etc.. All is going well until.... Yes its time for him to go back to his owners-im soo sad,gutted.{Feel-bad-0002006A} This is a really bad time for me. I miss him greatly.. Three weeks later,my wife is outside and says that ive a visitor. Yes there he is my mate Leo the parrot,apparently his owners say he has been depressed and biting them and not himself since they have been back so hs better off with us :woohoo: So hes been back with me for 2 days and hes happy as larry.singing and dancing when i enter the room and on my shoulder whenever im with him LOL. He loves me to stroke and tickle him and mimics me all the time. Hes well happy here and im sooo pleased hes back
  6. I looked after my wifes friends African Grey when she went on holiday. The bird took an instant like to me and would come to me when the cage was open. What a lovely bird,he(she i dont know) is now with me because the owners said that shes narky now they are back. what a happy bird now. he she? loves me and is well happy here.
  7. Hi everyone My wife works for the RSPCA in England and we have ^aquired^ an african Grey Parrot lol It seems to love me and stays with me. Im a 43 yr old male. The Parrot will mimic me and loves to be stroked by me. Does this mean its female? its a lovely bird and likes to share my dinner LOL. It likes grapes and eveything that i eat LOL its a lovely bird but seems obsessed by me.Im ok with that because i think he (she)is lovely too.Just worried that i may be wrong by giving my undived attention. advice would be most welcome..
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